Christian Doppler Laboratory involving MedUni Vienna, TU Wien and commercial partner Chanel

[Translate to English:] Skinmagine Projektübersicht

The Christian Doppler Laboratory SKINMAGINE aims to gain comprehensive insights into cellular aging in the skin by correlating chemistry, metabolism and communication within the tissue at high spatial resolution.

[Translate to English:] Cell Mask for Immunfluorence

Multimodal Analytical Imaging

We use an innovative multimodal analytical imaging approach to combine mass spectrometric imaging, automated immunofluorescence- and metabolic activity microscopy, non-invasive imaging technologies and in-tissue reporter systems followed by correlative multimodal analysis. With these technologies we study how individual cells within the human skin and in organotypic skin models change when they become stressed and then senescent in the aging process. We will especially focus on the impact of combined urban pollution and sun exposure on the cellular aging and –senescence process. The lipidome and epilipidome (the chemical modifications of lipids) of cutaneous stress and senescence are a major aim of this CDL, as well as other metabolic adaptations in aging. We will investigate adapations to quality control in senescent cells within the tissue context, especially how the (epi-)transcriptome and translatome change in the senescence process, and we will gain insights on the communication of senescent cells in the tissue context. 

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SKINMAGINE Marchetti-Deschmann Modul TUWien

Martina Marchetti-Deschmann, TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, academic partner