News articles

Welcome Baby Gloria

Little Gloria visited us today together with her mum Montse

Montse with the team gift for Gloria, a children's book entitled "Baby loves Science"

© TU Wien

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After all, you can never start early enough: Baby Gloria's first science book

The whole biophysics team together with baby Gloria

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The whole team says hello to baby Gloria

Gloria's mum Montse unwraps the team present

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Gloria's mum Montse unpacks the team present

Baby Gloria smiles

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Gloria Smiles

Team members stand in the office smiling and waiting to hold the baby

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everyone is waiting to hold the baby

Baby Gloira came to visit today with her mum Montse to say hello to the whole team. 

She was very happy about her welcome gift, the book "Baby loves Scientists", after all, you can't start early enough to get interested in science! 

Congratulations to Montse on the birth of her daughter Gloria!