Completed projects
Numerous research projects have already been successfully completed by the staff of the Research Unit Track-bound Transportation Systems. Here you will find concise information on selected projects. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or telephone.
Analysis of fire protection melting inserts
Duration: 09/2006 - 12/2006
Analysis of the development of wheel profile parameters (AERP), basic evaluation of wheel profile measurements (Part 1)
Duration: 08/2019 - 11/2019
Flood risk analysis of railway structures - Phase 1
The project objective was to develop a methodical procedure using the example of flood risk and to test it in a test area, with which the vulnerability to natural hazards can be assessed uniformly and consistently for the entire railway line network. In the long term, i.e. in a later project phase, the methodology should also be transferred to other natural hazard processes (e.g. avalanches, landslides).
Duration 05/2009 - 09/2009
Flood Risk Analysis of Railway Structures - Phase 2 and 3
The aim of the second project phase was to analyse the damage susceptibility of certain infrastructure elements on the basis of current damage data, to identify damage-determining factors and to develop typical measures for reducing damage susceptibility.
Duration 10/2009 - 03/2010
ÖV klimafit - Fields of action for climate-friendly public transport in Lower Austria
Duration: 11/2019 - 08/2020
Measures to control and increase attention in operations control centres
(Daytime) drowsiness poses a particular risk in monitoring activities. As part of the AlertnessControl project, a system was developed that measures the current level of attention in a few minutes by means of proven tests and makes an individualised recommendation regarding attention-enhancing measures to be carried out.
Duration 09/2015 - 02/2017
Acoustic measurements in the Railjet
Duration: 07/2016 - 07/2016
Acoustic measurements using an artificial head in the Railjet
Duration: 12/2016 - 12/2016
Tasks and process reform of the Supreme Railway Authority
Duration: 04/2005 - 10/2005
Tasks and process reform of the Supreme Railway Authority II
Duration: 03/2006 - 03/2007
Operating simulation Brenner Base Tunnel
Duration: 01/2013 - 12/2013
Brenner Base Tunnel - Optimizations - Operating simulations
Duration: 12/2016 - 12/2020
Brenner Base Tunnel - Optimizations - Operating simulations - Maintenance
Duration: 01/2020 - 12/2020
Brenner Base Tunnel operating simulation including selected incident scenarios for modified infrastructure
Duration: 11/2020 - 10/2021
Evaluation of the acoustic influence of track curves for the preparation of noise maps
In the BEGEL project, correlations between influencing factors such as curve radius, train category or speed and noise emissions in track curves were investigated and preliminary correction factors were derived for the cases considered.
Duration 07/2013 - 12/2015
More information on the BEGEL project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
BIM - Data structure for transport infrastructure
Standardisation proposals such as the IFC Rail bSI SPEC or the IFC Road bSI SPEC. The data structure is developed by BIM, IT and experts from the various disciplines in transport infrastructure. The aim is therefore to standardise the level of development of infrastructure elements, which depends on the project phase. The level of development subsequently consists of the level of detail, the level of information and the level of coordination. In this project, however, the main focus is on the level of information for the ordering quality and operation of transport infrastructure facilities for resource reasons. Thus, in the development of the data structure, emphasis is placed on the geometry, the deposited information as well as on the coordination of the different elements depending on the project phase.
Duration 06/2017 - 05/2018
More information on the BIM-VI project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Fire tests Zwenberg tunnel
Duration: 01/2006 - 12/2006
Barrier-free aircraft cabin
Today's aircraft cabins meet the requirements of people with limited mobility only to a very limited extent. However, due to various national and international regulations (for example: European Accessibility Act), it is to be expected that, analogous to the railway, concrete measures will have to be taken in the aircraft cabins in the next few years to create the best possible accessibility. Cabin4All aims to design and evaluate measures that offer real added value for those affected and yet are as efficient as possible for airlines.
Duration 07/2015 - 06/2016
More information on the Cabin4All project at netwiss, opens an external URL in a new window
Small goods transport in passenger traffic
The aim of CargoPV is to design measures that make it possible to use the dense network of public passenger transport, especially high-level rail transport, for the transport of small goods. In the final phase, the economic and technical opportunities of small goods transport are summarised and evaluated in terms of rapid feasibility.
For the project team, the practical benefits take precedence over the academic objectives of researching a methodologically and stringently conceived innovation concept of future small goods mobility integrating environmentally friendly modes of public passenger transport by rail and also by road.
Duration 03/2017 - 02/2018
More information on the CargoPV project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
App-supported communication for mobility-impaired persons to improve accessibility to aviation
There are many barriers to access to aviation for people with reduced mobility, which are particularly virulent in the aircraft cabin. It is known that there are many restrictions for both sides, especially in the area of communication between affected persons and the crew. Communication4All aims to clarify through intensive research whether it is possible to create a communication application that fully meets the different requirements of all mobility-impaired persons and can be used by all of them, thus making travel much easier for both the persons concerned and the crew.
