Our Events

22. May 2023, 11:30 until 12:30

Geo Colloquium: Benedikt Soja


From Data to Discovery: Empowering Geodetic Earth Observation through Machine Learning

Our next talk in our Geo Colloquium series:

Benedikt Soja, opens an external URL in a new window, Professor of Space Geodesy at ETH Zürich, Switzerland
From Data to Discovery: Empowering Geodetic Earth Observation through Machine Learning


The advancement of machine learning (ML) techniques in recent years has brought new opportunities to geodetic research. In this talk, I will explore how ML can be used to improve geodetic products and discover new insights from geodetic data. Specifically, I will highlight examples of ML applications in tropospheric monitoring and Earth orientation studies.

Calendar entry

Event location

FH HS 7 (Freihaus, 2nd floor, yellow area)
1040 Wien
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8





Entrance fee



Registration required
