Application for Bachelor Degree

Apply for your degree in TISS, opens an external URL in a new window:


Please send the necessary documents in one E-Mail to Mrs Heidlmair (, she will process the application.:

  • Passport (certificate of marriage, if applicable)
  • Current record of studies - "Studienblatt"
  • certificates of courses which could not assigend to the respective fields in tiss 
  • UHStat 2 (participation record of a mandatory statistical survey)
  • complete transcript of records

The Bachelor's Programme has no final examination, so documents are usually ready for pickup within two weeks.

Important Information regarding graduation

We would like to point out, that with the completion of the Bachelor's Programme, you are deregistered (unless you are enrolled in another subject). So application for a Master's Programme as soon as possible is advised. Applications for Master's Programmes are possible, as soon as your degree has been processed, no further documents are needed.