Autoren/Authors | Titel/Title | Link |
M. Langer, J. Reiffenstein, H. Woracek | Eigenvalue distribution of canonical systems: trace class and sparse spectrum | [arXiv:2412.20124, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Eichinger, M. Lukić, H. Woracek | Necessary and sufficient conditions for universality limits | [arXiv:2409.18045v1, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, E. Tasso | Non-local non-homogeneous phase transitions: regularity of optimal profiles and sharp-interface limit | [arXiv:2412.11756, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Schuh, I. Souttar | Conditions for uniform in time convergence: applications to averaging, numerical discretisations and mean-field systems | [arXiv:2412.05239, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Monmarché, K. Schuh | Non-asymptotic entropic bounds for non-linear kinetic Langevin sampler with second-order splitting scheme | [arXiv:2412.03560, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Hirvonen, A. Jüngel | Analysis of a Poisson-Nernst-Planck cross-diffusion system with steric effects | [arXiv:2411.17399, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, L. Happ | Two-scale density of almost smooth functions in sphere-valued Sobolev spaces: A high-contrast extension of the Bethuel-Zheng theory | [arXiv:2411.07838v1, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. A. Carrillo, X. Chen, B. Du, A. Jüngel | Fluid relaxation approximation of the Busenberg--Travis cross-diffusion system | [arXiv:2411.06460, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Almi, E. Davoli, A. Kubin, E. Tasso | On De Giorgi's Conjecture of Nonlocal approximations for free-discontinuity problems: The symmetric gradient case | [arXiv:2410.23908, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. M. Melenk, J. Nick | Parsimonious convolution quadrature | [arXiv:2410.15079, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. M. Melenk, C. Rojik | A note on the shift theorem for the Laplacian in polygonal domains (extended version) | [arXiv:2409.17037, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Herda, A. Jüngel, and S. Portisch | Charge transport systems with Fermi--Dirac statistics for memristors | [arXiv:2409.01196, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. M. Melenk, D. Wörgötter | Regularity of vector fields with piecewise regular curl and divergence | [arXiv:2408.16556, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Taghizadeh and A. Jüngel | Bayesian inversion for the identification of the doping profile in unipolar semiconductor devices | [arXiv:2408.11485, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, G. Marino, J.-F. Pietschmann | Existence and local asymptotics for a system of cross-diffusion equations with nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard terms | [arXiv:2408.07396, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Cancès, J. Cauvin-Vila, C. Chainais-Hillairet, V. Ehrlacher | Cross-diffusion systems coupled via a moving interface | [arXiv:2407.15457, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bernkopf, J. M. Melenk | Optimal convergence rates in L2 for a first order system least squares finite element method -- Part II: inhomogeneous Robin boundary conditions | [arXiv:2407.14424, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Bahr, M. Faustmann, J. M. Melenk | An implementation of hp-FEM for the fractional Laplacian | [arXiv:2407.11482, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Eichinger, H. Woracek | Homogeneous spaces of entire functions | [arXiv:2407.04979v2, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. M. Melenk, I. Perugia, A. Rieder | FEM-BEM coupling for the high-frequency Helmholtz problem | [arXiv:2407.04428, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Baumgartner, P. Szmolyan | A Multi-Parameter Singular Perturbation Analysis of the Robertson Model | [arXiv:2407.04008, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, M. Vetter, and A. Zurek | A nonlocal regularization of a generalized Busenberg--Travis cross-diffusion system | [arXiv:2407.01123, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Gómez, A. Jüngel, and I. Perugia | Structure-preserving Local Discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear cross-diffusion systems | [arXiv:2406.17900, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, G. Toshpulatov | Trend to equilibrium and hypoelliptic regularity for the relativistic Fokker-Planck equation | [arXiv:2406.15139, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Miraçi, J. Papež, M. Vohralík, I. Yotov | A-posteriori-steered p-robust multigrid and domain decomposition methods with optimal step-sizes for mixed finite element discretizations of elliptic problems | [arXiv:2406.09872, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencsér, F. Toninelli | Weak coupling limit of KPZ with rougher than white noise | [arXiv:2406.08364, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Djurdjevac, M. Gerencsér, H. Kremp | Higher order approximation of nonlinear SPDEs with additive space-time white noise | [arXiv:2406.03058, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Chen, A. Holzinger, A. Jüngel | Fluctuations around the mean-field limit for attractive Riesz potentials in the moderate regime | [arXiv:2405.15128, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Jelbart, K. Uldall Kristiansen, P. Szmolyan | Travelling Waves and Exponential Nonlinearities in the Zeldovich-Frank-Kamenetskii Equation | [arXiv:2405.10076, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Schuh, P. A. Whalley | Convergence of kinetic Langevin samplers for non-convex potentials | [arXiv:2405.09992, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencsér | Analytically weak solutions to stochastic heat equations with spatially rough noise | [arXiv:2404.18920, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Melenk, D. Woergoetter | Wavenumber-explicit regularity theory for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations in piecewise smooth media | [OWR 20.3, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Gavioli, L. Happ, V. Pagliari | An extension operator for manifold-valued Sobolev maps on perforated domains | [arXiv:2403.11690v2, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, K. Schuh | Long-time behavior for discretization schemes of Fokker–Planck equations via couplings | [arXiv:2403.10111, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, K. Nik, U. Stefanelli, G. Tomassetti | An existence result for accretive growth in elastic solids | [arXiv:2403.08307, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Uldall Kristiansen, P. Szmolyan | Analytic weak-stable manifolds in unfoldings of saddle-nodes | [arXiv:2403.01488, opens an external URL in a new window |
