The form below is used to assign people to the institute or one of the research groups, if the person does not already have a TISS account it will be generated (please read the text above for details). Sending the request will trigger the following things:

  • TISS entry generation/modification, assigning you to the Institute/research group
  • Mail account: you will get an upTUdate mail account for employees, must be activated in some cases. Generation of generic address in TISS
  • Address managers will add you to the necessary service groups in upTUdate, handling things like domain login, access to network drives and email distribution lists
  • Address managers will add your TUcard to the necessary door access rights system groups. If you don't have one yet, order one and contact the office or address managers once you got it.

Once your upTUdate account is functional and working, you are advised to read your internal mails, important informations will be communicated by email!

Information about you:
Information about the new staff member:
Information about your student card
and finally ...