Studying environmental engineering...

What does an environmental engineer do? You can find more information opens an external URL in a new window Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, TU Wien

The Environmental Engineering degree programme does not only deal with isolated technical solutions, but trains environmental engineers who can recognise, analyse and solve complex problems in the context of people, the environment and technology. This requires an interdisciplinary approach, which is promoted by the fact that a wide range of faculties at TU Wien contribute to the programme with their courses. The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation and the Faculty of Technical Chemistry, opens in new window are leading the way

The interdisciplinary education in the field of environmental engineering enables graduates to take on environmental agendas and responsibility for sustainable resource use and cycle closure in the private and public sector. Career opportunities exist in water management, resource management, air pollution control, climate protection, environment-related geoinformation and environmental engineering. They are prepared to take on responsibility in management positions at home and abroad in their professional lives.

They work in industrial and commercial companies, civil engineering offices and planning companies, but also as project developers, at supply and disposal companies, builders and operators of energy or water infrastructure plants, environmental inspection bodies, financial service providers and insurance companies, various specialised departments of the federal government, provinces and municipalities, environmental laboratories and research institutes.

The following job profiles provide an overview of possible fields of activity for environmental engineers (in German):

Furthermore, there is the possibility of freelance self-employment as a civil engineer, opens an external URL in a new window (consulting engineer for environmental engineering).
The bachelor's and master's degree programmes in environmental engineering at the TU Wien form the legal basis for the civil engineer examination, opens an external URL in a new window. After passing the civil engineer examination, one can obtain a professional licence, which entitles one to provide planning, testing, monitoring, consulting, coordinating, mediating and fiduciary services in the entire field of expertise, in particular to take measurements, to prepare expert opinions, to professionally represent before authorities and public bodies, to organise and commercially manage projects, and to take on overall planning contracts, provided that important parts of the work belong to the field of expertise of the civil engineer. The "entire field of expertise" is determined by the specific curriculum or the courses completed during the degree programme.

Environmental engineering can be studied by anyone who is interested in technical and scientific processes and the solution of complex tasks.

The prerequisite is a university entrance qualification (Matura or similar).