
Due to its thermodynamic properties, CO2 is very suitable for various processes. The Research Unit Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering investigates the thermodynamic behavior and the heat transfer properties of CO2 in the supercritical state range.

Projects of the research field sCO2-Processes

Energy Storage

The storage of energy is a key pillar in the decarbonization of the energy supply. The Research Unit ​​Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering investigates various methods of storing thermal energy, for example in chemical, sensitive or latent systems.

Projects of the research field Energy Storage

Regenerative Energy Conversion

The decarbonization of the energy supply is based on regenerative (renewable, unlimited, environmentally friendly) primary energy. The Research Unit ​​Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering works on improving the energy conversion systems from primary energy to the final energy for the consumers.

Projects of the research field Regenerative Energy Conversion

Energy System Modeling

In order to be able to predict the behavior of components and systems under different boundary conditions, modeling of the problem and numerical simulation is often the most suitable approach. The Research Unit ​​Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering has many years of experience in modelling. Various commercial programs as well as in-house developments are used for the simulation.

Projects of the research field Energy System Modeling

Hydrogen Based Energy Systems

Energy systems based on H2, NH3, etc. are promising alternatives to conventional systems. The Research Unit Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering works on both analytical and experimental methods to improve such systems.

Projects of the research field Hydrogen Based Energy Systems