A. Arnold, J. Körner | WKB-based third order method for the highly oscillatory 1D stationary Schrödinger equation | [arXiv:2402.18406, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Nannen, M. Wess | A Krylov Eigenvalue Solver Based on Filtered Time Domain Solutions | [arXiv:2402.08515, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. A. Nigsch, N. Ortner | Quasinormable Fréchet spaces and M. W. Wong's inequality | [arXiv:2402.08044, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Optimal cost of (goal-oriented) adaptive FEM for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs | Proceedings of ENUMATH 2023 |
M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Cost-optimal adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs | Proceedings of ENUMATH 2023 |
A. Miraçi, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Parameter-robust full linear convergence and optimal complexity of adaptive iteratively linearized FEM for nonlinear PDEs | [arXiv:2401.17778, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, C. Gavioli, L. Lombardini | Existence results for Cahn-Hilliard type systems driven by nonlocal integrodifferential operators with singular kernels | [arXiv:2401.15738, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Y. Bruned, M. Gerencsér, U. Nadeem | Quasi-generalised KPZ equation | [arXiv:2401.13620, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Halla, M. Kachanovska, M. Wess | Radial perfectly matched layers and infinite elements for the anisotropic wave equation | [arXiv:2401.13483, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Gopalakrishnan, M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl, M. Wardetzky | On the improved convergence of lifted distributional Gauss curvature from Regge elements | [arXiv:2401.12734, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, C. Klein, J. Körner, M. Melenk | Optimally truncated WKB approximation for the 1D stationary Schrödinger equation in the highly oscillatory regime | [arXiv:2401.10141, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, R. Giorgio | A Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula accounting for nonlocal antisymmetric exchange interactions | [arXiv:2401.10104, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Cost-optimal adaptive FEM with linearization and algebraic solver for semilinear elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2401.06486, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, Y. Li | Existence of global weak solutions to a Cahn–Hilliard cross-diffusion system in lymphangiogenesis | [arXiv:2401.05180, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Autoren/Authors | Titel/Title | Link |
M. Wess, B. Kapidani, L. Codecasa, J. Schöberl | Mass lumping the dual cell method to arbitrary polynomial degree for acoustic and electromagnetic waves | [arXiv:2312.14716, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, U. Stefanelli | Level sets of eikonal functions are John regular | [arXiv:2312.17635, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. S. Christiansen, B. Eichinger, O. Rubin | Extremal polynomials and polynomial preimages | [arXiv:2312.12992, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Horvath, A. Körner, C. Modiz | Data-based Model Identification of the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Complex | [arXiv:2312.11179, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Edthofer, I. Feldhammer, T. Fenzl, A. Körner, M. Kreuzer | Permutation Entropy as a Conceptual Model to Analyse Brain Activity in Sleep | [arXiv:2312.07129, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, G. Akagi, C. Kuehn, J.M. Melenk, J. Rademacher, C. Soresina, J. Yang | Fractional dissipative PDEs | [arXiv:2312.05606, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Bringmann, M. Brunner, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Optimal complexity of goal-oriented adaptive FEM for nonsymmetric linear elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2312.00489, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Bringmann, M. Feischl, A. Miraci, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | On full linear convergence and optimal complexity of adaptive FEM with inexact solver | [arXiv:2311.15738, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, B. Wang | Structure-preserving semi-convex-splitting numerical scheme for a Cahn-Hilliard cross-diffusion system in lymphangiogenesis | [arXiv:2311.11398, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, E. Rocca, L. Scarpa, L. Trussardi | Local asymptotics and optimal control for a viscous Cahn-Hilliard-Reaction-Diffusion model for tumor growth | [arXiv:2311.10457, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Gopalakrishnan, M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl, M. Wardetzky | Analysis of distributional Riemann curvature tensor in any dimension | [arXiv:2311.01603, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Bringmann | Scaling-robust built-in a posteriori error estimation for discontinuous least-squares finite element methods | [arXiv:2310.19930, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, A. Jüngel | Hypocoercivity for Linear ODEs and Strong Stability for Runge--Kutta Methods | [arXiv:2310.19758, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E.S. Gawlik, M. Neunteufel | Finite element approximation of the Einstein tensor | [arXiv:2310.18802, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Gavioli, P. Krejčí | Long time behavior of a porous medium model with degenerate hysteresis | [arXiv:2310.15881, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Toshpulatov | Well-posedness and trend to equilibrium for the Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck system with a confining potential | [arXiv:2310.12258, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, G. Toshpulatov | Exponential stability and hypoelliptic regularization for the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation with confining potential | [arXiv:2310.06410, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. D'Elia, M. Eleuteri, E. Zappale | Homogenization of supremal functionals in vectorial setting (via power-law approximation) | [arxiv:2310.01175, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, J. Körner | High-order WKB-based method for the 1D stationary Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limit | [arXiv:2310.00963, opens an external URL in a new window] , opens an external URL in a new window |