Duration 09/2017 - 02/2019
Supervision of a diploma thesis on the topic "Modeling of passenger behavior for the simulation of passenger changes in metro vehicles"
Duration: 06/2021 - 12/2021
Travel luggage evaluation of DB-AG
Duration: 08/2020 - 10/2022
Development of future rail freight transport to reduce the occurrence and impact of derailments
Within the ten years prior to 2013, European railways experienced more than 600 goods train derailments, costing over €200 million per year. The challenge is to prevent derailments in order to see major improvements in European rail services. First, however, their causes must be uncovered. Against this background, the EU-funded project D-RAIL, opens an external URL in a new window (Development of the future rail freight system to reduce the occurrences and impact of derailment) aims to prevent derailments and limit their consequences. The work started with a critical review of recent derailments, their causes and likely indicators. It included the economic and social impacts of derailments and the needs of the European rail market up to 2050, and considered the emerging technologies for this period that could be useful in preventing derailments and mitigating their damage. A cost-benefit analysis was carried out to determine the economic effects of implementing different monitoring and mitigation measures. Another analysis looked at the causes, consequences and potential prevention measures of derailments. Key factors of derailments were also identified and evaluated. The analysis identified cost-effective solutions to minimise or prevent derailments and provide improved safety levels. The project partners explored existing inspection and monitoring procedures for prevention and mitigation. Monitoring procedures and safety measures were tested, and novel innovative technologies were demonstrated and validated for both rail and freight vehicles. The team also looked at how to integrate existing and emerging monitoring and harm reduction systems into the overall railway system. The technical and economic evaluations of D-RAIL showed that goods train derailments in Europe and the associated costs can be reduced by 8-12% and 10-20% respectively. This will benefit the rail sector and its stakeholders as well as European society. In addition, the project will contribute to enhancing the attractiveness of rail freight and to mitigating the potential negative environmental impacts.
Information sheet on the DRail project, opens an external URL in a new window
Duration 10/2011 - 09/2014
Easy Travel - new mobility concepts in tourism
In order to promote sustainable tourism, innovative mobility offers are being developed in the "Easy Travel" project, which, as a complete package, enable holidaymakers to travel to and from their destination (internationally) as well as to be mobile on site without their own car. Since the transport of luggage and the fear of a lack of mobility at the holiday destination are decisive factors for the majority of holidaymakers when choosing their own car as the preferred means of transport for arrival and departure, the focus is particularly on innovative, integrated solutions for luggage transport, flexible mobility at the holiday destination and simple booking of all components for a seamless mobility chain in one process.
Duration 09/2016 - 07/2018
Operation simulation Münchendorf - Obereggendorf incl. variant study Ebreichsdorf bypass
Duration: 02/2012 - 01/2013
ECO - Efficient verification of conformity in rail transport
Safe and efficient train traffic requires regular inspection of the rolling stock. Many irregularities on rolling stock (e.g. overloading, unbalanced load, wheel damage, unfavourable running behaviour) lead to damage of the superstructure; these are reflected in higher maintenance costs. This project demonstrates how efficient and thus cost-saving the continuous inspection of rolling stock can be, also in cross-border cooperation.
Duration 06/2011 - 12/2013
Sounding out an intelligent monitoring system for the early detection of ice formation to prevent ice-dropping-induced ballast flight
On railway lines with ballasted track, ballast flying can occur in winter under unfavourable conditions and at predominantly high speeds, which is caused by the falling of snow or ice accumulations adhering to the vehicle. Based on the systematic analysis of previous incidents and the respective framework conditions, this exploratory study aims to investigate the possibilities for integrating an intelligent, infrastructure-based system for detecting critical ice formation on rail vehicles. At the end of the exploration, well-founded statements on the feasibility as well as on the efficient application possibilities of such a monitoring system should be available. These will form the basis for a subsequent project, which will specify the requirements for such a system by means of theoretical research into the cause and effect of ice shedding, develop the measuring system including intelligent data evaluation, produce a prototype and test it in the field.
Duration 09/2015 - 08/2016
Determination of length-related sound power levels and input parameters for CNOSSOS-EU
In the present project, a calculation method for the approximate determination of sound power levels based on the 7.5 m standard measuring point according to EN ISO 3095 is developed on the basis of emission measurements. Input parameters for the calculation model CNOSSOS-EU are estimated for vehicle categories frequently used in Austria. Based on verification measurements in the standard measuring point and on theoretical considerations, any input parameters that need to be optimised are identified and adjusted accordingly using a specially developed iterative procedure. All findings are presented in a structured manner in a manual for the determination of these parameters.
Duration 07/2016 - 06/2019
More information on the ELSEC project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Influences on sound emissions in arches
In track curves, increased noise emissions in the form of squealing or screeching noises can occur depending on various influencing parameters. In the present project, the effectiveness of rail head conditioning, as well as the influence of meteorological conditions, vehicle category and wheel condition are being investigated in depth. In order to obtain meaningful results, an extensive database will be created with the help of two long-term measurements of the sound emission and the weather conditions - in each case on a curve with and without conditioning - and an automatic detection of curve screeching and squealing. Statistical evaluations are used to derive statements regarding the frequency of occurrence of curve squeals, dependencies of the influencing parameters considered and an optimisation of the conditioning.
Duration 08/2015 - 07/2018
More information on the ESB project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Energy Systems for TunnelThermie - Sustainable Infrastructure for the 21st Century
The research project "Energy Systems for Tunnel Thermal Energy - Sustainable Infrastructure for the 21st Century" aimed to comprehensively investigate the possibilities of using geothermal energy through rock anchors (so-called "energy anchors") in tunnel construction.
