E784 - Doctoral Programme in Social and Economic Sciences
E786 - Doctoral Programme in Technical Sciences
E791 - Doctoral Programme in Natural Sciences

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Admission and prerequisites

The prerequisite for admission to a doctoral programme at TU Wien is either

  • successful completion of a relevant master's, teacher training or other appropriate degree programme,
  • successful completion of an equivalent degree programme at an accredited tertiary educational institution in or out of Austria or
  • successful completion of a relevant degree or master's programme from a technical college in accordance with § 6 Para. 4 Fachhochschulstudiengesetz [Technical Colleges Act],
  • Supervision assurance of a full or associate Professor of TU Wien.


The doctoral programme usually lasts for six semesters. 
In addition to the dissertation, the current standardised programme for doctoral students stipulates that a total of 180 ECTS of modules (162 ECTS of which are the dissertation) must be completed. 
More detailed information regarding this selection can be found in the programme. Examinations taken as part of a master's or other degree programme cannot be recognised for this.

The doctoral programme is assessed in the viva voce, a general examination by a committee involving defence of the dissertation by the candidate. 
Graduates of a doctorate in the technical sciences are awarded the title of Doktor/in der Technischen Wissenschaften (Dr. techn.), graduates of a doctorate in the natural sciences are awarded the title of Doktor/in der Naturwissenschaften (Dr. rer. nat.) and graduates of a doctorate in the social and economic sciences are awarded the title of Doktor/in der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Dr.rer.soc.oec.).

Further Information

Admission Office

If you need information on how to apply at the TU Wien regardless of academic degree, this is your go to Admission.

Fachschaft Doktorat:

Fachschaft Doktorat is the representation of interests of doctoral candidates at the TU Wien. Their members provide information and give advice and support concerning all aspects of the doctoral programs.

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