From basic research through applied research to development – TU Wien and its colleagues are collaborative partners in many different research networks, cluster and centers.

The purpose of these research collaboration agreements is to build fundamental knowledge for tackling the challenges of the future. This strengthens the individual competencies of the project partners and ensures that the Austrian university environment remains competitive.

Research Collaboration 

TU Wien participates in Austrian Research Cooperation Centers, Associations and Corporations.

Holdings | TU Wien

The research profile of the TU defines „Computational Science and Engineering“ and „Materials and Matter“ as two strategic key field. To foster these research areas the Research Center Computational Science and Engineering has been founded in 2020. The idea behind the Center is to provide expertise in the field of computer aided materials science from the atomic (quantum) level up to engineering scales. To cover these vastly different length scales a multitude of computational tools is required. The present major expertise covers the atomic length scales and deals with simulations for new materials, both bulk and surface properties. Larger length scales are covered via collaborations with other groups at the TU.

The CMSE understands itself as a service to researchers with respective problems and questions and helps finding the optimal solution for these questions. We provide information on the optimal Computer codes and help saving both research manpower and computation costs.


AO Univ.Prof. i.R. Univ.Prof. DI. Dr. Peter Mohn:
Univ.Doz. DDr. Sergei Khmelevskyi:

Link:, opens an external URL in a new window

GrAT is a scientific association for research and development of Appropriate Technology for developing and developed countries. Since 1986, GrAT has proposed and demonstrated conceptual and practical solutions for sustainable development.

GrAT Center for Appropriate Technology, opens an external URL in a new window

The topic of water and health is researched by TU Wien in close collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna at the Inter-University Cooperation Centre for Water and Health (ICC Water & Health).

Water is indeed on everybody’s lips, and its quality is of paramount importance to the health of people, animals and plants. At the heart of the scientific activities at ICC Water & Health, therefore, are innovative concepts, pioneering methods and models for inspecting water quality. New understanding forms the direct basis for effective and sustainable measures in resource management. The ICC is thus a competent partner both for public services and for business.

Water & Health , opens an external URL in a new window


Austria leads the world in quantum physics, and the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) makes a significant contribution to this position.

The central interface for quantum physics in Vienna, it was founded jointly by TU Wien, the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. For quantum physicists from Viennese research facilities, therefore, VCQ offers an efficient working platform with a unique spectrum of research which extends from fundamental quantum physics to the development of innovative quantum technologies, thereby securing the leading position of Austrian quantum physics in all fields of research and development.

VCQ, opens an external URL in a new window

The Vienna Scientific Cluster Research Center (VSC RC) is a research network offering research support for the development of computer algorithms for complex scientific issues.

As part of the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) – one of the 100 most powerful computers in the world – VSC RC involves software specialists from numerous Austrian universities. Efficiently and professionally, they make an important contribution to research projects in basic research, applied research and development. Activities include provition of supercomputer resources, technical support, training, and other services in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). 

The VSC infrastructure is located at the TU Wien Science Center in the Arsenal (Vienna). The flagship systems of the VSC family are VSC-4 (2,7 PFlop/s) and VSC-5 (2,31 PFlop/s). Being the fastest supercomputers in Austria, they fulfill the demand for high computing power in research areas such as physics, chemistry, meteorology, life sciences, and many others.

The members of the VSC consortium are: TU Wien, University of Vienna, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Graz University of Technology, University of Innsbruck, and Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC), opens an external URL in a new window

TUW Research Collaboration Centers

Multi-Faculty Collaboration Centres are designed to act as the first level of cross-subject collaboration among research groups at TU Wien as a springboard for research collaboration projects, also including researchers from other universities where relevant.

Collaboration centres | TU Wien

TUW Research Facilities

Bundling of high-quality scientific infrastructure to provide more efficient internal use and support. 

Facilities | TU Wien

TUW Research Collaboration Units

Service Units of TU Wien support researchers in research cooperations. 

Das Center for Technology and Society (CTS) wurde gemeinsam mit Universität Wien, FH Campus Wien und FH Technikum Wien im Rahmen des Projekts „Zukunft Hochschule“ initiiert. Das CTS hat das Ziel, eine hochschul- sowie fakultätsübergreifende Zusammenarbeit bei Forschungsthemen, deren Bearbeitung interdisziplinäre Ansätze aus Technik- bzw. Naturwissenschaften einerseits und Geistes-, Sozial- und Gesellschaftswissenschaften andererseits benötigen, zu unterstützen. In mehreren Ausbauphasen wird sich CTS zu emergenten Themen in diesem Zusammenhang widmen und entsprechende Instrumente zur Förderung und Umsetzung entwickeln.