J. Körner, A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, C. Klein, J. M. Melenk, opens an external URL in a new window | Optimally truncated WKB approximation for the highly oscillatory stationary 1D Schrödinger equation | [arXiv:2310.00955, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser, opens an external URL in a new window, K. Le | A central limit theorem for the Euler method for SDEs with irregular drifts | [arXiv:2309.16339, opens an external URL in a new window] |
H. Kremp, N. Perkowski | Periodic homogenization for singular Lévy SDEs | [arXiv:2309.16225, opens an external URL in a new window] |
H. Kremp, N. Perkowski | Rough weak solutions for singular Lévy SDEs | [arXiv.2309.15460, opens an external URL in a new window] |
H. Kremp, N. Perkowski | Fractional Kolmogorov equations with singular paracontrolled terminal conditions | [arXiv:2309.14733, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Einav, T. Wöhrer | Sharp Decay of the Fisher Information for Degenerate Fokker—Planck Equations | [arXiv:2309.05316, opens an external URL in a new window] |
N. Bou-Rabee, K. Schuh | Nonlinear Hamiltonian Monte Carlo & its Particle Approximation | [arXiv:2308.11491, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Sky, M. Neunteufel, P. Lewintan, A. Zilian, P. Neff | Novel H(symCurl)-conforming finite elements for the relaxed micromorphic sequence | [arXiv:2308.07750, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Necessary and sufficient conditions for strong stability of explicit Runge-Kutta methods | [arXiv:2308.05689, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Langer, H. Woracek, opens an external URL in a new window | Karamata’s theorem for regularised Cauchy transforms | [arXiv:2307.12249, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, opens an external URL in a new window, C. Marcati, J. M. Melenk, opens an external URL in a new window, C. Schwab | Weighted analytic regularity for the integral fractional Laplacian in polyhedra | [arXiv:2307.11679, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Pruckner, J. Reiffenstein, H. Woracek, opens an external URL in a new window | An upper bound for the Nevanlinna matrix of an indeterminate moment sequence | [arXiv:2307.10748, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, V. Mehrmann, E. A. Nigsch | Hypocoercivity in Hilbert spaces | [arXiv:2307.08280, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Bonfanti, E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, R. Rossi | A coupled rate-dependent/rate-independent system for adhesive contact in Kirchhoff-Love plates | [arXiv:2307.06327, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. M. Melenk, opens an external URL in a new window, L. Demkowicz, S. Henneking | Stability Analysis for Electromagnetic Waveguides. Part 1: Acoustic and Homogeneous Electromagnetic Waveguides | [arXiv:2307.04521, opens an external URL in a new window] |
X. Huo, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Global existence and weak-strong uniqueness for chemotaxis compressible Navier-Stokes equations modeling vascular network formation | [arXiv:2307.03412, opens an external URL in a new window] |
X. Chen, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, X. Lin, L. Liu | Large-time asymptotics for degenerate cross-diffusion population models with volume filling | [arXiv:2306.17425, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Karkulik, J. M. Melenk, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Rieder | On interpolation spaces of piecewise polynomials on mixed meshes | [arXiv:2306.16907, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Riehl, M. Neunteufel, M. Hemberg | Hierarchical confusion matrix for classification performance evaluation | [arXiv:2306.09461, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, L. D'Elia, J. Ingmanns | Stochastic homogenization of micromagnetic energies and emergence of magnetic skyrmions | [arXiv:2306.05151, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Hu, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, N. Zamponi | Global weak solutions for a nonlocal multispecies Fokker-Planck-Landau system | [arXiv:2305.17447, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Sky, M. Neunteufel, J. Hale, A. Zilian | A Reissner-Mindlin plate formulation using symmetric Hu-Zhang elements via polytopal transformations | [arXiv:2305.17249, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencser, opens an external URL in a new window, G. Lampl, C. Ling | The Milstein scheme for singular SDEs with Hölder continuous drift | [arXiv:2305.16004, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Massimini | Analysis of a Poisson-Nernst-Planck-Fermi system for charge transport in ion channels | [arXiv:2305.15286, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Fellner, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Existence analysis of a cross-diffusion system with nonlinear Robin boundary conditions for vesicle transport in neurites | [arXiv:2305.15281, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, R. Ferreira, I. Fonseca, J.A. Iglesias | Dyadic partition-based training schemes for TV/TGV denoising | [arXiv:2305.07150, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Charles, A. Massimini, F. Salvarani | Mathematical and numerical study of a kinetic model describing the evolution of planetary rings | [hal-03788536, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl, opens an external URL in a new window | The Hellan-Herrmann-Johnson and TDNNS method for linear and nonlinear shells | [arXiv:2304.13806, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, L. Happ | A modular Poincaré-Wirtinger type inequality on Lipschitz domains for Sobolev spaces with variable exponents | [arXiv:2304.13132, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Bohn, W. Dörfler, M. Feischl, opens an external URL in a new window, S. Karch | Adaptive mesh refinement for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation | [arXiv:2303.07463, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Anzeletti, K. Lê, Ch. Ling | Path-by-path uniqueness for stochastic differential equations under Krylov-Röckner condition | [arXiv:2304.06802, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Hollaus, M. Schöbinger | Multiscale Finite Element Formulations for 2D/1D Problems | [arXiv:2304.06553, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Feischl, opens an external URL in a new window, H. Hackl | Adaptive Image Compression via Optimal Mesh Refinement | [arXiv:2304.01640, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Hopf, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Convergence of a finite volume scheme and dissipative measure-valued-strong stability for a hyperbolic-parabolic cross-diffusion system | [arXiv:2304.00787, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Georgiadis, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Global existence of weak solutions and weak-strong uniqueness for nonisothermal