General information

Roomtype: event room

Address: Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, 4th floor

Roomcode: AA 04 28

Area: 77 m² (Length: 9 m / width: 8,5 m / height: 4,5 m)

surrounding rooms: Kuppelsaal

Catering areas: possible in the room

Toilets: 10 m from the room

Accesibility: acces via the elevator at staircase 3

Keys: you get a keycard for the room from the proter at Karlsplatz

Microphones: not available in this room

Cinema: 54 people

Classroom: 24 people

Banquet: 24 people

U-shape: 20 people

Reception with cocktail tables: 50 people

Rectangle: 26 people

Projector: mounted in the room

HDMI: not available

VGA: available

Resolution: 1024 x 768 pixel / Format: 4:3

Screen: 2,3 m x 3 m / Crank: electric

Light: 2 Intensititys

Dimming: Blinds(electric)

Flooring: Parquet

AC: Available

Ventilation: Available

natural Light: Good

High voltage current: 1x 16A, 1x 32A

Room categorie: B