Our Research Unit is working in the fields of modelling of mechatronical systems, insofar as they constitute themselves as solid material bodies, the computer-based simulation of the resulting mathematical models, and the analysis of the later with methods of Mathematical Physics.

Our Research Focus Areas

Computational Mechanics

Curved grey rectangle with Greek letters at the corners

Computer-aided simulation and analysis, further numerical computations and in-house numerical methods for problem-oriented solutions of mathematical models.

Axially Moving Structures

a gray ribbon encircles two blue cylinder figures

Mathematical modelling, simulation and model-based control designs for axially moving structures..

Nonlinear Mechanics of Thin-walled Structures

Bending of a sagging belt as a simulation result

Construction of thin-walled components that are intended to bear mechanical loads with a significantly reduced mass and are at the same time more cost-effective and resource-saving.

Smart Structures

two tubes cut in length as a simulation result

The Research Unit is working with inelastic processes in solids, such as plasticity and thermo-elasticity.

Literature Recommendation

Text Nonlinear Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures

ISBN: 978-3-7091-1777-4