ACE News

Vienna Energy Security Dialogue with ETIA contribution

Earlier this week, the World Energy Council Austria and the OSCE hosted the 7th edition of the Vienna Energy Security Dialogue. With over 220 engaged guests and more than 30 distinguished speakers - among them ETIA Alumna Christina Huber - the event once again reaffirmed Vienna’s role as a globally significant energy hub, where meaningful exchanges between diverse energy stakeholders can thrive.

Discussion 7th edition of the Vienna Energy Security Dialogue

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Discussion 7th edition of the Vienna Energy Security Dialogue

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Vienna and the Security Dialogue benefit greatly from the participation of professionals from the private sector, international civil servants, embassy staff, and leading scientists. This diversity is at the core of what the World Energy Council represents and strives to foster through its events.

The event moreover benefited from well-trained young professionals. Ms. Christina Huber, Head of Sustainability at neoom and ETIA12-Graduate discussed digital and data solutions to enhance energy security. Mr. Eric Eschrich, student of ETIA17 was the event's lead organizer on behalf of the World Energy Council. Ms. Adelina Goriukova (ETIA18) as well as Mr. Lukas Barcherini Peter (ETIA17) were involved in on-site operations and actively contributed to the event's success. 

We are very pround of the contribution of our ETIA students and alumna to this event!