.digital office - facilitating and encouraging digitalization!

The .digital office coordinates the implementation process of the digitalization strategy and is responsible for facilitating and designing implementation measures and specific digitalization projects. In doing so, the .digital office supports the institutes and departments in the implementation of these projects and ensures the interconnecting of existing digital competences at TU Wien in order to avoid redundancies and to ensure cost efficiency.

Digital Survival Café

[Translate to English:] Hängebrücke, Jungel

Take part in the Digital Survival Café and geht yourself connected you with contact persons for all digital issues at TU Wien! Every second Thursday, experts answer your questions on topics related to collaboration, digitalization, web presence, information security and much more. Topics and dates are kept up to date at TU coLAB, opens an external URL in a new window.

Digitalization projects

[Translate to English:] Digitalzation projects at TU Wien

The .digital office coordinates, supports and connects various projects within the scope of the digitalization strategy.

Objectives of the digital transformation

Digitalisation Objectives

TU Wien's digitalization strategy  has defined objectives in the areas of research, studying and teaching, administration and infrastructure which are to be realized. These objectives can be condensed into a number of core topics: digital skills, smart campus, data, analytics & prediction as well as platforms and networks.


[Translate to English:] collaboration

Digital tools can be used to make working together with colleagues and in teams a lot simpler. At TU Wien, various new services are currently developed to facilitate collaboration even more.


[Translate to English:] Information update events

.digital roadshow and .digital updates - jointly designing the digital transformation


[Translate to English:] .digital office team

You can find your contact persons at the .digital office here

Current .dblog posts

The .digital blog offers posts on interesting topics on digitalization matters in general and the digital transformation at TU Wien in particular:

Improving students' everyday lives with the Student Life Hacks projects

Since the start of this summer semester, a committed team of students has been implementing the winning "Student Life Hacks" projects. The aim is for the students themselves to resolve issues from their point of view as part of a project, and make this available to all students.

[Translate to English:] Student Life Hacks-Projekte sind gestartet

Three exceptional projects are being implemented in the 2021 summer semester, aimed at finding new solutions for the students and advancing digitalization at TU Wien with the students for the students. The varied project ideas deal with networking, access to information and the students' learning routine. Each project addresses a particular problem. While working on the projects, students are able to rely on wide-ranging support within TU Wien.


The first project tackles a problem that intensified even more last year. A year spent distance learning, away from lecture theatres and fellow students, and being tied to a screen while working from home, made one thing clear: it is difficult to get together in learning groups. 

A TU-wide learning group application combats this problem and makes it easy for all students at TU Wien to network. With just a few clicks, students have the opportunity to organise new learning groups with their colleagues. With the support of the Campus Service Development team, a networking option is being set up in TISS as a central point, independently of instant messengers and communication platforms. Requirements are being developed in workshops and feedback sessions together with the students and the "studyability" working group. This should also help the students to network long-distance.


A committed team of IT students is setting about making TUWEL more accessible for student purposes. In the second project, the "Student TUWEL API" will allow the students themselves to gain access to their course information stored in TUWEL, even without a browser. The project team is putting all TUWEL functions that are relevant to the students under the microscope, and creating a basis for future developments, as the API will be made available as the point of reference for information for their own programming projects.

Together with the TSC, TU Wien is opening the door to a controlled provision of data. Once the project is complete, students will have the opportunity to press ahead with independent developments – it will be possible for TO DO app integrations, calendar integration and much more to be programmed by students for students.

Digital manual note-taking

This project takes a new approach and prepares the way for a vision. The "digital manual note-taking" project envisages replacing paper in everyday student life. With a tablet and a stylus, it is now possible to switch to digital note-taking. Diagrams, formulae and notes can be quickly recorded, shared and saved, meaning we can say farewell to paper. This idea opens up a realm of possibilities and we want to know the best way to support the process going forward. That's why the first thing the project does is ask. We want our fellow students to tell us, in a generic questionnaire, what we should be aiming at, the stumbling blocks we still have to overcome, the areas that have already made the move to digital technology, and whether or not we should even try to make the move.

The background to the projects – the Student Life Hacks ideas competition

All three of the projects described here come from the ideas competition: "Wanted: Student Life Hacks". By running this competition in 2020, the .digital office extended the digitalization calls (.dcalls) to the largest group of people at TU Wien – the students. All three projects are going ahead with students managing them, and thanks to the collaboration with the experts at TU Wien, the students can gain access to extensive expertise and are also given an insight into everyday university life beyond teaching.  

Although the projects have only just begun, we are already looking to the future, as the first .dcall for students merely marked the start of their participation in the digital transformation at TU Wien. Students will also be asked for their opinions in future!