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Smart Campus – Smart Library

Taking the physical library learning space online for research-led teaching – now possible since the Smart Campus .dcall project has been completed.

[Translate to English:] Virtuelles Modell TU Bibliothek

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[Translate to English:] Virtuelles Modell TU Bibliothek 2

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But what does that actually mean? The original idea was to create a digital copy of the library building. Right from the start, Prof. Thomas Bednar (Institute of Material Technology, Building Physics, and Building Ecology) has been a project partner for TU Wien Bibliothek and, in partnership with Vienna airport, has created the biggest, cross-building, virtual simulation model in Austria for infrastructure, buildings and usage.

Identification with the learning object

The virtual model of the library building represents a busy building that serves as a learning object. It is also a building that the students know from their own personal experience. They can go there at different times of day and compare their experiences with simulation results. This creates identification with the learning object, which is not to be underestimated, particularly in times of distance learning.

Networking of research units and central departments

The Research Unit for Building Physics was responsible for developing the prototype for the simulation model. However, before this even started, we were sure that this work with the simulation model could be useful for other disciplines too. Students' ability to understand relationships, define and solve problems and collaborate on an inter-disciplinary basis can best be developed via experimentation and a direct network with research. The Research Unit for Wireless Communications, which was another project partner of ours, has added data about people flows to the simulation model. Students experimented with VR visualisation of the model in a library lecture. We entered into agreements about access to the required data together with our project partners GuT and

The virtual learning space

TU Wien Bibliothek is a transfer point for knowledge and research-led teaching. A learning platform has been developed in TU coLAB to ensure that it will be possible to use the models and methods of data gathering that have been created in future teaching too. The learning platform provides an overview of already developed projects and how you can work with the models yourself. Models and data are provided via the TU Wien data repository based on the FAIR data principles.

How should the TU Wien Bibliothek of the future look?

The library building is already quite outdated. The virtual model gives students from highly different research units the opportunity to come up with ideas about what they think the library building of the future should be like. Scientific data will then be available for a new concept for TU Wien Bibliothek.

Curious? Click here for the virtual learning space:, opens an external URL in a new window