All news at TU Wien

TUWEL Update to Moodle Version 3.9

The TUWEL team of the Teaching Support Center updates TUWEL - the central e-learning platform of the TUW - to Moodle version 3.9.

On September 1st, 2020 TUWEL will be updated to Moodle version 3.9 with all its already proven features.

As usual the TUWEL documentation - cheat sheets and video tutorials - will also be updated.

You will find these in time for the update in the course "TUWEL Tutorials":, opens an external URL in a new window

The TUWEL team will also inform you about the essential new features of the new version as soon as possible.

Time frame for updating to Moodle 3.9

The update will start on Tuesday 1st September 2020 at 07:00 am. Please keep in mind that TUWEL will not be available on September 1, 2020, or will only be available to a limited extent! Please schedule work on your courses accordingly before or after the update window.

NEW - Fixes, weekly update window

A fixed weekly update window is planned for TUWEL from September 2020.

The team of the Teaching Support Center will use this update window on Tuesdays between 07:00 and 07:30 for any security updates and hotfixes without further notice.

If you have any questions please contact the TUWEL team: