ACE News

Graduate celebration 2024: The new hopefuls of the real estate industry

Every year, not only Christmas season is coming at the end of the year, but there is also a festive graduation ceremony for the graduates of our Real Estate Economics and Property Management university course, and graduates of the MSc Sustainable Construction course also received their diplomas.

Graduates of ULG Immobilienwirtschaft und Liegenschaftsmanagement

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Graduates of MSc Nachhaltiges Bauen

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Graduates during the ceremonal entry I

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Graduates during the ceremonal entry II

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FH-Hon.Prof. Dr. Ernst Kreuzer (TU Graz) and Graduates

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Graduates showing their CEPI Certificate

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NHB Graduates with their Diplomas

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Prof. Dr. Stieldorf in conversation

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Festive final of the ceremony event

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This year, on December 3, the time had come again and in the dignified setting of the TU-the-Sky ballroom, course director Prof. Dr. Bob Martens presented the coveted diplomas, which the students had earned in 4 hardship-filled semesters.

This year's keynote speaker was Dr. Piotr Pyka, who, in addition to his lecturing activities, also works as a lawyer in the field of environment and sustainability (immoclimate Legal). In his speech, he gave an overview of the current challenges facing the industry and also emphasized the responsibility of the recent graduates, as future decision-makers in the real estate industry and in society, to contribute to finding answers to the various challenges.

Other guests included the Director of the Long Life Learning Institute at Graz University of Technology, FH-Hon.Prof. MMag. Dr. Ernst Kreuzer (Sustainable Building), as well as the course director of Sustainable Building from the TU Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Karin Stieldorf.

Finally, there were many congratulations from parents, relatives and friends, many photos and a joint toast to the new graduates.

Congratulations to our graduates from December 3, 2024:

ULG Immobilienwirtschaft und Liegenschaftsmanagement

Sarah Andrae

Felix Bergsmann-Rechberger

Anna Bogner

Nikolai Hadjiivanov

Diana Hauer

Markus Heftner

Bastian Janisch

Samra Junuzovic

Ivan Klaric

Denise Lauchard

Valentyna Lavryk

Dario Markowski

Stanislaus Rohr

Vincenz Rosam

Rosa Stepan

Nicolas Stiermayr

Karoline Szczepankiewicz

Sebastian Wiesinger


MSc Nachhaltiges Bauen Katharina Eckkrammer, BSc

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Sascha  Haiden

Arch. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hoppe

Leon Hutschenreuther, BEng

Stefanie Pistolnig, BSc

Sabrina Seebacher, BSc, MSc

Dominik Slad

Ing. Heribert Thanner

Marion Wallner, BSc