After extensive literature research (work package 1), a prototype was first developed in the laboratory of the Institutes of Railway Engineering, Transport Economics and Cableways and Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics at TU Wien. Measurements carried out on the prototype yielded values on the hydraulic behaviour of the energy anchor, on which large pressure losses were to be expected due to its relatively small cross-section (work package 4).
Simultaneously, 2D and 3D simulation calculations were carried out with the FE software COMSOL Multiphysics (formerly FEMLAB) (work package 2).
Subsequently, a test facility was set up in a slope protection within the construction lot LT 31/32 Klimtgasse of the Lainzer Tunnel in Vienna (work package 5).
The measured values from the test installation largely agree with the values from the simulation calculation and prove the functionality of the energy anchor. With the data obtained from the 2006/2007 heating season, a specific thermal output of the absorber component energy anchor of 8 - 12 W/m before heat pump can be assumed. The heat output that can be achieved from the installed energy anchors is an important parameter for the economic feasibility study carried out in work package 3 and in work package 6 simultaneously with the prototype development (see chapter 5.3). In addition to the energy prices for crude oil, natural gas and electrical energy, the heat output significantly determines the payback period of a tunnel thermal plant.
Starting at the beginning of April 2006, 20 R51 energy anchors were in test operation in the plant. Measured data on the temperature development in the underground as well as the system's energy indicators are transmitted at regular intervals via wireless data transmission to the TU Wien and evaluated there. However, the 20 energy anchors of type R32, which were also installed and largely functional, had to be removed again due to the storage space required for the tunnel construction site. In October 2006, the only remaining, still functional R32 anchor, which had not been connected until then, was able to go into test operation. The results of the test installation prove that sufficient energy extraction from the ground is possible with the help of the energy anchor. However, before a product ready for series production can be developed, a number of product improvements are still necessary to prepare the system for use at a tunnel construction site.
Duration 01/2005 - 06/2009
Future Secure and Accessible Rail Stations
Stations are becoming increasingly complex, some are interchange stations and in some cases also shopping centres and social facilities. The FAIR Stations project aimed to develop solutions for improved user flow within the station and at the interface between platform and train. Customer satisfaction and safety are placed at the heart of station design, with particular attention to the needs of people with reduced mobility. Future station design will be based on three pillars: Design for Safety, Design for Congestion and Design for Accessibility. The tools to be applied include:- assessment of user needs- modelling of user flows- algorithm for station design that optimises passenger flows with respect to existing and emerging operational requirements such as safety, baggage handling and accessibility- technical design of a train and/or platform-based mechanism to facilitate independent boarding and alighting of PRM using sensors/detection systems. The main design factors to be considered are safety, security, baggage handling, ticketing, accessibility design, information and signage, and climatology. The developed KPIs are used to evaluate and validate the design solutions. As security is one of the main challenges, the station design process will include a sub-routine for risk assessment. Experimental and in-situ tests were conducted as part of the demonstration. In addition, a 3D virtual reality demonstrator was developed. The results of the project were aligned with the S2R projects S2R-CFM-IP3-01-2017 and S2R-CFM-IP1-01-2017. The project consortium consists of academic institutions, railway operators, infrastructure managers, small and medium-sized engineering firms, architectural firms and passenger stakeholders.
Duration 09/2017 - 12/2019
User-optimised rail vehicles
Compared to most other modes of transport, the usability of travel time by rail is a significant advantage. However, in order to change the choice of transport mode in favour of the sustainable rail mode, it is necessary to take measures and offer vehicle concepts that actually allow the optimal use of travel time. The long-term goal of the FLEXICOACH project is to design a standardised, yet flexible and customisable interior concept for passenger carriages that allows all passengers to make the best possible use of travel time depending on their personal needs.
Duration 06/2012 - 05/2013
Accessibility research competition
Duration 03/2006 - 01/2007
Research Competition Environment and Railway
Duration 01/2009 - 11/2009
Geothermal potential Austria
Within the framework of the GEO-Pot study, an area-wide grid cell model on a scale of 1:500,000 was developed, which provides a generalised forecast of Austria's near-surface geothermal potential by linking basic geoscientific data, technical models and spatial planning parameters. The basis of the grid cell model is a spatial planning model that delimits potential areas of use and exclusion. A generalised subsurface model was assigned to the areas that are known and can be used geothermally as a result, which made it possible to calculate the potential technical extraction capacity with the help of simulation based on reference extraction systems (deep probe, shallow collector). The determination of the geothermal potential (technical potential, coverage potential) could be carried out in combination with the surveyed demand situation, i.e. the identification of the local heating demand related to settlement structural units. For this purpose, building types were defined on the basis of constructional and location-related building data, to which heating demand values were assigned under the assumption of a renovation.
Duration 06/2008 - 03/2011
Baggage logistics system to support sustainable, active and equal mobility
Luggage is one of the main reasons why people tend to use their own cars for travel and everyday mobility (e.g. shopping). In order to sufficiently promote active and sustainable forms of mobility, it is essential to develop innovative luggage logistics systems that decouple luggage transport from passenger transport. The goal must be to fully replace the car boot (in terms of flexibility, convenience, capacity, etc.), which is why a "public freight transport" must be established as a pedant to public passenger transport. Since an efficient and above all customer-friendly system for decoupled luggage transport is extraordinarily complex, in a first step all sensible, possible and also conceivable future possibilities and the corresponding challenges will be comprehensively surveyed and presented in the exploratory project Luggageless in order to develop an efficient system in a targeted manner in follow-up projects.
