
MSc Engineering Management - an inspirational evening

The students form the MSc Program Engineering Management with Prof. Kopacek at the Capital Bank

The students form the MSc Program Engineering Management with Prof. Kopacek at the Capital Bank

By the end of our last classes at the MSc Program Engineering Management we had on January 21, 2019 one of the most exciting excursions to the Capital bank. It was not a simple excursion. Due to the fact that Capital Bank is located in the Palais Esterhazy, the excursion had historic cultural part and an evening lecture about Private equity funds.

We were hosted by DI Sibylle Dolecek-Anselment, Director of the Private Banking. We started from the introduction to the history of Capital Bank and had a nice guided tour in the Palace halls and chambers with detailed explanation of some historical facts.

In the evening lecture “Private equity funds and Venture Capital” DI Dolecek-Anselment gave us very structured, detailed information about this subject. with general introduction to the investment instruments.

Private equity firms mostly buy mature companies that are already established. The companies may be deteriorating or not making the profits they should be due to inefficiency. Private equity firms buy these companies and streamline operations to increase revenues. Venture capital firms, on the other hand, mostly invest in start-ups with high growth potential.
After this lecture we will consider more seriously the ways of investing or managing our capitals.