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Key Facts

Abschluss: Verleihung des akademischen Grades Master of Engineering (MEng) bzw. Abschlusszertifikat der TU Graz und der TU Wien

Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

Lehrgangsleitung: Prof. Dr. Karin Stieldorf (TU Wien), Univ.Prof. Dr. Alexander Passer (TU Graz)

Studienorte: Wien & Graz

Studiendauer und Struktur: 4 Semester bzw. 2 Semester, berufsbegleitend, gegliedert in Module

Kosten: EUR 18.000 bzw. EUR 10.000 (exkl. Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten)

Studienbeginn: September 2023

Bewerbungsdeadline: August 2023

Zugangsvoraussetzungen: Absolvierung eines international anerkannten ersten akademischen Studienabschlusses (in Österreich, Master-, Bachelor- oder Fachhochschulabschluss in- und ausländischer Universitäten) einer technischen, naturwissenschaftlichen, juristischen oder wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studienrichtung.

Bei nicht technischen Studienrichtungen ist zudem eine zweijährige facheinschlägige Berufserfahrung erforderlich.

Interview with Academic Director Prof. Dr. Karin Stieldorf

Alumni Spotlight: Dipl.-Ing. Michael Fürst, MEng

Diese Attribute sprechen für den Universitätslehrgang Nachhaltiges Bauen

Participants have a comprehensive understanding of the holistic view of the life cycle of buildings, which requires new design quality as well as modified building products and building systems.

Students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in job-specific situations and can develop and adapt it independently on the basis of the acquired basic understanding.

Participants will be able to master the considerable competitive challenges associated with the issue of sustainability in the construction sector, to clearly structure the planning process and develop appropriate implementation strategies.

Graduates not only master the theoretical principles and interrelationships of sustainable management, but also the knowledge and tools required for implementation in construction practice. They can also apply these directly in projects or project structures and, if necessary, adapt them independently to changing initial situations.

You will not only learn the interrelationships of building energy consumption and climate protection, but will also acquire, for example, the qualification for the prescribed preparation of building energy certificates in the sense of the Energy Performance Certificate Act (Energieausweisvorlagegesetz-EAVG) 2006 or 2012 and, in addition, sound knowledge of the preparation of building certifications.

Students are able to develop and implement sustainable strategies in an interdisciplinary working environment and to independently apply what they have learned to new situations and adapt it accordingly.

Students can identify problems and resistance in the implementation of solutions in the working environment and develop appropriate strategies to overcome them.

The course is conducted in cooperation between the two Austrian Universities of Technology in Graz and Vienna, thus ensuring a continuing education program at the cutting edge of science and research.

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