Duration 03/2014 - 02/2015
More information on the Gepäcklos project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Crystal clear noise barriers - effect on sound propagation
Noise barriers can help to reduce the noise pollution for residents living near railway lines. Due to the large sound-reflecting vertical surfaces of trains, multiple reflections can form in the case of sound-reflecting wall surfaces, which would reduce the effect of the walls. To avoid this effect, noise barriers on the track-facing surface are usually made of highly absorbent material (e.g. wood-entrained concrete or mineral wool in metal cassettes). The integration of transparent wall elements is suitable for reducing the optical barrier effect, but these elements typically have sound-reflecting surfaces.
The aim of the GLAS project is to investigate the effect of noise barriers using transparent/reflective elements by means of extensive calculations and to validate the calculations with measurements. Based on this, a proposal for a simplified, practical calculation model is to be developed, which can be taken into account in the current immission forecast calculation.
In detail, the 2.5D boundary element method is used to systematically record the effect of reflective LSW elements in rail traffic with varying framework conditions such as the arrangement and the area proportion of the reflective elements, the distance between the track and the noise barrier, the geometry of the carriage body, etc. The results of the calculation model will be used for the calculation of the noise barrier. The results of the calculation model are validated with extensive acoustic measurements near the bending edge of a wall equipped with reflective elements (3 different wall configurations, as well as a highly absorbent wall), as well as at more distant immission positions during normal train operation.
The results of these impact analyses are compared with existing standards and guidelines, and possibilities are worked out to map the determined impact accordingly. On the one hand, the focus is on product-related standards or technical specifications such as DIN EN 1793 and ONR CEN/TS 16272, which deal with the determination of the absorption/reflection of the LSW, but also the determination of the insertion loss and the quantification of the bending edge. On the other hand - since presumably only limited possibilities exist in these standards for the illustration of the effect under different framework conditions - the prognosis calculation according to the currently valid calculation guidelines ON Rule 305011 or ÖNORM ISO 9613-2 as well as the national implementations of the future EU Directive 2015/996 (CNOSSOS-EU) are considered. In particular, the methods of this EU directive and the sound propagation calculation ÖAL 28 derived from it, such as retro-diffraction, are to be tested for their suitability.
The GLAS project should thus serve to improve immission prediction when transparent wall elements are used and allow more efficient dimensioning of noise protection measures. In addition to the extension proposals with regard to standardisation, the variation analysis as a further central result of the project will generate an increased understanding of the modes of action and influencing variables for noise barriers with reflective elements. Among other things, this allows statements to be made about when which influencing variables are relevant for the forecast calculations. In addition, the framework conditions for the planning of noise barriers can be designed in such a way that an optimised solution is achieved with regard to immission protection and barrier effect.
Duration 08/2019 - 07/2022
More information on the GLAS project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Potential analysis of rail grinding for grooved rails
Duration 01/2017 - 11/2017
Plausibility check of the bidders' offers for the award of a service concession in bus transport in the Gurktal region
Duration 01/2018 - 02/2018
Green track
In the absence of a set of rules on environmental criteria to be fulfilled, the construction tendering of railway infrastructure projects is often difficult. In the project, indicators for assessing the impact on the environment are developed and subjected to a first practical test on the basis of the realisation of a new type of green track on a section of the extension of tram line 26.
More information on the Green track project at, opens an external URL in a new window
Creation of a network-wide operational simulation for the Güterbim cooperation
Duration 09/2005 - 10/2006
Small goods transport using active and sustainable forms of mobility
GuZuFuß aims to use already existing, active and sustainable personal mobility for freight transport in cities. The system is an interface between people on the move and customers (private or companies) who have small goods to send. Messenger services and, in cooperation with logistics service providers, transport services of the first and last mile are carried out, whereby the flexibilisation of pick-up and delivery options leads to a noticeable increase in attractiveness.
Duration 07/2015 - 06/2016
More information on the GutZuFuß project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Inspection and Maintenance Manual
Duration 11/2007 - 06/2009
Condition assessment of the Graz tramway rail network
Duration 11/2018 - 12/2018
Headway Analysis 3 Airports seamless connection by High Speed Rail in Thailand
Duration 10/2018 - 12/2020
Flood research railroad
Duration 12/2005 - 06/2009
Flood warning system
Development of a flood warning system for railway lines
Duration 01/2006 - 06/2006
Infrastructure measures historical Semmering Railway
Duration 10/2017 - 04/2018
Environmental management strategies for the European railway infrastructure
The EU-funded Infraguider project ("Infrastructure Guidelines for Environmental Railway Performance") describes various environmental aspects of railway infrastructure in Europe. It identifies a common approach to harmonise material procurement based on these aspects and considers the physical, operational and management dimensions of this system. The Infraguider project therefore identifies the environmental importance of materials used in railway infrastructure systems and also considers a system analysis, material flow analyses and waste disposal. The project compiles a set of environmental performance indicators as a draft European environmental directive. It focuses on five environmental strategic functions of infrastructure facilities, which include the board of directors, project planning and implementation, infrastructure operation, contractors and contracting. During the project, an analysis of the environmental management of the railway infrastructures according to ISO 14001 was carried out. An evaluation of the material flow of the railway infrastructure was carried out within the framework of material flow analyses and an investigation of material procurement with regard to its impact on the environment and with regard to the life cycle. Life cycle assessments and green procurement are important for the environmental management of railways as they reduce unwanted material inflows, focus on environmentally friendly basic materials and control material accumulations within the infrastructures. Overall, the Infraguider project has made significant progress in developing system models and environmental impact assessment tools and methods. The project has also used material flow models to describe how important materials and substances flow into the railway infrastructure and enter the air, soil or water as waste materials or emissions. Ultimately, it is expected that important recommendations will emerge from this project that will make the railway industry more environmentally friendly, especially with regard to the life cycle assessment of materials and procurement.