Maxwell-Stefan systems | [arXiv:2303.17693, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Gavioli, P. Krejci | Degenerate diffusion with Preisach hysteresis | [arXiv:2303.17451, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Cancès, M. Herda, A. Massimini | Finite volumes for a generalized Poisson-Nernst-Planck system with cross-diffusion and size exclusion | [hal-04022357, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Demkowicz, J. M. Melenk, opens an external URL in a new window, J. Badger, S. Henneking | Stability Analysis for Electromagnetic Waveguides. Part 2: Nonhomogeneous Waveguides | [Oden Institute, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Buzancic, E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, I. Velcic | Effective quasistatic evolution models for perfectly plastic plates with periodic microstructure: the limiting regimes | [arXiv:2302.14758, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Rieder, opens an external URL in a new window | FEM-BEM coupling in Fractional Diffusion | [arXiv:2302.11279, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, S. Portisch, A. Zurek | A convergent finite-volume scheme for nonlocal cross-diffusion systems for multi-species populations | [arXiv:2302.10993, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Ch. Helmer, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window | Existence analysis for a reaction-diffusion Cahn-Hilliard-type system with degenerate mobility and singular potential modeling biofilm growth | [arXiv:2302.07765, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, opens an external URL in a new window, G. Di Fratta, V. Pagliari | Sharp conditions for the validity of the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula | [arXiv:2302.05653, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Georgiadis, A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, A. E. Tzavaras | Non-isothermal multicomponent flows with mass diffusion and heat conduction | [arXiv:2301.08928, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, opens an external URL in a new window, A. Rieder, opens an external URL in a new window | Fractional Diffusion in the full space: decay and regularity | [arXiv:2301.05503, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, opens an external URL in a new window, M. Vetter | A convergent entropy-dissipating BDF2 finite-volume scheme for a population cross-diffusion system | [arXiv:2301.03200, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E.S. Gawlik, M. Neunteufel | Finite element approximation of scalar curvature in arbitrary dimension | [arXiv:2301.02159, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Autoren/Authors | Titel/Title | Link |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, V. Mehrmann | Hypocoercivity in algebraically constrained partial differential equations with application to Oseen equations | [arXiv:2212.06631], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
S. Simonov, H. Woracek | Spectral multiplicity of selfadjoint Schrödinger operators on star-graphs with non-Kirchhoff interface conditions | [arXiv:2212.03820], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Buzancic, E. Davoli, I. Velcic | Effective quasistatic evolution models for perfectly plastic plates with periodic microstructure | [arXiv:2212.02116], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Brunner, P. Heid, M. Innerberger, A. Miraci, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | Adaptive FEM with quasi-optimal overall cost for nonsymmetric linear elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2212.00353], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Iuorio, G. Jankowiak, P. Szmolyan, M.-T. Wolfram | Canards in a bottleneck | [arXiv:2211.16652], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Ch. Ling, M. Scheutzow | Expansion and attraction of RDS: long time behavior of the solution to singular SDE | [arXiv:2211.14202], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Biswas, A. Jüngel | Global martingale solutions to a segregation cross-diffusion system with stochastic forcing | [arXiv:2211.05019], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J.M. Melenk, D.Praetorius | Cost-optimal adaptive iterative linearized FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2211.04123], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P.-E. Druet, K. Hopf, A. Jüngel | Hyperbolic-parabolic normal form and local classical solutions for cross-diffusion systems with incomplete diffusion | [arXiv:2210.17244], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Innerberger, A. Miraci, D. Praetorius, J. Streitberger | hp -robust multigrid solver on locally refined meshes for FEM discretizations of symmetric elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2210.10415], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Faustmann, E.P. Stephan, D. Wörgötter | Two-level error estimation for the integral fractional Laplacian | [arXiv:2209.13366], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, C. Marcati, J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab | Exponential Convergence of hp FEM for the Integral Fractional Laplacian in Polygons | [arXiv:2209.11468], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencser, H. Singh | Strong convergence of parabolic rate 1 of discretisations of stochastic Allen-Cahn-type equations | [arXiv:2209.09222], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bernkopf, T. Chaumont-Frelet, J.M. Melenk | Wavenumber-explicit stablity and convergence analysis of hp-finite element discretizations of Helmholtz problems in piecewise smooth media | [arXiv:2209.03601], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C.P. Ma, J.M. Melenk | Exponential convergence of a generalized FEM for heterogeneous reaction-diffusion equations | [arxiv:2209.01957], opens an external URL in a new window |
E. Davoli, R. Ferreira, C. Kreisbeck, H. Schönberger | Structural changes in nonlocal denoising models arising through bi-level parameter learning | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
V. Helml, M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius | Plain convergence of goal-oriented adaptive FEM | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Bespalov, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | Goal-oriented adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin FEM | [arXiv:2208.09388], opens an external URL in a new window |
X. Chen, A. Jüngel, L. Wang | The Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto cross-diffusion system beyond detailed balance | [arXiv:2207.09876], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser | Path-by-path regularisation through multiplicative noise in rough, Young, and ordinary differential equations | [arXiv:2207.03476], opens an external URL in a new window |