Ein Schwerpunkt liegt dabei in der Beforschung von gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen, die in mittel- bzw. unmittelbarem Zusammenhang zu technologischen Entwicklungen stehen. Gesellschaftliche, soziale, ökonomische Herausforderungen und Fragen, die sich zwischen Wissenschaft und Technologie, Gesellschaft und Organisationen offenbaren, werden mit Ansätzen der Bürger_innenbeteiligung, Mitarbeiter_innenpartizipation und der Bildung und Förderung von Netzwerken und Kooperationssystemen initiiert, gestaltet bzw. gefördert. Dabei ist CTS sehr wichtig, den Wissenstransfer von Forschung in die Lehre methodisch und didaktisch zu gewährleisten.

Rektorin Sabine Seidler, Rektor Heinz Engl, Rektorin Barbara Bittner sowie Rektor Fritz Schmöllebeck bilden das Steering Committee von CTS, das als Plattform für den interhochschulischen Austausch fungiert. Hilda Tellioglu (wissenschaftliche Leiterin) und Anna Franzkowiak (organisatorische Leiterin) unterstützen gemeinsame Forschungsprojekte, Kooperationen und interhochschulische Zusammenarbeit und schaffen Incentives dafür.

The Innovation Incubation Center (i2c) offers bespoke activities in the field of entrepreneurship – from training and incubation programmes, start-up consultancy and lecture series through to networking events with potential investors and industry partners. At the StartAcademy, which is Austria’s only ‘boot camp’ for the commercialisation of technological ideas, scientific results are assessed in terms of their commercial utility. Commercial skills are also promoted among students by means of a supplementary study course with visiting professors from all over the world.

Innovation Incubation Center, opens an external URL in a new window

The Japan Austria Science Exchange Center (JASEC) coordinates the scientific cooperation between all faculties of TU Wien and Japanese partner institutions. In addition to fostering the mobility of researchers and teaching staff, JASEC also supports students of both countries in the framework of university partnerships. The difference in language, mentality and curricula are sometimes barriers for an active exchange. However, the long-lasting and very successful cooperation of the TU Wien with Japanese partner institutions provides evidence that these barriers can be overcome.


The TU Service Unit of Responsible Research Practices supports researchers and lecturers at TU Wien in questions regarding research ethics and research integrity. In addition, the Service Unit also advises the Rectorate, the faculties and institutes on their strategic orientation in the area of research ethics and research integrity. Achieving and maintaining the highest standards for research ethics, including research integrity, are central responsibilities of research performing organizations and institutions of higher education today.

Responsible Research Practices

Research Networks, Cluster and Initiatives

TU Wien as organisational body is member of serveral national and international networks, cluster and initiatives. 

  • Additive Manufacturing Austria (AM)
  • Austrian Aeronautics lndustries Group (AAI) 
  • Austrian BioImaging (CMI) 
  • Big Data Value Association (BDV) 
  • Biobased Industries Consortium (BIC) 
  • BioNanoNet (BNN)
  • Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (Cecam)
  • Cleantech-Cluster (CTC) Oberösterreich 
  • Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) 
  • Complexity Science Hub (CSH)
  • Disaster Competence Network Austria (DCNA) 
  • EIT Manufacturing & EIT Raw Materials 
  • Eurecom
  • euroCRIS (international organisation for research information)
  • European Association of Research Managers and Administrators (EARMA)
  • European Energy Research Alliance (EERA)
  • European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance (eseia)
  • Heritage Science Austria 
  • Ignatz Lieben Gesellschaft 
  • Industrie 4.0 Österreich
  • Österr. Agentur f. wissenschaftliche Integrität (ÖAWI) 
  • Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE)
  • The Carpentries
  • Transfer Allianz

In addition several specific memberships are conducted by institutes or research units. 

University partnerships and alliances

Furthermore TU Wien is involved in international university networks and conducts alliances with other universities worldwide, both in research and in education, as well as in other areas. 

Alliances | TU Wien