Augmented Reality

Bauingenieur Bd. 95 (2020), Nr. 10, opens an external URL in a new window, S. 379-388:
Augmented Reality im Bauwesen: Teil 1 - Anwendungs- und Anforderungsanalyse / Augmented Reality in civil engineering: Part 1 - Use-case and requirement analysis (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Bauingenieur Bd. 95 (2020), Nr. 12, opens an external URL in a new window, S. 501-508:
Augmented Reality im Bauwesen: Teil 2 - Baustellentaugliches Trackingsystem / Augmented Reality in Civil Engineering: Part 2 - site-compatible tracking system (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Journal of Information Technology in Construction, ITcon Vol. 26, pg. 441–457, opens an external URL in a new window
Potentials of Augmented Reality in a BIM based building submission process (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Buildings, Vol. 12, Issue 4, 391, opens an external URL in a new window
Augmented Reality in AEC Education: A Case Study (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Bauingenieur Bd. 97 (2022), Nr. 11, opens an external URL in a new window, S. 353-361
Entwicklung und Validierung eines AR-Abnahmetools für die örtliche Bauaufsicht am Beispiel der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung / Development and validation of an AR acceptance tool for local building supervision using the example of technical building equipment (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Buildings, Vol. 13, Issue 6, 1462, Special Issue "Application of BIM through the Life Cycle of Buildings", opens an external URL in a new window
Augmented Reality for Building Authorities: A Use Case Study in Austria (pdf), opens a file in a new window

openBIM & processes

Bauingenieur Bd. 95 (2020), Nr. 9, opens an external URL in a new window, S. 335–344
Entwicklung eines openBIM-Bewilligungsverfahrens (pdf), opens a file in a new window

ÖIAZ – Österreichische Ingenieur- und Architektenzeitschrift, Bd. 166 (2021), opens an external URL in a new window
Einsatz von openBIM und KI im Bewilligungsverfahren der Stadt Wien (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Komplex 16/2023 – das Magazin der Halter AG, S. 186–189, opens an external URL in a new window
Verfahren mit Modellcharakter (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Building Research & Information Vol. 51 (2023), Iss. 5, S. 518–532, opens an external URL in a new window
Understanding processes on digital building permits – a case study in South Tyrol, opens a file in a new window

Advanced Engineering Informatics 58 (2023), 102188, opens an external URL in a new window
The unbalanced research on digitalization and automation of the building permitting process, opens a file in a new window

Automation in Construction 156 (2023), 105092, opens an external URL in a new window
Automation of escape route analysis for BIM-based building code checking (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Buildings, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 1135, Special Issue "Unearthing the Value of Data in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry, opens an external URL in a new window
Adapting to an OpenBIM Building Permit Process: A Case Study Using the Example of the City of Vienna, opens an external URL in a new window

Developments in the Built Environment, October 2024,, opens an external URL in a new window 100499
​​​​​​​Generation of new BIM domain models from escape route analysis results, opens an external URL in a new window

BIM-Pilotprojekt Bio-Institut:

Bauingenieur Bd. 97 (2022), Nr. 6, opens an external URL in a new window, S. 206–214
Bewertung von openBIM-Projekten: Indikatoren für die Nutzungsintensität von openBIM (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Digitalisierung und Standardisierung der Immobilienwirtschaft unter Anwendung von BIM am Beispiel eines Neubaus: Bio-Institut der HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein - Endbericht (pdf), opens a file in a new window

Digitalisierung und Standardisierung der Immobilienwirtschaft unter Anwendung von BIM am Beispiel eines Neubaus: Bio-Institut der HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein - Anhang: AIA & BAP (pdf), opens a file in a new window