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Lecture halls touchpanel updates

The new touchpanel-control scheme has been rolled out in the lecture halls EI7, EI8, EI9 and EI10 which promises better usability.

Touchpanel after startup

LectureTube is a proven service of the TU Wien, which is being run by the department of educational technologies. In 40 lecture halls which are fitted with LectureTube, you can use the recording and streaming function in it's full functionality. The touchpanels still had room for improvement. For this reason, there have been changes made to the layout and design of these in cooperation with the professors of the TU Wien, for better usability.

What's new?

  • The course, titel, recording start and length of the current recording are now visibly placed in the "Stream/Rec" tab.
[Translate to English:] Übersicht Rec/Stream
  • If you want to stop a recording which is currently running, a request will be displayed to prevent early stopping.
[Translate to English:] Stop Rec Abfrage
  • A status indicator has been placed on the bottom of the touchpanel, to show if a recording or stream is currently running
[Translate to English:] Statusindikator
  • Some captions have been made more meaningful to give better feedback which button is used for which function.
[Translate to English:] Beschriftungen
  • The room list in the "Room to Room" tab has been made more informative by adding the full lecture hall names
[Translate to English:] Room2Room Auswahl
[Translate to English:] R2R Raumliste
  • The saving and recalling of the camera position have been put together for a better overview
[Translate to English:] Kamerasteuerung

The new design is going to be tested and rolled out in the future to many more lecture halls. Additional information about LectureTube can be found on the website of the Department of Educational Technologies. Guides for the touchpanels and other LectureTube features can be found in the Knowledge Base, opens an external URL in a new window. If you have questions you can write an e-mail to