Long title: CYPHER-COST-ACTION – Cyber-Physical systems and digital twins for the decarbonization of energy-intensive industries (CYPHER)

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Assignment to our (IMW) research priorities:  

  • Data-driven modelling
  • Sustainable combustion technologies
  • Renewable synthetic fuels
  • Soft-sensing technology
  • Turbulent reacting flows

Sponsor: COST, FFG

Duration: 20.10.2023 – 19.10.2027


The global energy crisis, triggered by geopolitical events, emphasizes the need for the EU to enhance energy production while achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs), constituting 54% of the OECD's industrial energy consumption, face escalating costs due to the surge in natural gas prices. To address this, the CYPHER initiative advocates for Renewable Synthetic Fuels (RSFs), particularly renewable hydrogen, generated from surplus wind and solar power to decarbonize EIIs. The project aims to bridge gaps in understanding RSFs' impact on EII systems by fostering collaborations between European researchers and industrial stakeholders. Utilizing cyber-physical systems and digital twins, CYPHER seeks to advance accurate simulation of combustion technologies, promoting a safe and sustainable adoption of RSFs for EII decarbonization.

Expected Results:

Conceptualized comprehensive guidelines for RSF implementation; Formulated optimal sensor placement strategies for enhanced data collection; report on unsupervised algorithms improving RSF modeling; Explored algorithms optimizing RSF combustion understanding; Identified low-dimensional manifolds for efficient RSF reduced-order models; Developed hybrid physics-aware data-driven models and applied multi-fidelity data fusion for RSF systems.

Leading Partners:

  • Prof. Alessandro Parente ( Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
  • Dr. Giancarlo Sorrentino ( Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili, Italy

In the Management Committee:

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Fazel Ansari

Contact details:

Telephone: +43 1 58801 33094