We are a coordination office for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary networking in research - with the vision of creating a strongly cross-linked TU Wien (TUW) in the field of research.

With a smooth transfer of knowledge and by bundling cross-institute and cross-faculty competencies, we generate sustainable synergies. This leads to the emergence of new perspectives and opportunities for interdisciplinary research at TUW and makes a significant contribution to mastering the challenges of the future.

Originally located and grown in the Research Center for Energy and Environment, we have continuously developed and integrated ourselves into the research services within the project cycle. In addition to our main topic Energy and Environment we also accompany interdisciplinary topics of all TUW research focal areas.

As a FTI-service unit, we contribute to the promotion of cooperative research at TUW. This includes:

  • interdisciplinary, internal networking and coordination of researchers
  • continuous development and improvement of consulting and support services
  • participation in the establishment of cross-thematic interfaculty or interuniversity collaborations, as well as collaborations with industry and corporate bodies


A circle graphic in shades of blue showing the project cycle at TU Wien

In the project cycle of research projects, our service refers to the pre- and final phases and includes the development and implementation of networking, training and support formats.

Blickpunkt Forschung

A decorative image of a backlight shot with plants to visualize the series of events from the viewpoint

In collaboration with the TUW service unit Funding Support and Industry Relations and the WK Wien we organise the “Blickpunkt Forschung” series of events, which focuses on current and interdisciplinary research topics and presents the results of application-related research projects by TU Wien in cooperation with companies.