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Release News

In addition to various ongoing projects, CSD is constantly working on improvements for TISS. Recently, several changes were released that are not immediately apparent but are certainly interesting for users.

screenshot display study code

Uploaded documents for courses in TISS
When uploading documents, you can now choose whether they should remain selectable for multiple semesters or only be displayed in the current semester.
Here's the link to the help page!, opens an external URL in a new window 


Students can now see the selected study code when registering for exams
Students who are enrolled in multiple study programmes have to select the study code for which the certificate will be issued during the exam registration process. Previously, the selected code was only visible on the certificate or upon inquiry with the instructors (via the participant list). Now, students can view the selected study code in their favorites section (hovering the mouse cursor over the registration symbol), as shown in the attached image.