Spritzer booth
![[Translate to English:] Gruppe hinter der Bar](/fileadmin/_processed_/f/6/csm_femTUme-Spritzerstand-Baumgartner_Theresia_27b6d07d24.jpeg)
© Matthias Heisler
The Dean's Office administers the degree programmes and supports the Dean and the Deans of Studies in their tasks.
For more information about the faculty and the associated institutes, please visit our Faculty Website.
Monday to Thursday by appointment via e-mail or telephone with Sara Engel, opens an external URL in a new window, Carina Grandits, opens an external URL in a new window or Helga Wenczl, opens an external URL in a new window.
Please note that due to data protection regulations, e-mails from TU Wien students containing personal Information may only be answered if they are sent from the official TU Wien e-mail address (eNumber@tuwien.ac.at or firstname.surname@tuwien.ac.at).
We are currently receiving many enquiries regarding the recognition of examinations. Please read the relevant departmental information page carefully BEFORE sending us an email.
Please send all enquiries regarding the recognition of examinations and admissions for the Master's degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Industrial Engineering and Management Mechanical Engineering by e-mail only to Alexandra Buranich, opens an external URL in a new window. The recognition of exams and approvals for Chemical Engineering is handled via email only by Martin Tometich
The office hours of the Deans of Studies for Mechanical Engineering, Business Engineering specialising in Mechanical Engineering and Process Engineering can be found on the page Office hours of the Deans of Studies.
Last edit: January 9th, 2025
The Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration supervises the following studies:
The following individual studies have already been approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs:
Bachelor Programmes:
Master Programmes:
If you are interested in those programmes, please enroll into the Bachelor's Programme Mechanical Engineering oder Mechanical Engineering Management and then contact the Deans of Academic Affairs (Ao. Prof. Dr. Melanie Todt, opens an external URL in a new window,, opens an external URL in a new window Univ.Prof. Dr. Paul Mayrhofer, opens an external URL in a new window) as well as the STUKO Chairwoman (Ass.Prof. Dr. Isabella C. Skrna-Jakl, opens an external URL in a new window).
The English-language Master's Programme still requires German at the C1 level. The following modules can be taken in English to complete the corresponding Master:
Information for the admission of international students can be found on the homepage of the Admissions Department.
Information about which courses will be held in English, opens an external URL in a new window this academic year, or in English on demand, opens an external URL in a new window, can be found in the Tiss system, opens an external URL in a new window using the advanced search or by clicking on the relevant links.
A well-established network of universities worldwide is available to you. Relevant coursework is credited towards the degree. Advanced internships can also be undertaken in industry after prior consultation with the Dean of Studies.
We have no direct responsibility for students studying abroad. If you would like to spend part of your studies abroad, please contact the International Office of TU Wien. Further information about our various programmes and cooperations can be found there.
The following regulations/requirements for the issuance of a certificate for an elective internship (equivalent to the courses 'Wahlübungen Technologisch') apply specifically to Chemical and Process Engineering (for Sustainable Production):
Dates, deadlines and holidays can be found in the Academic Calender.
Course enrolment (Link to the Admissions Office) takes place in the Admissions Office in the main TU Wien building, Karlsplatz 13, staircase 2, first floor.
Information on the admission procedure for students that study one of the three studies we supervise at TU Wien can be found when searching for bachelor programmes with aptitude assessment procedure (VoR-Phase), opens an external URL in a new window.
The Student Council of Mechanical Engineering provides many services for students, including giving enrolment advice.
This advisory service is available in September (more specific timing can be found at Students Council for Mechanical Engineering, opens an external URL in a new window) in the small auditorium in the main building (ground floor), Karlsplatz 13. It is part of the Student Union, opens an external URL in a new window at TU Wien.
For more information on deadlines and dates for Master's programmes/Master's theses and Doctoral programmes/Doctoral theses, please see the dedicated Deadlines and Dates page.
Hier kannst du dich mit anderen Studierenden in deiner Freizeit vernetzen:
According to the Recognition Regulation of the Vice-Rectorate for Studies and Teaching, the following applies:
The "Angleichungskurs Mathematik" (VU) offered at TU Wien is recognised as a free elective subject to the extent of 1 ECTS credit point in all regular Bachelor's programmes at TU Wien after positive completion.
The current version of the Recognition Regulation can be found under the Directives and Regulations of the Rectorate.