Research spectrum of the institutes
Strength of materials and Biomechanics
- Strength of materials: homogenization theory, scaling methods for inelastic systems, molecular mechanics, power principles, structural theories, numerical methods (finite elements, finite volumes), strength theories for concrete and wood, micro- and nanoscopic experiments for elasticity and strength determination
- Biomechanics: Bone, tendons, arteries, implant materials, DNA; quantitative analysis of imaging (computed tomographic) techniques in medicine; mathematical systems biology, mechanobiology; epidemiology
Structural Simulations and Timber Engineering
- Mechanical simulation of structures across multiple length scales
- Material modelling of wood, wood products, bio-composites, fired clay, and brick products
- Development and application of computational concepts for complex orthotropic material systems
- Computational modeling in timber engineering
Structural Analysis and Experimental Mechanics
- Structural analysis: theory (derivation of structural theories using fundamental power principles) and applications in the context of multi-scale structural analysis (concrete hinges, tunnel linings, pavement structures, etc.).
- Experimental Mechanics: Development of innovative experimental methods both in the laboratory and the field, as the basis for multi-scale modeling of materials and structures.
Building Materials
- Materials research/materials technology, materials testing, construction chemistry and building restoration, focus on: concrete technology, UHPC, geopolymers
- Structural fire protection, fire simulations and modelling, computational science in fire
- Sustainability of building materials and recycling
Building Physics
- Safety concepts and service life prognosis for the planning of components and buildings
- Simulation and measurement methods for room acoustics, building acoustics and environmental noise prediction
- Virtual cities for sustainable and energy-efficient development of the built environment
Ecological Building Technologies
- Simulation and metrological investigation, optimisation and development of ecological materials and constructions
- Investigation of the building-physical, energetic and microclimatic effects of greening buildings
- Simulation and metrological investigation and optimisation of streetscapes and urban districts (Green/Smart Cities)
Integrated Planning and Industrial Building
- Integral planning, life cycle-oriented planning processes
- Building Information Modelling
- Energy and resource efficiency in industrial construction
Building Construction and Building Preservation
- Structural design in building construction, structural assessment of existing structures
- Development and investigation of materials with special consideration of fracture mechanical properties and biomechanical investigations
- Earthquake engineering with special consideration of existing structures and their retrofitting
Integral Building Technology
Steel Structures
- Optimization of steel and composite structures
- Development of an innovative sandwich plate with an extremely low construction height
- Research on stiffness and dissipation behavior of the ballast superstructure
- Modeling of the dynamic behavior of railway bridge structures
Structural Concrete
- Development of construction method and structural systems
- Assessment and evaluation of concrete structures
- Modeling and simulation of concrete structures
Mechanics and Structural Dynamics
- Modeling, numerical simulation and measurement techniques in mechanics/structural dynamics
- (Nonlinear) vibration and stability problems
- Earthquake engineering
- General dynamic safety assessment of structures
Engineering Geology
- Subsurface models, hydrogeology, structural geology, mass movements
- Geotechnical fundamentals and modeling in rock and tunnel construction, geohazards
- Mineral building materials, preservation of monuments
Ground Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics
- Soil and rock mechanics, soil dynamics, numerical methods in geotechnics, earthworks, ground engineering, tunnelling and cavern construction, deep foundations
- Geothermal energy, environmental geotechnics, geosynthetics, innovative construction materials, ground improvement, special foundation engineering
- Natural hazards mitigation, disaster prevention and management
Hydraulic Engineering and Environmental Hydromechanics
- Monitoring of velocity, water discharge and sediment flux in rivers and lakes
- Design, analysis and optimization of hydraulic structures by means of laboratory experiments and numerical modelling
- Analysis of scour processes and design of protective measures by means of laboratory experiments and numerical modelling
- Analysis and design of river rehabilitation schemes
Engineering Hydrology and Water Resources Management
- Monitoring in water management (field measurements methods, remote sensing)
- Simulation (interdisciplinary): Floods and droughts, groundwater, water supply, climate change adaptation
- Risk analysis of water infrastructure and systems; resource management
Water Quality Management
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment – process development, optimisation, modelling
- Sewage sludge and biogas – energy efficiency, resource recovery and nutrient efficiency
- Water Resource and River Basin Management
- Contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) – organic trace compounds, microplastic, wastewater-based epidemiology, antibiotic resistance
Waste and Resourcemanagement
- Analysis, evaluation and design of the anthropogenic metabolism
- Optimization of waste management processes and systems
- Characterization of the pollutant and valuable material potential of residual materials
- Investigations on landfill metabolism and aftercare
Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
- Strategic and environmental planning of transport infrastructure
- System understanding and effects of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems)
- Energy-minimising transport and settlement structures
- Dynamic land use and transport modelling
- Macroscopic, microscopic and dynamic traffic modelling
Track-bound Transportation Systems
- Holistic view of the railway system
- Railway operation (incl. simulation) and interoperability
- Noise (protection)
- Interaction between people and the railway system
- Ropeways, transport economics, public transport
Road Engineering
- Design, planning and construction of road and airfield pavements
- Technology and development of construction materials for road pavements
- Numerical and experimental methods in pavement engineering
- Maintenance and operation management of roads and airfields
Construction Process and Methods
- Optimisation of construction process and site management
- Performance and cost forecasting in tunnelling and civil engineering
- Quality, safety and environmental protection, life cycle cost analysis
Construction Economics and Management
- Tendering Procedures, Contract Design and Contract Management
- Cost Estimation, Scheduling and Controlling
- Project Management
- Risk Management
- Organization and Leadership
Digital Building Process
- Modeling of building construction and building processes
- openBIM in building processes and building authority processes
- Augmented reality in civil engineering
- Digital Construction