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RDM in Austria: An exchange of experience about existing services

Online workshop on 29 June with funding agency FWF and research institutions regarding service offers in the field of research data management.

Photo of screen with online meeting

Photo by Chris Montgomery on

Information about the event

Since January 2019, the FWF requires a data management plan (DMP) for all projects approved under the new application guidelines. After one and a half years of mandatory research data policy, opens an external URL in a new window, the FWF now has the first empirical data, which will be presented to the participants and discussed together during the workshop.  

At the same time, many Austrian institutions offer services for scientists to support them in research data management. They have been able to gain experience in this field over the last years. The workshop will provide an opportunity to get an overview of the existing services for research data management in Austria and will create a platform for further networking activities.

For representatives of research institutions, the event also offers the opportunity to tell the FWF who is responsible for questions on DMPs at their own institution and how the topic of research data management and Open Data is perceived by researchers.

Target group

Representatives from research services and libraries who are responsible for research data management at their institution


  1. Presentation FWF, speaker Katharina Rieck, FWF Strategy - Policy, Evaluation, Analysis: Previous experiences with DMPs and developments on the European level
  2. Presentation Barbara Sánchez, TU Wien Center for Research Data Management: DMP support using the example of the TU Wien, frequent queries from researchers
  3. Discussion with the participants: Experiences in research institutions, structures for future exchange and cooperation

Moderation: Malgorzata Goraczek, TU Wien European and International Research Support, opens an external URL in a new window


  • Monday, 29 June 2020, 10:00-12:00

Registration and event link

  • You can register here here
  • The workshop is held via Zoom. You will receive the access data after successful registration a few days before the event


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Resselgasse 4 (TU Wien Bibliothek), 1040 Wien

Twitter: @RDMTUWien