The term "organisation" can be explained with different approaches. Based on the structure (organisational structure), the functions, or processes (process organisation), "organisation" should enable and support a successful interaction of people. All components can only be effective if an appropriate culture is established.

The TU Wien (TUW) has discussed, defined and implemented a structure and governance concept in a multi-annual project as the basis for TUW organizational development. On January 1st, 2019 the TU Wien widely realised the structural changes and Research Unit and Research Groups as well as Service Units and Service Groups were implemented. Thus, the university is approaching the goal of creating structures that are lived, that are conducive to communication and cooperation, and that describe a transparent hierarchy of responsibility with a clear definition of tasks and competences for functionaries. Simultaneously the foundation for the further development of the university is created.


The structure (organisational structure / organigram) of the TUW is defined by structural elements. Those structural elements that are listed in the organisation plan are considered as organisational units within the meaning of § 20 UG (OE).

Structural Element:
Faculty – Institute (incl. Services Institute) – Rearch Unit – Rearch Group
Vice Rector (Rectorate Ressorts/ incl. Services Vice Rectorate) - Service Department – Service Unit – Service Group

Furthermore, „Senior governing bodies of the TU Wien“(Rectorate, Senate and University Council) and "special bodies and interest groups" are defined.

If you have any need to set up / change a structural element, please use the corresponding form and send it to
For a record in the category "Other Institutions" please send an informal e-mail with the short description of the request plus the nomination of a contact person to


The following leading positions are implemented at TU Wien. Rector, Dean, Vice Dean, Head of Institute/Research Unit/Research Group/Service Department/Service Unit/ Service Group. The respective tasks and competencies are defined in the regulation „Structure and Governance“ or can be found in the handbook.

Various regulations, parts of the statute and the handbook cover organisational procedures and processes.

The TU Wien pursues the goal of strengthening and developing its profile against the backdrop of changing political and social conditions. According to this principle, it will also be necessary in the future to adapt the existing organization to the changed framework conditions. The regulation “Structure and Governance” outlines the relevant processes in this regard.