L. Galeati, M. Gerencser | Solution theory of fractional SDEs in complete subcritical regimes | [arXiv:2207.03475], opens an external URL in a new window |
A. Zdunek, M. Neunteufel, W. Rachowicz | On pressure robustness and independent determination of displacement and pressure in incompressible linear elasticity | [arXiv:2207.02615], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Uldall Kristiansen, P. Szmolyan | A dynamical systems approach to WKB-methods: The simple turning point | [arXiv:2207.00252], opens an external URL in a new window |
E. Tasso | Rectifiability of a class of integralgeometric measures and applications | [arXiv:2206.14044], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Fellner, A. Jüngel | A coupled stochastic differential reaction-diffusion system for angiogenesis | [arXiv:2206.11510], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Gopalakrishnan, M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl, M. Wardetzky | Analysis of curvature approximations via covariant curl and incompatibility for Regge metrics | [arXiv:2206.09343], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Desoeuvres, P. Szmolyan, O. Radulescu | Qualitative dynamics of chemical reaction networks: an investigation using partial tropical equilibrations | [arXiv:2205.07360], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
X. Huo, A. Jüngel, A. Tzavaras | Existence and weak-strong uniqueness for Maxwell-Stefan-Cahn-Hilliard systems | [arXiv:2205.06478], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, V. Mehrmann | Hypocoercivity and hypocontractivity concepts for linear dynamical systems | [arXiv:2204.13033], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
O. Butkovsky, K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser | Strong rate of convergence of the Euler scheme for SDEs with irregular drift driven by Levy noise | [arXiv:2204.12926], opens an external URL in a new window |
S. Almi, E. Davoli, M. Friedrich | Non-interpenetration conditions in the passage from nonlinear to linearized Griffith fracture | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, C. Gavioli, V. Pagliari | A homogenization result in finite plasticity and its application to high-contrast media | [arXiv:2204.09084, opens an external URL in a new window |
Benjamin Eichinger | Asymptotics for Christoffel functions associated to continuum Schroedinger operators | [arXiv:2204.05633], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk, C. Marcati, C. Schwab | Exponential convergence of hp-FEM for the integral fractional Laplacian in 1D | [arXiv:2204.04113], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Jourdana, A. Jüngel, N. Zamponi | Three-species drift-diffusion models for memristors | [arXiv:2204.03275], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Eichinger, J. Fillman, E. Gwaltney, M. Lukic | Limit-Periodic Dirac Operators with Thin Spectra | [arXiv:2203.12650], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
N. Angleitner, M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk | Exponential meshes and H-matrices | [arXiv:2203.09925], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, C.-M. Pfeiler, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | The mass-lumped midpoint scheme for computational micromagnetics: Newton linearization and application to magnetic skyrmion dynamics | [arXiv:2203.06445], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius | MooAFEM: An object oriented Matlab code for higher-order (nonlinear) adaptive FEM | [arXiv:2203.01845], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Gantner, D. Praetorius, S. Schimanko | Stable implementation of adaptive IGABEM in 2D in Matlab | [arXiv:2203.00394], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Pruckner, H. Woracek | A growth estimate for the monodromy matrix of a canonical system | [arXiv:2202.13984], opens an external URL in a new window |
M. Braukhoff, F. Huber, A. Jüngel | Global martingale solutions for stochastic Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto population models | [arXiv:2202.12602], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev | On the limiting amplitude principle for the wave equation with variable coefficients | [arXiv:2202.10105], opens an external URL in a new window |
A. Sky, M. Neunteufel, I. Münch, J. Schöberl, P. Neff | Primal and mixed finite element formulations for the relaxed micromorphic model | [arXiv:2202.08715], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, N. Zamponi | Analysis of a fractional cross-diffusion system for multi-species populations | [arXiv:2202.03787], opens an external URL in a new window |
J.M. Melenk, A. Rieder | An exponentially convergent discretization for space-time fractional parabolic equations using hp-FEM | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev | On the exponential time-decay for the one-dimensional wave equation with variable coefficients | [arXiv:2201.04379], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J.M. Melenk, S.A. Sauter | Wavenumber-explicit hp-FEM analysis for Maxwell's equations with impedance boundary conditions | [arXiv:2201.02602], opens an external URL in a new window [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Langer, R. Pruckner, H. Woracek | Canonical systems whose Weyl coefficients have regularly varying asymptotics | [arXiv:2201.01522], opens an external URL in a new window |
Autoren/Authors | Titel/Title | Link |
V. Pagliari, K. Papafitsoros, B. Raita, and A. Vikelis | Bilevel training schemes in imaging for total-variation-type functionals with convex integrands | [arXiv:2112.10682, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk, C. Marcati, C. Schwab | Weighted analytic regularity for the integral fractional Laplacian in polygons | [arXiv:2112.08151, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Becker, M. Brunner, M. Innerberger, J.M. Melenk, D.Praetorius | Rate-optimal goal-oriented adaptive FEM for semilinear elliptic PDEs | [arXiv:2112.06687, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Bonizzoni,. D. Pradovera, M. Ruggeri | Rational-based model order reduction of Helmholtz frequency response problems with adaptive finite element snapshots | [arXiv:2112.04302, opens an external URL in a new window] |
