Sustainability in the Library

Signing the Green Libraries Manifesto, we are increasing our focus on the ecological transformation.

We have signed the green libraries manifesto.

Sustainability and a just transition are core concerns of TU Wien Bibliothek. As a step towards implementing this vision strategically, the library has now signed the Green Libraries Manifesto, opens an external URL in a new window. This manifesto was developed by CILIP (The library and information association) in partnership with Arts Council England, British Library, Libraries Connected and Julie’s Bicycle. This manifesto states our common values and commitments to drive transformational change for our planet.

In signing the manifesto, we commit to:

  • placing environmental sustainability at the heart of all our decisions
  • consistently expanding our expertise in environmental protection
  • forming partnerships with other like-minded institutions.

These contents of the manifesto represent to the outside world what we have already set as our internal goal. As a green library, we are setting priorities in the areas of mobility, energy and devices.