Deadlines for the Programme-PRe-Phase for the winter semester 2024

Application period: April 1, 2024 to September 5, 2024

Please note that you must also have completed your Programme-PRe-Phase by then. Please note that admission is only possible in person from July 8, 2024 to September 12, 2024 at the Admissions Office. Admission to a Bachelor's Programme after the general admission period (continuation period until October 31,2024) is only possible in legally stipulated exceptional cases.


At TUW Barrier-free you will find general information to support your studies. The team also helps us with the Programme-PRe-Phase.

Please contact in time (from the beginning of registration) and let us know what support you need. Please note that we cannot extend the deadlines in this case either. In order to be able to support you during the study PRe phase you have to contact us at least a few days before the end of the registration period, depending on the effort required for your support offer.


The Programme-PRe-Phase is intended to serve all prospective students as a decision-making aid for a degree Programme, as well as preparation for entry into the chosen degree Programme. This phase is no a selection tool.

Technical Chemistry (033 290)

Five steps to admission:

  1. Complete TISS application
  2. Online survey and feedback on knowledge status (Programme-PRe-Phase)
  3. Complete educational documentation (a query of statistical data on the social background of applicants)
  4. Data entry for admission (formerly online pre-entry) - directly from the TISS user
  5. Admission to studies

Yes. You cannot be admitted to the degree Programme if you have not completed the Programme-PRe-Phase in full. All those who have completed the Programme-PRe-Phase will be offered a place at TU Wien.


If you are new at TU Wien please create a TISS, opens an external URL in a new window Guest-Account. With the TISS Guest-Account you can log in to our central TU Wien Information System (TISS).
The TISS guest account is created by entering your e-mail address and password in the form "Create account". Afterwards, a link for confirmation will be sent to the given e-mail address. As soon as you visit the link, your e-mail address is verified and your account is created. 


A TU account is available to all students and employees of TU Wien. Therefore, if you are already studying or working at TU Wien, you can apply for a study programme within your TU account.


With your TISS account you can apply for a Bachelor's Programme. Your application will guide you through all necessary steps until you are admitted to the program. However, please also always take note of the general admission requirements which are described on the page of the Admissions Office.
With your application for Architecture programme you also take part in the Study-PRe-Phase. You can use it to process your registration or postregistration, receive information in the section "Your Application" and can obtain documents.

Basically yes. Please note, however, that for studies with limited places, only one application per programme is possible! 


We offer an online tool to help you choose a course of study and to provide support for realistic self-assessment. The tests and questionnaires contained in the tool provide an overview of the requirements that we consider necessary for successful study. The tool takes about two hours to complete.

It is best to call up the online self-assessment directly from your application.

If you have already completed the online self-assessment for your desired course of study at TU Wien, you can enter the confirmation code directly in your application. This code will be sent to the email address you provided or will be available on the portal for the online self-assessment after logging in.


The EChemTest tests a basic chemical knowledge in order to give applicants the opportunity to realistically assess their previous knowledge and thus prepare themselves optimally for their studies.

The EChemTest will be handled online via Zoom as well as in presence this summer! 

If the room number BAU162 is indicated in the registration, the appointment will take place in presence, otherwise you will receive an e-mail the day before with the link for the Zoom meeting.
Please note that you will need access to a computer with a web browser, camera, loudspeaker and microphone for the online meetings. The ability to install additional software on this computer would be good, but is not essential because you can also access the Zoom meeting via web browser.
You will need to register and show up for an available appointment within your application. Please note that appointments can only be made up to 72 hours prior to the appointment. 
Once you have selected your appointment time, please follow the link to "Create EChemTest Account" and please log in with the same email address as in your application account to take the test. This account creation must also be done 72 hours prior to the appointment, as the EChemTest will be conducted using an unlinked external system!
For the online Zoom meeting, where the EChemTest and counseling session will be handled, you will receive a link to enter the online meeting after registration. 
Please be present both online and in attendance 15 minutes before the official start of the test. If you arrive too late, you will have to make a new appointment, as for administrative reasons we have to start the EChemTest on time with all candidates at the same time.

Maximum four hours, this includes preparation and on-site scheduling, the test itself, preparation of the results and the subsequent consultation. However, it is usually quicker.

If you cannot find a free appointment, especially shortly before the deadline, please contact us immediately. We will then assign you an appointment. Please note that appointments are only offered during the general admission period (until 4.9. or 4.2.). Outside the general admission period, only candidates who can present a justified reason for exception for admission in the additional period will be admitted to the EChemTest.

No. The EChemTest is only for your own self-assessment and can still be discussed during the subsequent counseling interview. Usually you will have the opportunity to take the test again at the end of the first year of study to check what progress you have made through your studies.


During the counseling interview with representatives of the faculty and students, applicants have the opportunity to ask questions and clarify their ideas about the study of Technical Chemistry and the resulting career opportunities, for example:

  • the motives for the choice of study,
  • the course and effort of the Bachelor's Programme
  • the expectations of the Programme and
  • the job description of a chemist.

COVID-19 News: Das Beratungsgespräch wird diesen Sommer komplett online mittels Zoom abgewickelte! Beachten Sie aber bitte schon jetzt, dass Sie jedenfalls einen Zugang zu einem Gerät mit Kamera, Lautsprecher und Mikrofon benötigen werden. Die Möglichkeit auf diesem Computer zusätzliche Software zu installieren wäre gut, ist aber nicht unbedingt erforderlich, weil man in das Zoom-Meeting auch via Webbrowser einsteigen kann.
Das Beratungsgespräch findet nach einer Wartezeit im Anschluss an den EChemTest statt. Sie müssen also nur einmal an einem Zoom-Meeting teilnehmen und können beide Teile der Studien-VoR-Phase gemeinsam erledigen.


During the data collection for admission, your personal data, which are necessary for admission, and legally required statistical data are collected. The data collection for admission has to be done directly from your application. Only after the data collection you can make the admission.

With the admission you officially start your studies. You can find more information on the admission pages.

Admission can be carried out from the time your Programme-PRe-Phase is completed in your TISS user. It is always done in person at the study department. You must book an appointment for this in your online application!

Further questions and answers

Yes, you are free to apply to different universities with or without admission restrictions for the same Programme. However, admission may only be granted to one university (§ 63 (8) UG 2002).

Your application is independent of your registration for further studies. Please note the respective deadlines and requirements.

If you are or have already been admitted to a degree Programme in Technical Chemistry at TU Wien, you do not have to do a Programme-PRe-Phase but can continue.

A completed Programme-PRe-Phase is valid for 6 semesters, subject to a general change in the admission requirements. After that, you must complete the Programme-PRe-Phase again.

You are treated the same as someone who is not yet studying at all. You have to participate in the Programme-PRe-Phase in order to get a study place.

A university entrance qualification or a secondary school leaving certificate is not required to start the admission procedure. For admission to the programme, however, you do need a confirmation of a place at university and a Matura or higher education entrance qualification! You will find more detailed information on admission on the Admissions pages.

Enquire the Admissions Office about the additional procedural steps. Please also note the longer processing times.

Unfortunately, no deadline extension is possible during the admission procedure or the study-PRe-phase. Likewise, there is no "second chance" at the same procedure. You can participate again in the following procedure.