Due to Covid-19, classroom teaching at the TU Wien and the Continuing Education Center was suspended from Wednesday, 11 March 2020 and switched to Distance Learning. In Distance Learning, as much content as possible was made available online and teaching was switched as comprehensively as possible to distance learning via video.
We are confident that we will soon be able to resume the usual classroom teaching and welcome our CEC students personally at the TU Wien and the Continuing Education Center.
In order to secure the health of all those working at the TU Wien, the safety and protection requirements, in particular the minimum safety distance and the hygiene requirements, must be observed in any case by all members of the TU Wien. (current version at Safety and Security Measures at TU Wien - CORONA Richtlinien und Leitfäden - TU coLAB, opens an external URL in a new window )
Our courses which are scheduled to start in spring 2021 are currently being planned in classroom form. Continuously we are monitoring the current COVID-19 situtation. As soon as there are chagnes, it will be noticied on our website. In case a renewed switch to distance learning is necessary due to the COVID 19 crisis, as many courses as possible will be held in online format. Many of our teachers have already adapted and optimized their course content for Distance Learning. We are therefore convinced that we can guarantee you high quality teaching in both face-to-face and online teaching. By switching to Distance Learning in case of an emergency, we also ensure that our courses can start and that your study progress is not delayed.
Because face-to-face teaching is an important element of our courses, it is our goal to use distance learning only when circumstances require it and to hold the teaching in presence as far as the regulations of the Federal Government and the Rectorate make this possible. As a matter of principle, our MBA programs are not designed as online programs and we are aware that the exchange of information between participants and networking among them is essential for the learning experience in the MBA program. However, we can guarantee high quality teaching, regardless of whether the classes are taught in classroom or distance learning.
No. Delivering the course units in online or face-to-face format will not affect your degree, as the scope, quality and content of the courses will remain unchanged.
As far as possible, there will be no change in the faculty due to the switch to online teaching. Many of our lecturers have already adapted and optimized their teaching content for distance learning. We are therefore convinced that we can guarantee you high-quality teaching in both face-to-face and online teaching. If, in individual cases, a change of lecturer is necessary, the teaching will be taken over by lecturers of equal quality.
The COVID 19 crisis has no effect on the application and admission process. You can submit your application online and send us the required application documents by e-mail. The admission interview is currently conducted primarily via video telephony.
The dates of our online info sessions will be published on our website. Our team is also available for personal consultations by phone, e-mail or video conference.
By switching to distance learning or hybrid scenarios, we are well prepared for possible restrictions in autumn and are confident that we can offer you a high quality MBA program, regardless of whether it can be in classroom form or whether it has to be partially switched to distance learning. You will find the deadline for postponing your participation in the course in your participation contract. The program team will also be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The scholarships awarded are only valid for the start of the program announced in each case. If you postpone your participation to 2022, you will need to reapply for a scholarship. The call periods and application deadlines for 2022 scholarships will be published on the program websites.
Information for the higher education sector is summarized on the website of the Ministry of Science: https://www.bmbwf.gv.at/en.html, opens an external URL in a new window
Daily updated information on the worldwide course of the disease can be found on the website of the Ministry of Health: https://www.sozialministerium.at/en.html, opens an external URL in a new window
Coronavirus information campaign https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/, opens an external URL in a new window
Please enquire at the Austrian consulate or embassy in your country. You can also find current information on the website of the Ministry for European and International Affairs: https://www.bmeia.gv.at, opens an external URL in a new window
Please contact your program team if the start of the course is approaching and you have not yet received your visa. We will do our best to assist you in this process. If your process cannot be accelerated, or if you have submitted your application late, please contact us so that we can try to find an individual solution.
We are currently examining the possibility of teaching in hybrid scenarios. If you are prevented from travelling to Vienna due to Covid-19, but the module takes place in Vienna as planned, we will try to make it possible for you to catch up on the course in the following round, as part of another course or via Distance Learning.
Aufgrund von Covid-19 wurde der Präsenzunterricht an der TU Wien und am Continuing Education Center ab Mittwoch, 11. März 2020 ausgesetzt und auf Distance Learning umgestellt. Im Distance Learning wurden so viele Inhalte wie möglich online zur Verfügung gestellt und die Lehre so umfassend wie möglich auf Fernunterricht per Video umgestellt.
Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass wir bald wieder den gewohnten Präsenzunterricht aufnehmen können und unsere CEC-Studierenden persönlich an der TU Wien und im Continuing Education Center begrüßen können.
Um die Gesundheit aller an der TU Wien Tätigen zu sichern, sind die Sicherheits- und Schutzvorschriften, insbesondere der Mindestsicherheitsabstand und die Hygienevorschriften, von allen Angehörigen der TU Wien in jedem Fall einzuhalten.
(Aktuelle Version unter Sicherheits- und Schutzmaßnahmen an der TU Wien, opens an external URL in a new window)