N.J. Mauser, C.-M. Pfeiler, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | Unconditional well-posedness and IMEX improvement of a family of predictor-corrector methods in micromagnetics | [arXiv:2112.00451, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Baumann, P. Gangl, K. Sturm | Complete topological asymptotic expansion for L2 and H1 tracking-type cost functionals in dimension two and three | [arXiv:2111.08418, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Detmann, C. Gavioli, P. Krejci, J. Lamac, Y. Namlyeyeva | A model for lime consolidation of porous solids | [arXiv:2111.07570, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Gavioli, P. Krejci | Phase transitions in porous media | [arXiv:2111.04562, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Becker, M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius | Adaptive FEM for parameter-errors in elliptic linear-quadratic parameter estimation problems | [arXiv:2111.03627, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Helmer, A. Jüngel, A. Zurek | Analysis of a finite-volume scheme for a single-species biofilm model | [arXiv:2110.14933, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
O. Butkovsky, K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser | Optimal rate of convergence for approximations of SPDEs with non-regular drift | [arXiv:2110.06148, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, K. Nik, U. Stefanelli | Existence results for a morphoelastic model | [arXiv:2110.05566, opens an external URL in a new window] |
X. Huo, A. Jüngel, A. Tzavaras | Weak-strong uniqueness for Maxwell-Stefan systems | [arXiv:2110.05331, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencser, M. Hairer | Boundary renormalisation of SPDEs | [arXiv:2110.03656, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Bargetz, E. A. Nigsch, N. Ortner. | Projective descriptions of spaces of functions and distributions | [arXiv:2109.14448, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, opens an external URL in a new window, E. Carlen | The hypocoercivity index for the short time behavior of linear time-invariant ODE systems | [arXiv:2109.10784, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Barletti, P. Holzinger, and A. Jüngel | Formal derivation of quantum drift-diffusion equation with spin-orbit interaction | [arXiv:2109.09616, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Chen, A. Holzinger, A. Jüngel, and N. Zamponi | Analysis and mean field derivation of a porous-medium equation with fractional diffusion | [arXiv:2109.08598, opens an external URL in a new window] |
N. Angleitner, M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk | H-inverses for RBF interpolation | [arXiv:2109.05763, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bresciani, M. Kruzik | A reduced model for plates arising as low energy Γ-limit in nonlinear magnetoelasticity | [arXiv:2109.04864, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Daus, M. Fellner, and A. Jüngel | Random-batch method for multi-species stochastic interacting particle systems | [arXiv:2109.01897, opens an external URL in a new window] |
H. Oezelt, L. Qu, A. Kovacs, J. Fischbacher, M. Gusenbauer, R. Beigelbeck, D. Praetorius, Y. Masao, T. Shoji, A. Kato, R. Chantrell, M. Winklhofer, G. Zimanyi, T. Schrefl | Full-spin-wave-scaled finite element stochastic micromagnetism: Mesh-independent FUSSS LLG simulations of ferromagnetic resonance and reversal | [arXiv:2108.10582, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Langer, R. Pruckner, H. Woracek | Canonical systems whose Weyl coefficients have dominating real part | [arXiv:2108.10162, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Eichinger, M. Lukic, B. Simanek | An approach to universality using Weyl m-functions | [arXiv:2108.01629, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, C. Kreisbeck | On static and evolutionary homogenization in crystal plasticity for stratified composites | [arXiv:2108.00038, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, I. Mazari, U. Stefanelli | Spectral optimization of inhomogeneous plates | [arXiv:2107.11207, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Gangl, K. Sturm | Automated computation of topological derivatives with application to nonlinear elasticity and reaction-diffusion problems | [arXiv:2107.09963, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Baumann, K. Sturm | Adjoint based methods to compute higher order topological derivatives with an application to elasticity | [arXiv:2107.09426, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Gantner, D. Praetorius | Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, part II: Isogeometric analysis with hierarchical B-splines for weakly-singular integral equations | [arXiv:2107.06613, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Buffa, G. Gantner, C. Gianelli, D. Praetorius, R. Vazquez | Mathematical foundations of adaptive isogeometric analysis | [arXiv:2107.02023, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Bargetz, A. Debrouwere, E.A. Nigsch | Sequence space representations for spaces of smooth functions and distributions via Wilson bases | [arXiv:2107.00245, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, A. Monteil, V. Slastikov | Symmetry properties of minimizers of a perturbed Dirichlet energy with a boundary penalization | [arXiv:2106.15830, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, B. Signorello | Optimal non-symmetric Fokker-Planck equation for the convergence to a given equilibrium | [arXiv:2106.15742, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A.A.S Amad, P.D. Ledger, T. Betcke, D. Praetorius | Accurate benchmark computations of the polarizability tensor for characterising small conducting inclusions | [arXiv:2106.15157, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Langer, R. Pruckner, H. Woracek | Estimates for the Weyl coefficient of a two-dimensional canonical system | [arXiv:2106.07391, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Sokolova, H. Woracek | Nawrotzki’s algorithm for the countable splitting lemma, constructively | [arXiv:2106.06614, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Pruckner, H. Woracek | Limit behaviour of Weyl coefficients | [arXiv:2106.04167, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Kovacs, L. Exl, A. Kornell, J. Fischbacher, M. Hovorka, M. Gusenbauer, L. Breth, H. Oezelt, D. Praetorius, D. Suess, T. Schrefl | Magnetostatics and micromagnetics with physics informed neural networks | [arXiv:2106.03362, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Erath, L. Mascotto, J.M. Melenk, I. Perugia, A. Rieder | mortar coupling of hp-discontinuous Galerkin and boundary element methods for the Helmholtz equation | [arXiv:2105.06173, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, A. Zurek | A discrete boundedness-by-entropy method for finite-volume approximations of cross-diffusion systems | [arXiv:2105.05476, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, M. Kruzik, V. Pagliari | Homogenization of high-contrast composites under differential constraints | [arXiv:2104.08079, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, A. Molchanova, U. Stefanelli | Equilibria of charged hyperelastic solids | [arXiv:2104.08079, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, A. Arnold, V. Mehrmann | Hypocoercivity and controllability in linear semi-dissipative ODEs and DAEs | [arXiv:2104.07619, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, S. Portisch, A. Zurek | Nonlocal cross-diffusion systems for multi-species populations and networks | [arXiv:2104.06292, opens an external URL in a new window] |