Information sheet on the INFRAGUIDER project, opens an external URL in a new window
Duration 01/2009 - 12/2010
Technical support for the processing of interoperability topics
Duration 12/2018 - 06/2023
Rail head conditioning using ionic liquids
Duration 03/2009 - 02/2011
Evaluation of acoustic measurements using an artificial head in the Railjet during test runs in the Gotthard Base Tunnel
Duration 12/2017 - 06/2018
Conflict reporting system for railway tunnels
Development of a conflict reporting system for railway tunnels
Duration 10/2004 - 12/2007
Low-noise rumble strips
Although rumble strips have a positive effect on road safety, their application is problematic due to the increased noise pollution when driven over in the vicinity of built-up areas. The aim of the present research project is to develop a new pattern for rumble strips that has a comparable attention-grabbing effect for the driver and at the same time reduces noise in the surrounding area. In detail, a test track with different rumble strip patterns will be created. A numerical model will be developed and calibrated by means of binaural and conventional measurements of the sound emissions and the vehicle interior noise, as well as by measuring the vibrations in the vehicle. With this model and on the basis of perception tests in the laboratory, optimised rumble strips will be developed and subsequently two of them will be tested in practice.
Duration 06/2015 - 11/2017
More information on the LARS project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Barrier-free aircraft toilet
The use of aircraft toilets is often only possible to a very limited extent or not at all for many people with limited mobility.
On short- and medium-haul flights, aircraft toilets are usually not barrier-free, as space for toilets is very limited in favour of maximising the number of seats. In wide-bodied aircraft, there are toilets designated as barrier-free, but they do not in fact fully meet the requirements in terms of universal design.
Lavatory4All aims to conduct intensive research to find solutions for accessible aircraft toilets that both meet the requirements of affected persons and are acceptable to the airlines in terms of dimensions.
Duration 09/2017 - 12/2019
Door-to-door mobility assistants
Mobility-impaired persons require specific assistance in the context of everyday mobility and when travelling, depending on the existing mobility impairment. The aim of the Mobihelfer project is to develop a concrete service package for people with limited mobility that significantly facilitates door-to-door mobility or makes it possible in the first place.
Duration 03/2012 - 08/2014
Mobility companions to support equal mobility specifically for non-route journeys
People with mobility impairments are usually well organised in their everyday mobility, also due to various support measures. Away from everyday and "routine" routes, however, difficulties often arise that make mobility difficult or impossible. MobiHelfer II aims to develop a system in which personal assistance in restrictive situations can be organised with the help of modern communication technologies that can be used by as many people as possible. This system should enable the majority of people with limited mobility to be independently mobile, even away from daily routines.
Duration 09/2016 - 08/2018
Design of a multisensory vehicle for the gender-specific optimisation of subjectively perceived comfort
The aim of the project was to create a catalogue of requirements for a general increase in the attractiveness of local public transport, with a special focus on a gender-appropriate design of rail vehicles in passenger transport.
Duration 03/2016 - 02/2018
Optimisation of disposition processes with applicable solutions
Duration 11/2007 - 06/2009
Psychoacoustic analysis of conspicuous bow sounds
Arch noises stand out from the usual pass-by noise in arches due to their high-frequency, often tonal or even transient, broadband characteristics. Extensive studies have investigated the factors influencing the occurrence frequencies, spectral composition, automated detection and impact on the overall pass-by level of arc noise. However, much less is known about the change in nuisance impact of arc noise. The present study therefore investigates emission parameters by means of a measurement campaign and a perception test in the laboratory. The perception test will serve to identify the essential acoustic and psychoacoustic descriptors for the annoyance of bow noise, as well as to derive correction factors that can be used in practice to map the annoyance effect.
Duration 09/2017 - 08/2021
More information on the PAAB project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Psychoacoustic analysis of rail traffic induced noise immissions
The A-weighted sound pressure level is often used as an assessment parameter for noise situations (standards, regulations, etc.), but this level generally only reflects subjective perception to a limited extent. The aim of this project is therefore to investigate the noise perception of people with regard to various noise immissions induced by rail vehicles. At the core of the project is the question of which level reductions are perceived as quieter or more pleasant with regard to noise protection measures. For this purpose, characteristic noise situations are to be recorded with binaural measurement and reproduction technology, manipulated and evaluated by test persons within the framework of listening tests. A statistical evaluation of the subjective assessment and a comparison with sound pressure levels as well as with psychoacoustic parameters will allow better assessment of noise protection measures in the future.
