buildingSMART Austria

The research unit Digital Building Process  is involved in the dissemination and further development of openBIM and the international, manufacturer-independent format IFC. Therefore, the centre team is proactively involved in the independent and superordinate association buildingSMART Austria, opens an external URL in a new window.

Board activity

Since 2020, Associate Prof. DI Dr. Christian Schranz, M.Sc., opens an external URL in a new window, has been responsible for training and quality management on the board of buildingSMART Austria.

Project group "Digital Building Submission"

DI Dr. Harald Urban, BSc, opens an external URL in a new window

This working group deals with the requirements of a digital building submission to IFC.
What are the requirements to perform a semi-automated review of individual building regulations?

Project group "BIM Training BIMcert"

Associate Prof. DI Dr. Christian Schranz, M.Sc., opens an external URL in a new window

Collaboration (ZDB, TU Wien):
DI Dr. Harald Urban, BSc, opens an external URL in a new window

This working group deals with further developing the standardised qualification and certification model for BIM in Austria developed in the FFG research project "BIM-Zert".
The training is kept up-to-date in cooperation with partners from other universities, further education institutions, and BIM experts from practice.

Project group "HTL Partner Schools"

Associate Prof. DI Dr. Christian Schranz, M.Sc., opens an external URL in a new window

Collaboration (ZDB, TU Wien):
DI Dr. Harald Urban, BSc, opens an external URL in a new window

The FFG research project "BIM-Zert" developed a multi-level, standardised qualification and certification model for BIM in Austria. This working group cooperates with Austrian HTLs to anchor the first level ("Professional Certification Foundation") in HTL education.