Katharina Schröder

Katharina Schröder

Univ.Prof.in Dipl.-Ing. Dr.in techn.Katharina Schröder

Habilitiert für: Sustainable Chemistry

Homepage (Universität): Sustainable Organic Synthesis and Catalysis (tuwien.ac.at), öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Prof. Katharina Schröder (nee Bica) was born in Vienna, Austria in 1980.  After receiving her PhD degree in Technical Chemistry from TU Wien, Dr. Schröder accepted a position as research fellow, working with leading experts in the field of Green Chemistry and Catalysis at The Queen’s University Belfast, UK and the Technical University Denmark in Lyngby, DK. After returning to TU Wien in October 2009 for a tenured position, she established a new research group focused on sustainable chemistry through innovation with alternative solvents. She was promoted to associate professor in 2018 and to full professor for Sustainable Chemistry in 2020. At the moment, she is leading or is involved in several other national and EU-funded projects, including an ERC Consolidator Grant 2019.


Katharina Schröders research interests are based on sustainable organic chemistry, with a special focus on (i) organo- and photocatalysis for asymmetric synthesis, (ii) on carbon capture and valorization techniques (CCU), particularly on photocatalytic CO2 activation and (iii) on the recovery of valuable ingredients from industrial waste streams using advanced fluid technologies.