Duration 06/2013 - 11/2014
More information on the PASS project at, opens an external URL in a new window
Potentials of energy-saving modes of operation in S-Bahn traffic
In the PEFIS project (Potentials of energy-saving modes of operation in S-Bahn traffic), considerations were made as to what extent the stopping time for the respective following station can be determined by detecting the passenger flows or the passenger volume at the platforms in combination with the knowledge of the vehicle layout and its effect on the passenger flow. The benefit of this knowledge is that trains no longer wait at the stops for the exact departure time and thus waste standing time, but arrive at the stop at the time that allows punctual departure after the passenger exchange. This procedure makes it possible to adjust the speed travelled on the route and to save energy by possibly reducing the speed.
Duration 03/2007 - 09/2009
Public transport - accessibility for all
The aim of the EU research project was to develop a vehicle-bound, internationally usable and easily retrofittable boarding aid for existing passenger carriages that can ideally be used independently by as many users as possible at any platform height.
Duration 09/2009 - 11/2012
Accessible Rail Vehicles - Development For Overseas
The aim of the RailAccess4Overseas project was to conduct a feasibility study for retrofitting a wheelchair lift into existing Canadian rail vehicles and to develop specific requirements and implementation plans for the development and installation of such lifts.
Duration 10/2016 - 10/2017
Acoustic investigation of ride comfort by means of artificial head measurements and psychoacoustic analysis in the context of the innovation journeys 2012 (NBS Vienna - St. Pölten)
Duration 02/2012 - 12/2012
B (SARC) Sino-Austrian Research Center for Railway Engineering and Environmental Protection
Duration 06/2012 - 07/2013
smartBOX - Small Goods Mobility 2.0
The smartBOX project aims to revolutionise the growing transport needs in the area of freight mobility with the simultaneous scarcity of resources by designing an intelligent and holistic solution approach. Visionary mechanisms of autonomous traffic optimisation paired with cross-sectoral transport and service models as well as the development of intelligent container, transport, information and communication technologies solve the challenges of growing small goods mobility, increase the quality of life and protect the environment by using the internet and new pool business models.
Duration 09/2014 - 08/2016
More information on the smartBOX project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window
Safety-relevant monitoring parameters in the railway system
Within the framework of the funded project "Safety-relevant monitoring parameters in the railway system", existing system approaches and those in the development stage were examined and evaluated on the track and vehicle side, based on the technical and legal framework conditions. On the track side, for example, checkpoint systems, ARGOS and hot axle box detection systems and their networking were considered. On the vehicle side, conventional GPS tracking systems (which in themselves have no safety relevance except for collision protection) and innovative sensor systems for wagon monitoring based on them were presented. In the interaction of track and operation, systems were also investigated that make use of both system parts. These are mostly traction-bound communication systems that complement each other with infrastructure-based base stations (e.g. checkpoints). The relevance and interrelationships in the railway system were discussed in an extensive series of interviews with representatives of all subsections of the railway system.
The extensive recording of technical applications and systems as well as the process correlations of causes and effects formed the basis for the creation of a cause-effect matrix. This matrix can be seen as a basis for the implementation of safety-relevant systems. Furthermore, it presents very complex interrelationships in a clear form. For some of the fault conditions shown, there are already technical solutions for monitoring (to be found in the first part of this work), others must first be developed. The matrix can be used to make a system-wide weighting of these developments.
In the end, the most important findings were cast into recommendations for action. These are to serve the bmvit and the FFG on the one hand and the railway undertakings and infrastructure managers on the other hand as an initiator for future decisions.
Duration 11/2007 - 06/2009
Funded as a basic and feasibility study within the framework of the "Innovative System Rail (ISB)" programme of the FFG and bmvit
Applicant / Consortium Leader: ABC Consulting
Project partner:
- Institute of Railways, Transport Economics and Cableways of the TU Wien
- Rail Cargo Austria AG
- ÖBB-Infrastruktur Betrieb AG
Systemic railway noise abatement
sysBahnLärm summarises measures at the source for railway noise abatement in a user manual and evaluates them with regard to effectiveness, cost-benefit ratio and compatibility with other railway engineering requirements (e.g. safety, track quality). Operators and (financing) administrations thus receive a well-founded decision-making basis for the systemic assessment of noise protection measures.
Duration 03/2009 - 02/2011
More information on the sysBahnLärm project at, opens an external URL in a new window
Multifunctional hub feeder by rail
Short-haul hub-feeder flights are ecologically questionable and often uneconomical, which is why there are different approaches to discontinuing them. For example, there are numerous cooperations between airlines and railways, but these are often not sufficiently attractive to exploit the full potential. From the airlines' point of view, there is therefore the concern of losing passengers if their own international network is not connected to the region by local feeder flights via their own hubs. TerminalAufSchiene aims to design a rail-based hub feeder service that generates a significant boost in attractiveness by shifting the sometimes time-consuming activities that have to be done at the airport to the train, such as baggage drop-off, which also allows airlines to replace feeder flights without worrying about passenger losses.
Duration 07/2016 - 06/2017
Possibilities for a baggage drop-off on the hub feeder train to attract AIRail cooperations
Short-haul hub-feeder flights are ecologically questionable and often uneconomical, which is why there are various approaches to discontinuing them. For example, there are cooperations between airlines and railways, but these are often not sufficiently attractive to exploit the full potential. From the airline's point of view, there is therefore the concern of losing passengers if its own international network is not connected to the region by local feeder flights via its own hubs. TerminalAufSchiene2 aims to design a rail-based hub feeder service that generates a significant boost in attractiveness by shifting baggage drop-off to the train and thus reducing the minimum connecting time, which also allows airlines to replace feeder flights without worrying about passenger losses.
