
Students (but not students with the residence title "Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierender") can apply for a waiver of the tuition fee, opens a file in a new window for the current semester at the Admission Office if there is a ground for the waiver. The waiver only includes the tuition fee! The ÖH fee must be paid in any case, even if the tuition fee is waived.

The application, opens a file in a new window for a waiver must be submitted to the Admission Office via Jira, opens an external URL in a new window until 31 October for winter semester and 31 March for summer semester. The required evidence must be scanned in the original or as a notarised or court-certified copy and sent as a PDF-file via Jira, opens an external URL in a new window Documents that are not issued in German or English must be translated into German by a court-certified translator and attached.


A reason for a waiver that occurred in the past cannot be claimed retrospectively for the current semester. The reason for a waiver must be proven within the deadline of the respective semester for the semester applied for!

Grounds for a waiver

Legal grounds for a waiver

Pursuant to section 92 para 1 UG, the following grounds for remission are provided for:

  • Illness or pregnancy
    An impediment to the continuation of studies caused by illness or pregnancy for at least two months in a semester
    Proof: confirmation from a medical specialist;

  • Care of child or relative
    Predominant care of children living in one's own household up to the age of 7 or starting school
    Proof: birth certificate of the child, one's own registration form and that of the child, whereby the addresses given must match, a sworn statement that the child was predominantly cared for by the student; care of invalid relative proof: confirmation of level of care, one's own registration form and that of the relative, confirmation of degree of relationship;

  • Disability
    If you have a disability of at least 50%
    Proof: disability certificate from the Federal Social Office;

  • Study grant
    Receipt of a study grant according to the Study Support Act 1992 in the previous or current semester
    Proof: notification of the study grant authority;

  • Mobility programme
    Proof of completion of study or practical training periods within the framework of a transnational EU, state or university mobility programme (e.g. Erasmus, Socrates, Leonardo, etc.)
    Proof: confirmation by the responsible coordinator or letter of recognition;

  • Stay abroad
    A stay abroad by a student on the basis of a binding regulation of the respective curriculum (compulsory or elective subject, internship according to regulations laid down in the curriculum)
    Proof: confirmation by the Dean of Studies;

  • Reciprocal waiver
    A university partnership agreement of TU Wien with a university last attended by the degree foreign student, which includes a mutual waiver of the tuition fee. 

  • Ukrainian citizenship
    Students with Ukrainian citizenship will automatically have their tuition fees waived from summer semester 2023 on. No separate application is required! However, if the tuition fee has already been paid, an application for repayment must be submitted in due time.

Reasons for repayment of the TU Wien

In addition the following grounds for repayment set by the Rectorate of TU Wien (link in German), opens an external URL in a new window may be invoked:

  • Victim's certificate
    Holders of an official certificate or a victim's identity card according to § 10 Victim Welfare Act (Federal Law Gazette no. 183/1947 i.d.F);

  • "Schüler_innen an die Hochschulen"
    Pupils who attend creditable courses (as non-degree students) within the framework of the programme "Schüler_innen an die Hochschulen";

  • MORE students
    Non-degree students who are participants in the uniko initiative "MORE" (study code UE 920 956);

  • IST-Austria
    Non-degree students who are students in a PhD programme of IST-Austria according to § 11 Federal Act on the Institute of Science and Technology - Austria (Federal Law Gazette I No. 69/2006 as amended), for attending individual courses (study code UE 990);

  • ÖH representative
    Degree students who, during the period in which they are exempt from paying tuition fees, spend at least one semester acting as a student representative as defined by the Austrian Students' Union Act (HSG 2014, Federal Law Gazette. I No. 45 as amended) at TU Wien, for the duration of their term of office, but for a maximum of four semesters in total, provided that the activity as a student representative was not longer than six semesters ago at the time of the application. As proof, a confirmation of the type and duration of the function must be submitted by the chairperson of the university representation of TU Wien. The tuition fee is waived according to the following key:
    For 4 semesters:
    - Chair of the Federal Representation of the ÖH
    - Chairperson of the University Representation at TU Wien
    - Speaker of the Federal Representation of the ÖH
    - Speaker of the ÖH University Council
    For 3 semesters:
    - Deputy Chair of the Federal ÖH Representative Council
    - Deputy chair of the university representation at TU Wien
    - Chair of a student representative body (faculty representative body) at TU Wien
    For 2 semesters:
    - Clerk of the federal representation of the ÖH
    - Clerk of the university representation at TU Wien
    - Mandatary of the federal representation of the ÖH
    - Mandatary of the university representation at TU Wien
    - Mandatary of a student representation (faculty representation) at TU Wien
    For 1 semester:
    - Representative in a university collegial body at  TU Wien
    - First semester tutor.
    More information and the corresponding form can be found on the HTU homepage;

  • Employed by TU Wien
    Degree students who have been employed by TU Wien in the past semester for at least 90 days for at least 20 hours per week. (Independent) contractors are excluded. The waiver is granted within the framework of private-sector administration. There is no legal entitlement;

  • Position of leadership
    If you are or have been verifiably in a position of leadership for more than two semesters in a student team, which forms annually and takes part at international competitions during your degree programme. This applies to the following student teams: TU Orchester, TU Chor, TU Racing Team, TU Robots, TU Spaceteam
    Proof: confirmation issued by president, team captain, etc.;

  • Extension studies
    If you are simultaneously pursuing an extension study programme and a Bachelor's or Master's degree programme and are not (yet) required to pay tuition fees in the Bachelor's or Master's degree programme, you can apply for a waiver of tuition fees if you exceed the tuition fee-free period in the extension study programme.
    Proof: current study sheet and student ID card;


If you have missed the deadline or are unable to submit the evidence for the waiver by the deadline, the prescribed tuition fee must be PAID by the end of the admission period/continuation period! Otherwise, admission to the degree programme will not be granted or the notification of continuation of the degree programme cannot be carried out! You have the possibility to apply for a repayment of the tuition fee.