
Digitalization in studying and teaching

Digitalization in studying and teaching is nothing new at TU Wien. The digitalization strategy and new projects and measures should now enable the use of digital resources to become an integral part of the teaching and learning culture at TU Wien, as well as facilitating exploitation of the huge potential of digitalization.

Using digital media and new technologies to add value

The measures for studying and teaching at TU Wien are not intended as a substitute for attendance-based teaching, nor to move teaching into the digital world. They are intended more to make use of digital resources, where they can add value and where they are appropriate to teaching and methods. Students and teaching staff should enjoy an appealing teaching and learning environment; students should feel supported in their individual learning process, and teaching conditions should be improved.

Support for teaching staff through academic teaching qualification

Central to the intended focus areas will be the academic teaching support for teaching staff: in support of the implementation of the learning outcomes approach – as a prerequisite for digitalization in teaching; in the development of suitable digital teaching, learning and assessment formats (such as JIT teaching, game-based learning, flipped classroom or peer review); in the implementation of eExaminations and eAssessments, as well as in the use of classroom response systems to get students involved and to create instructional and explanatory videos.

Expanding the existing teaching and learning infrastructure

A second focus will be on providing the teaching and learning infrastructure required for digital media and the use of new technologies, for example, setting up exam rooms for eAssessments, creating 'next-generation' classrooms, expanding the capabilities of TUWEL, upgrading live streaming and recording infrastructure, etc.

Learning analytics

Last but not least, the collection and evaluation of data from learners has huge potential to improve the quality of teaching and learning processes at TU Wien. Specific potential applications for TU Wien are therefore to be developed and implemented for the opportunities that arise for students and teaching staff through the use of learning analytics.