Duration 07/2018 - 02/2020
Train Run Checkpoint
In order to maintain a high level of safety in rail transport, field staff were required to carry out visual inspections as part of train monitoring in order to be able to detect faults in the wagon material or loading in good time. The increased use of remote-controlled operations management systems has led to higher productivity. However, this has been accompanied by a concentration of staff at a few locations, so that line sections without visual checks have become longer and technical solutions for detecting faults have become increasingly necessary.
Train running checkpoints are locally defined points in the rail network at which trains travelling at permissible speeds are checked for their faultless condition by means of sensor components such as hot axle box detection, dynamic track scales, clearance gauge monitoring, etc. The train running checkpoints are also used for the detection of faults. Based on a comprehensive market analysis of available sensor systems, a technical concept for the integration of these components was developed within the framework of the funded research project. This aims to combine the data of all sensor components to generate added value, to link them logically and finally to compare them with defined limit values in order to be able to send defined messages in case of deviations. The spectrum ranges from a message to the owner of the rolling stock to stopping the train with the help of the control and safety technology. After a corresponding implementation phase, a Checkpoint prototype on the Ostbahn between the stations Himberg and Gramatneusiedl, which comprises various sensor components, was finally put into operation in autumn 2004 and subjected to a three-month field test.
Duration 02/2004 - 08/2004
Funded within the framework of the 1st call for proposals of the programme "Innovative System Bahn (ISB)" of the FFF and the bmvit.
Applicant / consortium leader: Alcatel Austria AG
Project partners:
- Institute for Electrical Measurement and Circuit Technology, and the Institute for Railways, Transport Economics and Cableways of the TU Wien
- Austrian Federal Railways
Safety system integrated checkpoint installations for automatic train monitoring phase 2
As part of the Train Running Checkpoints project, a checkpoint prototype on the Ostbahn between Himberg and Gramatneusiedl stations, which included various sensor components, has already been put into operation and subjected to a field test for three months. In order to increase the number of available measured values and to be able to test the interaction of the sensor components over a longer period of time and under a wider range of climatic conditions, the field test was extended by 9 months in the funded phase 2 and extended by several test runs with prepared wagon material. In addition, the alarm system could be verified in real operation.
Duration 02/2005 - 12/2006
Funded as a demonstration and validation project within the framework of the 2nd call for proposals of the "Intelligent Infrastructure (I2)" programme of the FFF and the bmvit
Applicant / consortium leader: Alcatel Austria AG
Project partner:
- Institute for Electrical Measurement and Circuit Technology, and the Institute for Railways, Transport Economics and Cableways of the TU Wien
- Austrian Federal Railways
For the two sensor modules - derailment sensors and fire detection devices - no marketable solutions could be found in the course of the ISB-1 project Train Running Checkpoints. However, these components are considered absolutely necessary by operators, especially for tunnels, due to their risk-reducing effect (reduction of the extent of damage for the train, but also for any counter-trains of derailed or burning trains).
Against this background, a derailment detector including evaluation electronics was developed within the framework of the funded project in accordance with the ascertained requirements, which was designed for frequent use at low cost and which allows reliable detection of a derailed running axle (the latter could be confirmed by derailment tests). The development ended with two prototypes, which were installed in the area of the Checkpoint prototype site between the Himberg and Gramatneusiedl stations, connected to the Checkpoint data concentrator and continuously monitored for any detected faults or alarms.
Due to the complexity of the developments of a fire detection system that became apparent in the course of the project, the investigations focused on the elaboration of fundamental relationships, on the achievable capabilities of an infrastructure-based fire detection system on open track, and on potentially suitable sensors. For this purpose, among other things, tests were carried out in climatic
Project partner:
- Institut für Elektrische Mess- und Schaltungstechnik, as well as the Institut für Eisenbahnwesen, Verkehrswirtschaft und Seilbahnen of the TU Wien
- Österreichische Bundesbahnen
TUSI: The intelligent railway tunnel
Safety in rail transport is a precious commodity. The term safety is characterised by subjective perception. The obligation and responsibility of an infrastructure manager is, among other things, to apply or provide at least the respective state of the art in the area of safety-increasing measures. Due to the restructuring of ÖBB and the required reduction of personnel costs, also through personnel savings, automation and rationalisation are becoming increasingly important. The automatic train status monitoring and integration into existing and future railway safety systems is the central subject of this project. Data on the train status before and in the tunnel are to be recorded and fed into the railway safety systems. The main aim is to prevent accidents and damage caused by derailment before and in the tunnel. In the event of an accident, the entry of another train into the tunnel is to be prevented, escape routes are to be indicated, traffic in the neighbouring road tunnel is to be stopped and safety forces and the operating authority are to be informed. Furthermore, the fire smoke ventilation is to be controlled depending on the direction of access and the advance of the emergency forces. The aim of the project is to install a pilot and demonstration system at the Arlberg tunnel. This is particularly well suited for this purpose due to the parallel road tunnel, and the control of road traffic in the event of a disaster will be included in the project. The system to be developed will be integrated into the existing safety systems in railway traffic. The future centralisation of operational management in railway traffic and the associated establishment of an operational management centre for western Austria in Innsbruck favour the implementation of the project. The research project is closely related to the project "Checkpoint: fire detection and derailment detection", which is submitted under the same heading.
