The TU WIEN sees itself as a nationally anchored and internationally networked research university. The content of teaching is derived from the current research profile. TU WIEN thus combines basic and application-oriented research with research-led teaching at the highest international quality level.

The TU WIEN lives internationality and forms global strategic cooperations and alliances in science and industry to support researchers and teachers, participates in the international competition for the "brightest minds", designs its studies according to international quality standards and increases the internationality of education. The strategy paper "TU Wien  International" serves as a framework paper for targeted and measure-oriented internationalization.


The specialist unit “Internationalisation and Support” is entrusted with agendas of strategic projectmanagement in the range of activities related to internationalisation.  Monitoring of “TU Wien International” and the concrete implementation of with the Rectorate and the Faculties co-ordinated projects in the field of internationalisation belong to the main task areas.

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The global embedding of universities

On the one hand, universities are usually more strongly networked internationally within disciplines than other organisations and operate worldwide. On the other hand, universities are very nation-bound, especially in education, in the field of study and in the certification of academic achievements.

Since the 1990s, universities have been reacting very intensively to education and research programmes of the European Union as well as to globalisation developments and changed framework conditions in politics, the economy and society. Central service areas of the TU Wien - especially in the area of study and teaching - are increasingly becoming internationally oriented. In 2013, the strategy paper "TU Vienna International" was created for the steering coordination and targeted orientation of international activities.

In the relevant literature dealing with global developments of universities, the terms internationality and internationalisation are used. Internationality refers to a state and to empirically ascertainable activities at a certain point in time. The TU Vienna has a high degree of internationality.

In research, this can be seen in the successful international research cooperations and projects, the large number of international publications, the active participation in the international scientific organisation as well as the integration of young scientists in the scientific community and the participation in international funding and mobility programmes. In addition, almost one third of the academic staff is international.

In teaching and learning, this is visible in the TU Wien's successful participation in international education and mobility programmes, the promotion of internationally oriented master's and doctoral programmes, the enrichment of teaching content through the appointment of international guest professors and active participation in multilateral university networks. A good continuing education portfolio is offered for the service sector, and participation in "Staff Trainings" within the framework of Erasmus+ is promoted. The high proportion of international students of about 30 percent shows the attractiveness, visibility and high reputation of the TU Wien in the international context.
Internationalisation and the strategy paper "TU Vienna International


The term internationalisation is intended to distinguish between targeted strategic change processes in relation to defined international dimensions and objectives within a defined period of time.

The use of the term internationalisation then refers specifically in a narrower sense to the implementation of measures by the Rectorate and the faculties as set out in the strategy paper "TU Vienna International". We are thus talking about the focus of the university management and the faculties to strengthen the orientation of the diverse international activities and actions at the TU Wien along 4 strategic guiding principles and the associated objectives. The service institutions are also involved.

The Internationalisation and Support Unit is the central point of contact for this at TU Wien.

TU Wien is a cosmopolitan university and embodies internationality in its teaching, research and services.

Internationalisation increases the quality of research and teaching and also integrates the necessary service facilities.

  1. TU Wien orientates its international exchanges with excellent universities according to strategic considerations.
  2. TU Wien strengthens its opportunities for systematically recruiting qualified students, junior scientists and professors from abroad by creating an attractive, intercultural research and study environment.
  3. TU Wien promotes the international mobility of its students, junior scientists and professors.
  4. TU Wien strives to improve its international visibility and marketing.