I. Mazari, G. Nadin, A.I. Toledo Marrero | Optimisation of the total population size with respect to the initial condition for semilinear parabolic equations: Two-scale expansions and symmetrisations | [arXiv:2104.01080, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bresciani, E. Davoli, M. Kružík | Existence results in large-strain magnetoelasticity with asymmetric exchange energy | [arXiv:2103.16261, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk, M. Parvizi | H-matrix approximability of inverses of FEM matrices for the time-harmonic Maxwell equation | [arXiv:2103.14981, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R.H. Nochetto, M. Ruggeri, S. Yang | Gamma-convergent projection-free finite element methods for nematic liquid crystals: The Ericksen model | [arXiv:2103.13926, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, S. Geevers, I. Perugia, D. Ponomarev | An adaptive finite element method for high-frequency scattering problems with variable coefficients | [arXiv:2103.02511, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Körner, A. Arnold, K. Döpfner | WKB-based scheme with adaptive step size control for the Schrödinger equation in the highly oscillatory regime | [arXiv:2102.03107, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser, K. Le | Quantifying a convergence theorem of Gyöngy and Krylov | [arXiv:2101.12185, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Becker, G. Gantner, M. Innerberger, D.Praetorius | Goal-oriented adaptive finite element methods with optimal computational complexity | [arXiv:2101.11407, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
B. Eichinger, M. Lukic, G. Young | Asymptotics of Chebyshev rational functions with respect to subsets of the real line | [arXiv:2101.01744, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza | A unified divergent approach to Hardy-Poincaré inequalities in classical and variable Sobolev Spaces | [arXiv:2103.06547, opens an external URL in a new window][published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, V. Slastikov | On symmetry of energy minimizing harmonic-type maps on cylindrical surfaces | [arXiv:2110.08755, opens an external URL in a new window] |
Autoren/Authors | Titel/Title | Link |
G. Dhariwal, F. Huber, A. Jüngel | Global martingale solutions for a stochastic Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto population model | [arXiv:2012.12765, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, J. Dolbeault, C. Schmeiser, T. Wöhrer | Sharpening of decay rates in Fourier based hypocoercivity methods | [arXiv:2012.09103, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, T. Roubicek, U. Stefanelli | A note about hardening-free viscoelastic models in Maxwellian-type rheologies at large strains | [arXiv:2012.08914, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Menovschikov, A. Molchanova, L. Scarpa | An extended variational theory for nonlinear evolution equations via modular spaces | [arXiv:2012.05518, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, A. Zurek | A convergent structure-preserving finite-volume scheme for the Shigesada-Kawasaki-Teramoto population system | [arXiv:2011.08731, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Banjai, J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab | Exponential Convergence of hp FEM for Spectral Fractional Diffusion in Polygons | [arXiv:2011.05701, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E.S. Daus, M.P. Gualdani, J. Xu, N. Zaponi, X. Zhang | Non-local porous media equations with fractional time derivative | [arXiv:2010.16332, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, G. Di Fratta, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | Micromagnetics of thin films in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction | [arXiv:2010.15541, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Chen, E.S. Daus, A. Holzinger, A. Jüngel | Rigorous derivation of population cross-diffusion systems from moderately interacting particle systems | [arXiv:2010.12389, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, A. Jüngel, D. Praetorius, V. Slastikov | Spin-diffusion model for micromagnetics in the limit of long times | [arXiv:2009.14534, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Abbatiello, M. Bulicek, E. Maringova | On the dynamic slip boundary condition for Navier-Stokes-like problems | [arXiv:2009.09057, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Gerencser | Regularisation by regular noise | [arXiv:2009.08418, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bulicek, J. Malek, E. Maringova | On nonlinear problems of parabolic type with implicit constitutive equations involving flux | [arXiv:2009.06917, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Gantner, D. Praetorius | Plain convergence of adaptive algorithms without exploiting reliability and efficiency | [arXiv:2009.01349, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Feischl, A. Scaglioni | Convergence of adaptive stochastic collocation with finite elements | [arXiv:2008.12591, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk, M. Parvizi | Caccioppoli-type estimates and H -Matrix approximations to inverses for FEM- BEM couplings | [arXiv:2008.11498, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, M. Kruzik, P. Pelech | Separately global solutions to rate-independent processes in large-strain inelasticity | [arXiv:2008.02244, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Kauch, P. Worm, P. Prauhart, M. Innerberger, C. Watzenböck, K. Held | Enhancement of impact ionization in Hubbard clusters by disorder and next-nearest-neighbor hopping | [arXiv:2007.16035, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Barletti, P. Holzinger, A. Jüngel | Quantum drift-diffusion equations for a two-dimensional electron gas with a spin-orbit | [arXiv:2007.15947, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bresciani | Linearized von Karman theory for incompressible magnetoelastic plates | [arXiv:2007.14122, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, A. Einav, B. Signorello, T. Wöhrer | Large time convergence of the non-homogeneous Goldstein-Taylor equation | [arXiv:2007.11792, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Heid, D. Praetorius, T.P. Wihler | Energy contraction and optimal convergence of adaptive iterative linearized finite element methods | [arXiv:2007.10750, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
