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.dcall funding for sharing of environmental data

The project "Fächerübergreifendes Teilen und Nutzen von Umweltdaten an der TU Wien (FAIR2environment)" is one of ten projects funded by the TU Wien under the call .dcall Projekte FKG 2020.

[Translate to English:] Graphische Darstellung der Erdkugel. Links daneben, kleiner unsere Icons für "Team" und "FAIR-Prinzipen". Rechts daneben unser Icon für das Datenrepositorium "TU Data"

.dcall focus groups

The .dcall Projekte FKG 2020 call for proposals is intended to implement innovative ideas on digitisation topics and thus accelerate the digital transformation of the TU Wien. It was specifically addressed to the members of the focus groups in order to intensify the cooperation within and between the focus groups. For a successful application, the consideration of cross-cutting issues, sustainability and TU-wide scalability were important. The funding amount was set at a maximum of 30,000€ per project.

Applications were compiled and submitted via dedicated areas in the TU coLAB collaboration platform. The projects itself will also be processed on this platform. Support for the project participants is provided by the .digital office of the TU Wien. The result of the call for proposals - with FAIR2environment as the only funded project from the Fokusgruppe Forschung - was presented last week at the online event .digital Update.

The project idea and the Center for Research Data Management at the TU Wien are currently working together with other Austrian universities on the implementation of institutional data repositories within the FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window project, which is funded by the BMBWF. In the pilot project FAIR2environment this new infrastructure is to be tested with real data and first operational experiences are to be gained.

The data

The project uses environmental data from different research areas of the TU Wien: Earth observation data from the Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation as well as air chemistry data from the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analysis and hydrological data from the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management will be used in the test run.

The project steps

The following steps are intended to implement the test for structured sharing of environmental data at the TU Wien:

  • selection and processing of suitable environmental data from the fields of earth observation, air chemistry and hydrology, which are of interest to the participating faculties for further research
  • checking the data (and metadata) for compatibility with the FAIR principles, including legal aspects such as rights of use and licences
  • definition of criteria, (minimum) requirements and interdisciplinary standards for the alignment of data and metadata
  • manual upload of selected environmental data into TU Wien's new data repository
  • development of automated, scalable processes for uploading the various environmental data with the aim of integrating data that is still to be processed or alternative data at a later date
  • implementation of a user-friendly search for data and metadata
  • analysis of the system provided for compliance with various indicators of the FAIR principles
  • demonstration phase to validate the project objectives: With the joint visualisation of time series of the different geodata, the successful automation of all described steps shall be demonstrated and the possibility of networking these interdisciplinary research data shall be shown
  • gathering experiences and suggestions for the improvement of existing services and the development of new ones.

Project details

Lead:           Prof. Wolfgang Wagner (Fokusgruppe Forschung)

Duration:     9 months (planned: 1.7.2020 - 31.3.2021)


  • research units from four different faculties
    (Informatics, Mathematics and Geoinformation, Technical Chemistry, Civil Engineering)
  • Center for Research Data Management
  • Research Coordination Centre "Energy and Environment"
  • and VSC
  • EODC


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Resselgasse 4 (TU Wien Bibliothek), 1040 Wien

Twitter: @RDMTUWien