News articles

GO FAIR Festival: Barbara Sánchez presents the new GO FAIR National Office Austria

In case you missed it: The recordings of the international GO FAIR Festival from 21-23 June 2021 are now available online.

Screenshot from a video about the festival: the participating countries are shown on the left, the speakers on the right side.


During the GO FAIR Festival, the FAIR Office Austria - together with corresponding initiatives in the Netherlands and Denmark - was welcomed as a new national GO FAIR Office. The FAIR Office Austria thus becomes part of the global GO FAIR initiative and supports its governance. Barbara Sánchez and Paolo Budroni presented the new contact point to the GO FAIR community on behalf of the entire FAIR Office Austria team. The presentation and other exciting contributions from the festival have now been made available for viewing on the GO FAIR media platform, opens an external URL in a new window.

The GO FAIR Office Austria is looking forward to the upcoming cooperation with you! For more information, please visit the FAIR Office Austria website, opens an external URL in a new window.


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