Univ.Prof. Stavros Papadokonstantakis MSc PhD

Personal Profile: Professor Stavros Papadokonstantakis is the esteemed group leader of SustainPSE, bringing a wealth of expertise in process systems engineering and sustainable chemical processes. He obtained his BSc-MSc (Diploma) in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 1998, and completed his PhD at NTUA in 2006, focusing on the modeling of chemical processes using artificial neural networks.

With a career spanning prestigious institutions, Professor Papadokonstantakis held a senior research assistant position at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich from 2007, contributing significantly to safety, environmental technology, and sustainability research. From 2014 to 2021, he served as an Associate Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, specializing in process modeling, conceptual design, and multi-criteria decision-making. His research integrated techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, life cycle costing, and hazard analysis to evaluate the economic and environmental sustainability of production systems, with a focus on biorefineries, industrial symbiosis, and circular economy concepts.

In June 2021, Professor Papadokonstantakis assumed the prestigious Chair of Process Systems Engineering at TU Wien in Austria, leading the SustainPSE group. His research focuses on process modeling, conceptual design, and holistic assessment methods. By combining key performance indicators and multi-criteria decision-making, he aims to evaluate the economic and environmental sustainability of production systems throughout their life cycles. His expertise is particularly relevant to biorefinery design, industrial symbiosis systems, and circular economy concepts.


Viorica Sirghii

Persönliches Profil: Als ausgebildetee Erdölingenieurin habe ich mich entschlossen, eine Veränderung vorzunehmen und auf die andere Seite zu wechseln. Nachdem ich in der Erdölproduktion und dann als Datenanalyst für den österreichischen Gasmarkt gearbeitet habe, habe ich mich entschlossen, meine akademische Karriere als Postdoc an der TU Wien fortzusetzen und durch meine Forschung zu einer Kohlenstoff emissionsfreien Zukunft beizutragen. Derzeit beschäftige ich mich mit der Entwicklung eines Tools zur Bewertung der Kreislaufwirtschaft sowie mit der Suche nach Lösungen für die Prozessoptimierung mithilfe von maschinellem Lernen und Quantencomputing.

Forschungsthema: Kohlenstoff Kreislaufwirtschaft

                                Quantencomputing für Optimierung

Hobbys: Yoga, Lesen, Kunst, Freiwilligenarbeit

PhD Students

Ada Robinson

Persönliches Profil:Ich bin Chemieingenieurin und engagiere mich für die Schaffung einer besseren Zukunft durch die Förderung nachhaltiger Praktiken. Ich habe umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Forschung und Entwicklung sowie in der Skalierung von Betrieben in der Agrarindustrie in Argentinien und in einer Bioraffinerie für mehrere Produkte aus Lignozellulose in Italien gesammelt. Derzeit entwickle ich in Österreich mein Fachwissen im Bereich der vorausschauenden Lebenszyklusanalyse, um Anwendungen zur Kohlenstoffabscheidung zu entwickeln, die auf die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels abzielen und als Teil des HiRECORD-Projekts im Rahmen meiner Promotion an der TU Wien eine spürbare Wirkung erzielen.

Forschungsthema: Prospektive Ökobilanz im CCU-System

                                 Quantencomputing für Optimierung

Hobbys: TaeKwon-Do, Fußball, Permakultur, Erstellung von YouTube-Inhalten

Pingping Wang

Personal Profile: I am PhD candidate at TU wien, process systems engineering. The topic of my research project is integration of CCS/CCU (carbon capture, storage/utilization) into present and future industrial infrastructures. From cement, oil refinery to other industrial sectors, I am combining prospective life cycle assessment and life cycle cost methods to evaluate the overall chain value of integration of CCS/CCU and to explore the optimal solution under different scenarios.

Research Topic: Superstructure based Optimization of CCU /CCS

Hobbies: Top-rope climbing, E-Mountainbike, Badminton.

Safdar Abbas

Personal Profile: I am working as a university assistant at TU wien. The research area mainly focuses on superstructure based optimization of biofuels and biochemical from biomass. Techno-economic analysis and Life cycle assessment performs a vital role in this study.

Research Topic: Superstructure based optimization of biorefinery system.

Hobbies: Playing Football, Travelling, Book reading

Stavroula Zervopoulou

Personal Profile: I work as a Project Assistant in the Research Unit of Process Systems Engineering for Bioresources and Sustainability at TU Wien. The EU-HORIZON project I am working on concerns the production of sustainable aviation fuels from waste biomass by coupling fast pyrolysis with solar energy (Circular Fuels). My contribution to the project is to investigate the scale-up perspectives of the project technologies considering EU targets for sustainable aviation fuels. The collection of relevant data, mainly economic and environmental, will be used for economic and environmental assessment (LCC/LCA), where technical and economic barriers will be identified to support relevant policy recommendations towards production at commercial scale.

Research Topic: Prospective LCA/LCC & Supply Chain Optimization Approach of SAF 

Hobbies: Reading, Movies, Board games, Hiking, Swimming, Traditional dances, Listening to music.

Master Student

Mahmoud Amini Khoei

Title of the Master thesis : Life Cycle Assesment of CO2 Mineralization in Austria