Application for a Master's Degree

How to apply:

Please assign your courses in TISS, opens an external URL in a new window and fix a date with your examiners.


Make an appointment and bring all the documents 4 weeks before the examination to the office of the dean (or send all the necessary documents in one E-Mail to Ms. Linda Schachinger) (

  • Passport (certificate of marriage, if applicable)
  • Current record of studies - Studienblatt
  • Application form (Einreichbogen) - handed out at the office, available when the office is open again
  • Certificates, of courses which could not be assigned to the respective fields in TISS
  • Certificate of the “DiplomandenInnenseminar” (Seminar for Master Students writing their thesis) - only for Technical Chemistry
  • Certificates of the “Wahlübungen” (elective lab courses) - only for Technical Chemistry
  • Complete transcript of records
  • Certificate of the preliminary study program and admission certificate (if applicable)
  • Certificate of recognition of external courses (if applicable)
  • Announcement of the thesis
  • UHStat 2 (participation record of a mandatory statistical survey)
  • Request for restriction of publication for a thesis (if applicable)
  • If an external examiner takes part, please send the corresponding form as well

One copy of the thesis has to be deposited at the office of the Dean (latest: 1 week before the defense date).

 The final examination (defensio) will be held when the following requirements are met:

  • The date of the defeniso is fixed
  • The thesis has been uploaded to tiss.
  • The written assessments have been submitted

The defensio can also be held via teleconference (Zoom).

The final documents can normally be collected from the dean's office during opening hours after approximately 2 weeks (separate notification will be sent out).


For the defensio via teleconference, the following criteria must be met:

  • All parties must agree
  • mutual audibility and visibility
  • voice, facial expression and gestures must be perceptible in a realistic manner
  • the data transfer must conducted on secure (encrypted) channels
  • it must be possible for additional persons to attend the defensio
  • the same level of knowledge of all parties must be ensured.

To attend the teleconference you will need an PC/Mac with Microphone and headphones (preferably a headset) and a webcam or a Tablet or Smartphone.