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SE Spatial planning positions on the climate crisis

In order to tackle the major challenges of our time, spatial planners must take clear stances. The aim of the seminar is to develop one's own spatial planning position on the topic of the transformation of the existing building stock amid the climate crisis and to communicate this position to the public. Over the course of the semester, students will develop a position drawing on the content of one of their elective modules. In discursive formats, they formulate and sharpen their position and choose a medium to communicate it publicly and prominently. At the end of the semester, the positions and final products are presented to a larger audience and questions about the transformation of the existing situation in the climate crisis are discussed.

Colourful diagram to accompany the course. You can see people putting together a colourful world of "building components", trees and garlands. Two people are sitting or standing on the highest elements and appear to be communicating - this can be inferred from the speech bubbles. The person standing on the red element, which can only be reached by ladder, is also holding a megaphone. In front of the scene is a cargo bike with plants.

Views of Spatial Planning on the climate crisis

Aemester schedule

Phase 1: Selection of topic and formulation of a position

In the first phase, students introduce their areas of interest and experience from elective modules they have already completed, as well as ongoing work and projects - the focus is on the topic of transforming the existing as a part of the combat against the climate crisis. In teams of two to three students, a topic will be chosen on which students intend to develop a position. Over the course of the semester, they deepen their knowledge of the issue, articulate a clear position and sharpen it through dialogue with peers in discussions and interviews. The student groups also consider what format they might use to communicate their position to the public - whether through a short video, a podcast, a magazine or a completely different format.

Phase 2: Intensive workshop in Drosendorf

In Drosendorf, the students spend three days working intensively on the refinement of their positions and on the final products they have chosen for themselves. The positions are honed through discussions in the group and in dialogue with the lecturers as well as with stakeholders from the practical world. The course takes place in cooperation with the landuni Drosendorf and is characterised by its openness to the local community. As part of this cooperation, the students organise a workshop aimed at the local population. In addition, Dragana Damjanovic and Sibylla Zech will deliver a public lecture as part of the course on the subject of the transformation of existing buildings.

Phase 3: Public presentation of the positions

In the final stage, the focus is on making the developed positions accessible to a wider public. The students finalise their products to support the public exposure of their position and consider the format in which the positions should be presented. In the final session, the positions and final products are presented to a large audience and questions about the transformation of the existing situation in the climate crisis are discussed.

The course is part of the faculty-wide annual topic "Transformation of the existing", opens an external URL in a new window

Weitere Informationen zum Seminar finden Sie im TISS, opens an external URL in a new window