Duration 09/2004 - 12/2006
TUSI 2 - The intelligent railway tunnel
Fires cause problems in terms of fighting and the enormous consequential damage due to the smoke development and the high temperatures, especially in tunnels. Fibre-optic fire detectors are particularly suitable for the environmental conditions in a railway tunnel, as other systems fail in the presence of dust turbulence, electromagnetic or electrical fields or as a result of pollution. Specifically, in the project "Tunnel Safety - The Intelligent Railway Tunnel" (TUSI (IT-ET) 2), the fibre-optic sensor system "FibroLaser II" was tested in various experiments. Realistic cases of regular operation were simulated in which relatively large amounts of thermal energy are emitted by traction vehicles. These cases represent borderline cases for the Fibrolaser system, which must not cause an alarm. The test results are to be regarded as preliminary work for the definition of alarm criteria, whereby further tests with simulated fire events are still necessary.
Duration 03/2006 - 06/2009
Funded within the framework of the 3rd call for proposals of the programme "I2 - Intelligent Infrastructure" of the FFG and the bmvit
Applicant / Consortium leader: Fritsch Chiari & Partner
Project partners:
- Institute of Railways, Transport Economics and Cableways of the TU Wien
- Schreiner Consulting GmbH
- Austrian Federal Railways
- Siemens AG Österreich
Further development of basic principles and tools for the LCC/RAMS-optimised maintenance strategy of urban rail infrastructure
Duration 04/2009 - 03/2011
Determination of input parameters based on the corrected Annex II of the EU Environmental Noise Directive for the determination of sound power levels for rail traffic noise in the Austrian rail network
In the updated Annex II of the European Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC), which was published in 2015 as Directive (EU) 2015/996 and corrected by Commission Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/1226 of 21 December 2020, the European Commission prescribes calculation methods for determining noise indicators for rail traffic noise. These noise indices are to be used in future within the framework of strategic noise mapping in order to determine comparable information on the population affected by noise throughout Europe and to describe the effect of noise action plans. In addition, the directive provides for the use of the noise indicators calculated in this way to assess annoyance and health risks. Thus, these methods are also suitable for national methods in licensing procedures and existing noise remediation. For the future mandatory noise mapping according to the European Environmental Noise Directive, as well as for any further application of the calculation method in Austria, national explanations, definitions and adaptations are necessary.
On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Ziviltechnikerbüro DI Dr. Christian Kirisits and, as subcontractors, the Institute of Transport Sciences of the TU Wien were commissioned to determine input parameters for the European calculation procedure describing rail vehicle emissions in the Austrian rail network. The chosen premise was to select and combine the input parameters tabulated in the European Directive in such a way as to obtain the emission, indirectly determined from sound level values at reference point A according to ÖNORM EN ISO 3095 at a distance of 7.5 m from the rail axis, as close as possible to ONR 305011. With the help of a multidimensional, manual, iterative optimisation, it was finally possible to find a unique set of parameters for rail and vehicle that fulfilled these requirements. In addition to a good agreement of the total A-weighted levels, the spectra were also taken into account, and plausible correlations were established for known deviations of vehicle types compared to the assumptions for the older ONR 305011.
Published short summary of the full results report (PDF), opens an external URL in a new window
Duration 03/2021 - 06/2021
Conception of an on-board collection of infrastructure data
Duration 01/2009 - 08/2011
The basic study on wagon identification submitted for funding within the framework of the IPM programme line serves to record synergies of wagon identification for railway operations at an early stage in order to make as many potential users as possible aware of the benefits of wagon tracking and to bring about a joint system decision taking into account the respective application aspects, since in current practice only partial solutions are favoured in each case in their own cost impact area. This results in higher costs for the overall railway system than if a general solution can be achieved for all areas of application.
From the different approaches to the subject of wagon identification, a specification sheet was drawn up under the guidance of the Institute of Railway Engineering, which on the one hand contains the technical requirements for a sensor component to be selected, and on the other hand takes into account the later possibilities of use.
The advantage of such a methodology is that the needs of the future users are recorded and documented at an early stage in order to have assessment criteria for evaluating the suppliers in a subsequent product selection.
Diverging requirement profiles as well as different realisation variants of the system architecture represent a high risk for the implementation. Here, the elaboration of scenarios offers a way out, which can then be assessed by a higher authority, taking into account the individual advantages and disadvantages.
The stakeholders are fully involved in all work packages of this application and thus guarantee the success of the feasibility.
The progress of this basic study compared to the previously known systems, some of which are already ready for the market, lies in the first superordinate consideration of the different requirements from various sub-aspects in order to create an efficient system architecture that satisfies the changed framework conditions in railway operations.
Duration 03/2006 - 11/2006
Multifunctional Onboard Accessibility Devices
The aim of WheelChair is to investigate whether and to what extent on-board wheelchairs for aircraft cabins can be better adapted to the needs of passengers and whether a guidance system can be established with which both the guiding of wheelchairs and, for example, catering trolleys can be noticeably facilitated.
Duration 10/2020 - 12/2022
More information on the WheelChair project on the FFG website, opens an external URL in a new window