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New Publication

Suppression of Kerr-induced satellites in multi-pulse CPA


When amplifying multiple ultrashort pulses at once utilizing the chirped-pulse amplification (CPA) technique, several technical challenges need to be considered. In our paper recently published in Optics Express, we investigate the effects of nonlinearities in multi-pulse CPA with picosecond pulse spacings. Primarily at higher multi-millijoule energies, it is shown that nonlinearities result in the formation of parasitic pre- and post satellite pulses under the given circumstances. Numerically and experimentally, we demonstrate successful suppression of the mentioned satellites and discuss strategies to avoid degradation of the amplified multi-pulse waveform due to nonlinear effects.

Original publication

V. Stummer et al, Suppression of Kerr-induced satellites in multi-pulse CPA; Optics Express, Volume 32, Issue 22 (2024), öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster


Dr. Vinzenz Stummer
Photonics Institute
TU Wien
+43 1 58801 38748