F. Achleitner, C. Kuehn, J.M. Melenk, A. Rieder | Metastable speeds in the fractional Allen-Cahn equation | [arXiv:2006.02731, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Bespalov, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | Two-level a posteriori error estimation for adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin FEM | [arXiv:2006.02255, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Daus, M. Ptashnyk, C. Raithel | Derivation of a fractional cross-diffusion system as the limit of a stochastic many-particle system driven by Lévy noise | [arXiv:2006.00277, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Faustmann, M. Karkulik, J.M. Melenk | Local convergence of the FEM for the integral fractional Laplacian | [arXiv:2005.14109, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Innerberger, P. Worm, P. Prauhart, A. Kauch | Electron-light interaction in nonequilibrium - exact diagonalization for time dependent Hubbard Hamiltonians | [arXiv:005.13498, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
T. Führer, D. Praetorius | A short note on plain convergence of adaptive least-squares finite element methods | [arXiv:2005.11015, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Gangl, K. Sturm | Topological derivative for PDEs on surfaces | [arXiv:2005.09011, opens an external URL in a new window] |
T.S. Gutleb, N.J. Mauser, M. Ruggeri, H.P. Stimming | A time splitting method for the three-dimensional linear Pauli equation | [arXiv:2005.06072, opens an external URL in a new window] |
N. Angleitner, M. Faustmann, J.M. Melenk | Approximating inverse FEM matrices on non-uniform meshes with H-matrices | [arXiv:2005.04999, opens an external URL in a new window] |
E. Davoli, M. Friedrich | Two-well linearization for solid-solid phase transitions | [arXiv:2005.03892, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Haberl, D. Praetorius, S. Schimanko, M. Vohralik | Convergence and quasi-optimal cost of adaptive algorithms for nonlinear operators including iterative linearization and algebraic solver | [arXiv:2004.13137, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Banjai, J.M. Melenk, C. Schwab | hp-FEM for reaction-diffusion equations, Part II. Robust exponential convergence for multiple length scales in corner domains | [arXiv:2004.10517, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Gantner, D. Praetorius | Adaptive BEM for elliptic PDE systems, Part I: Abstract framework for weakly-singular integral equations | [arXiv:2004.07762, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Gangl, K. Sturm, M. Neunteufel, J. Schöberl | Fully and Semi-Automated Shape Differentiation in NGSolve | [arXiv:2004.06783, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Helmer, A. Jüngel | Analysis of Maxwell-Stefan systems for heat conducting fluid mixtures | [arXiv:2004.06440, opens an external URL in a new window] |
L. Mascotto, J.M. Melenk, I. Perugia, A. Rieder | FEM-BEM mortar coupling for the Helmholtz problem in three dimensions | [arXiv:2004.03523, opens an external URL in a new window] |
J. Dick, M. Feischl | Quasi-Monte Carlo data compression algorithm for machine learning | [arXiv:2004.02491, opens an external URL in a new window] |
R. Becker, M. Innerberger, D. Praetorius | Optimal convergence rates for goal-oriented FEM with quadratic goal functional | [arXiv:2003.13270, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Gantner, A. Haberl, D. Praetorius, S. Schimanko | Rate optimality of adaptive finite element methods with respect to the overall computational costs | [arXiv:2003.10785, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
C. Bellingeri, P. K. Friz, M. Gerencser | Singular paths spaces and applications | [arXiv:2003.03352, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Rieder, F.J. Sayas, J.M. Melenk | Runge-Kutta approximation for C0-semigroups in the graph norm with applications to time domain boundary integral equations | [arXiv:2003.01996, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Arnold, C. Schmeiser, B. Signorello | Propagator norm and sharp decay estimates for Fokker-Planck equations with linear drift | [arXiv:2003.01405, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Dareiotis, M. Gerencser, B. Gess | Porous media equations with multiplicative space-time white noise | [arXiv:2002.12924, opens an external URL in a new window] [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M.S. Edalatzadeh, D. Kalise, K.A. Morris, K. Sturm | Shape Optimization of Actuators over Banach Spaces for Nonlinear Systems | [arXiv:2002.07172, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bulicek, A. Jüngel, M. Pokorny, N. Zamponi | Existence analysis of a stationary compressible fluid model for heat-conducting and chemically reacting mixtures | [arXiv:2001.06082, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Sturm | First-order differentiability properties of a class of equality constrained optimal value functions with applications | [arXiv:2001.04340, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Jüngel, M. Braukhoff | Entropy-dissipating finite-difference schemes for nonlinear fourth-order parabolic equations | [arXiv:2001.03742, opens an external URL in a new window] |
M. Bernkopf, J.M. Melenk | Optimal convergence rates in L2 for a first order system least squares finite element method, Part 1: Homogeneous boundary conditions | |
J.M. Gambi, M.L. Garcia del Pino, J. Mosser, E.B. Weinmüller | Numerical simulation of post-Newtonian ECI equations for orbital motion | |
M. Ruggeri | Numerical analysis of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with inertial effects | [arXiv:2103.09888, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Bespalov, D. Praetorius, M. Ruggeri | Convergence and rate optimality of adaptive multilevel stochastic Galerkin FEM | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
K. Döpfner, A. Arnold | On the stationary Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limit: Asymptotic blow-up at a turning point | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
P. Amodio, A. Arnold, T. Levitina, G. Settanni, E. Weinmüller | On the Abramov approach for the numerical simulation of the whispering gallery modes in prolate spheroids | [published, opens an external URL in a new window] |
A. Rieder, F. Sayas, J.M. Melenk | Time domain boundary integral equations and convolution quadrature for scattering by composite media | [arXiv;2010.14162, opens an external URL in a new window] |
G. Di Fratta, A. Fiorenza, V. Slastikov | An estimate of the blow-up of Lebesgue norms in the non-tempered case | |
G. Di Fratta | Micromagnetics of curved thin films |