Do you already speak the digitalization lingo?

The digital transformation ushers in many new topics. These often go hand in hand with new terms. Don't worry – you don't need to go on a language course; you just need to get involved.

SSO, BYOD, cloud, collaboration, DMS, HPC, TUWeL, MOOC...and so the list goes on. But it doesn't necessarily get any easier to understand the terms. The topic of digital transformation includes a multitude of new concepts, processes and ideas. Nevertheless, there are times when you might feel that you need to go on a language course to understand terms which are second nature to anyone immersed in the digital world. Not all of us have grown up with IT, and non-English speakers may not be familiar with many of the terms in their languages that have been borrowed from English. Nevertheless, digitalization means that many terms from the language of IT have recently become everyday speak in the average workplace. The good news is that the meaning of these terms is not obvious to everyone, even if those in the know think it is. So feel free to ask! And don't be surprised if someone who is 'fluent' in IT terminology mutters an abbreviation that is par for the course for them, without offering any further explanation. To help you navigate the terminology, we have compiled a small 'survival guide' for the brave new digital world in the TUcoLAB, opens an external URL in a new window. This is a glossary of commonly used terms and includes a brief explanation of each one. It also includes many terms that we have used at .digital roadshow events. If you come across a term that is not included in the list, or if you have your own favourite digitalization term, we would be happy to add it to the list. Simply send us an e-mail to or post it in the TUchat, opens an external URL in a new window.

We are not all 'digital natives'!

Have you ever heard of 'digital natives'? I have one at home; many of you may do too. It is the generation of people that have grown up in the digital world, for whom this world is already, or is becoming, second nature. For them, it's completely normal to swipe on a tablet or mobile phone. Push-button telephones or separate equipment for playing music are the stuff of legend for them – mostly told by their elders. Don't be afraid of your digital natives; take advantage of their knowledge. Even if they sometimes act as if it's too much effort to explain something to someone, they are nevertheless proud when people ask them for advice. Get your digital natives to train you to become a 'digital immigrant', so that you too become an educated and well-versed citizen of the new digital world. And by the way: this will transform your working life. Collaboration is the magic word!