The Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing gives courses for Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Technical Mathematics at the TU Wien.

Furthermore, we are actively involved in the basic mathematics education of all study programmes with the Harmonisation Course Mathematics (AKMATH)  as well as in the service teaching for Electrical Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technical Physics, Computational Science in Engineering and Interdisciplinary Mathematics.

Each semester we have a group of 65 student employees involved in teaching at the institute, holding tutoring groups. If you are interested in joining us as a student employee you can sign up for our TUWMath_JobAlert Newsletter which keeps you up to date on our open positions.

Overview of teaching at ASC

Main topics are:

  • Analysis
  • Introduction to Programming
  • Functional Analysis
  • (Partial) Differential Equations
  • Numerical Methods
  • Simulation.

A detailed list of all courses and lecturers can be found here.

In our service teaching we offer courses in the following fields of study:

  • Electrical Engineering
  • Geodesy and Geoinformation
  • Technical Physics
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computational Science in Engineering.

A detailed list of all courses and lecturers can be found here.

Before the beginning of each semester, the institute offers the so-called Angleichungskurs Mathematik (AKMATH) to prepare students of all fields of study in the required mathematical basics.

Further information can be found on the AKMATH website. If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Andreas KÖRNER.

We are also involved in the international MSc course "Interdisciplinary Mathematics, opens an external URL in a new window", which is jointly offered together with the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain), the University of Côte d’Azur in Nice (France), and the University of Hamburg (Germany).

Since the study year 2021/22 this MSc programme is supported by the EU via the Erasmus Mundus programme, opens an external URL in a new window. Applications for student stipends on "Interdisciplinary Mathematics" can be found at, opens an external URL in a new window Prof. Anton ARNOLD, opens an external URL in a new window will be happy to answer any questions.

Furthermore, members of the institute are actively contributing to TUForMath, opens an external URL in a new window (head: Prof. Dirk PRAETORIUS, opens an external URL in a new window), a popular science initiative of TU Wien jointly founded in 2018 by Prof. Joahnnes BÖHM, opens an external URL in a new window, Prof. Michael DRMOTA, opens an external URL in a new window, Prof. Alexia FÜRNKRANZ-PRSKAWETZ, opens an external URL in a new window, Prof. Dirk PRAETORIUS, opens an external URL in a new window, and Prof. Reinhard WINKLER, opens an external URL in a new window, that provides "hands-on" fun mathematics for pupils and shows the impact of mathematics on science and engineering as well as, perhaps less expected, on arts and culture, society and economics as well as our daily life.

Every semester almost 30,000 students take more than 2,000 lectures at TU Wien. TU Wien is dedicated to giving its students the best possible education. With the Best Teaching Awards, opens an external URL in a new window that have been introduced in 2017, TU Wien puts the spotlight on staff who particularly excel in this goal by awarding them with the Best Teacher Award or the Best Lecture Award.

We are proud that at the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation all recipients of the Best Teacher Award were members of our institute. Many students participated in these award selection processes, and we thank them for this sign of esteem of our dedication to good teaching.

  • Best Teacher Award 2023 to Prof. Andreas KÖRNER
  • Best Teacher Award 2022 to Dr. Markus FAUSTMANN
  • Best Teacher Award 2021 to Prof. Dirk PRAETORIUS
  • Best Distance Teaching Award 2020 to Prof. Ewa WEINMÜLLER and Prof. Andreas KÖRNER for their lecture on „Practical Analysis II for Technical Physicists“.
  • Best Teacher Award 2020 to Prof. Andreas KÖRNER
  • Best Teacher Award 2019 to Prof. Winfried AUZINGER
  • Best Lecture Award 2019 to Prof. Dirk PRAETORIUS and Dr. Gregor GANTNER for their lecture on „Introduction to Programming for Technical Mathematics“
  • Best Lecture Award 2018 to Prof. Andreas KÖRNER for his lecture on „Mathematics 3 for Electrical Engineering“
  • Best Teacher Award 2018 to Prof. Peter SZMOLYAN
  • Best Teacher Award 2017 to Prof. Ewa WEINMÜLLER