September 3-5, 2014
Vienna, Austria
The 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education brought together 388 participants from 36 countries on 3-5 September 2014 in Vienna. The conference in numbers: there were 42 parallel sessions with nearly 170 lectures, 39 posters, 3 keynotes and 2 panel discussions.
We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the conference with lectures, papers, posters, in panel discussions and workshops! It is your efforts that helped to make the conference exciting and interesting. We hope all participants also enjoyed the networking and social events, and left Vienna with new knowledge, inspirations and contacts!
Documentary videos from the 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education:
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Gender2014: Next Steps to Go
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Gender2014: Elizabeth Pollitzer
Achterberg Susanne, Dahmen Jennifer: How much gender equality policies fit into the university? A case study from Germany
Balahur Doina: Promoting “cooperation paradigm” for gendering the universities and science organizations. A built-in reflective practice model of real transformation to achieve gender equality in science
Bartosch Ilse: STEM Gender Bias in Austria: – the result of a segregated Educational Schooling System and an exclusive masculine STEM Culture?
Cidlinská Kateřina: Attrition from science – not only free choice, even in the Czech Republic
Costas Ilse, Michalczyk Stephanie, Camus Céline : Gender Effects of New Public Management on Subjectification: A Qualitative Analysis of German and French Academics
Erlemann Martina: Dynamics in the entanglements of gender cultures and disciplinary cultures in science as a key for gender equality: the case of the physical sciences
Hartung Barbara: Evaluation of Gender Research in Lower Saxony
Heller Rachelle S., Janezic Dusanka, Ursic Ivana: The Status of Slovenian Women in Science
Holzinger Florian, Reidl Sybille: Organizational Practices of Paternity Leave
Jansen-Schulz Bettina: “Integrative Gendering-Diversity” – A Strategy for Universities Structures, Teaching and Higher Education Didactics
Jeanrenaud Yves: “Integrative Gendering-Diversity” – A Strategy for Universities Structures, Teaching and Higher Education Didactics
Knoll Bente: Gender Studies at Engineering Faculties in Austria
Kunadt Susann: Family Friendliness at German Higher Education Institutions: About the Effectiveness of Strategies and Measures for the Reconciliation of Science and Care
Lassnigg Lorenz: Contribution: Quantitative Information about sex and gender issues in the Austrian National Education Report - overview and assessment
Mense Lisa, Wegrzyn Eva: Frustrating, but fruitful frictions
Mlakar Annemarie: The Effects of Gender Equality Management in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) - The Implementation of Gender& Diversity Controlling at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
Palm Kerstin: The role of science history for changing the self-image of science
Pastor Inma: Usefulness, difficulties and risks in gender plans of European and Latin American Higher Education Institutions
Pépin Anne, Collin Jeanne, Pontois Maria Teresa, Drew Eileen, Marshall Claire, Šidlauskienė Virginija, Jazdauskas Gintautas, Lipinsky Anke, Löther Andrea, Schäfer Maria: Fostering Gender Equality in Research Institutions through Transformational-Gender Action Plans
Pépin Anne, Laugier Sandra: The “Défi Genre” (Gender Challenge Programme) at CNRS
Ramsay Eleanor, McGregor Judy, McCarthy Dianne: New Zealand’s experiment: closing the gender gap in higher education leadership through cumulative cultural Change
Reidl Sybille: The challenges and potentials of gendered innovation projects: an interdisciplinary perspective – a field report
Schacherl Ingrid: Innovations on equal Treatment in Controlling Systems – Types of Gender Equality Management Systems
Scheich Elvira, Schiestl Leli: Diversity in the Cultures of Physics – A European Summer School Project for Women Physicists
Stout Rohrbauck Karen, Neem Johann, Graham Jim, Andrews Beth: Understanding (Under) Representation in a University Shared Governance System: Building the Future of an Equitable Institution
Thaler Anita, Hofstätter Birgit: Promoting women researchers’ careers. An evaluation of measures in life sciences and ICT.
Zwingenberger Anja: Admission Test for the First Year: Empirical Evidence from a European Business School
(Room: Ines Novella)
Chair: Birgit Buchinger
Rapporteur: Angelika Striedinger
Marjan Van Aerschot: Gender action plan KU Leuven: towards a cultural shift through integrated gender policy
Barbara Ehrenstorfer: Women in Academia at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria: Impressions, Developments and Perspectives
Meike Hilgemann: Gender Equality in the Gendered Institution of the German University: Female and Male Experiences, Oppositions and Contradictions on the Road to a Professorship
Alexandra Krüner: Evolution of guidelines for successful and sustainable female employees retention by gender management in companies of the German steel industry
Nicole Sagmeister: Strategies for achieving acceptance of gender mainstreaming at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Margarethe Hochleitner: How to get gender into Medical Universities
Margarethe Hochleitner: How can we support women’s careers in medicine?
Marion Habersack: Scientific Proficiency in the framework of Medical University Admission Tests
Alexandra Brazinova: Gender equality strategy at Trnava University
(Room: Cristina Alonso)
Chair: Regine Bendl
Rapporteur: Lisa Scheer
Karolina Lendák-Kabók: The road to success for Hungarian women in the Serbian higher education system
Doris Kiendl-Wendner: Training and Mentoring programmes to enhance gender equality and women empowerment in higher education institutions: An example of Latin American countries in the EQUALITY project
Silvana Badaloni: Gender Based Segregation in Education: New and Old Behaviors
Orsolya Kereszty: Gender Inequality and Social Science Careers – a snapshot from Hungary
Felizitas Sagebiel: Academic Women Leaders in STEM and their Potentials as Change Agents of Segregation
Yvette Huet: Growing Careers for Women and Minority Faculty: Mentoring at Multiple Career Stages.
Inma Pastor, Núria Serret, Paloma Pontón, Ana Rosa Ruiz: How to manage gender equality in HEI. A case study of 18 universities of Latin America
Anja Vervoorts: Precarious Working Conditions: Does Gender Really matter?
Gabriela Obexer-Ruff, Yvonne Jänchen: The two Swiss National Equal Opportunity at Universities and Universities of applied Sciences Programs 2013-2016
Room: Ines Novella
Chair: Elisabeth Günther
Rapporteur: Lisa Scheer
Idoia Muñoz: Communication Strategy in International R&D Projects: Integrating Gender Dimensions
Eva Álvarez: Building the gap between gender knowledge production and gender knowledge use: ‘Learning to Tweet’ experience
Miriam Damrow: Perceptions of Gender Equality from the inside
Elke Szalai: Intellectual Capital Report a tool to support gender issues in teachers training on the PH Burgenland
Rosario López Giménez: Integrating of Gender in Medical Education. A proposal from School of Medicine of Autonomus University of Madrid
Mario Conci: “The FESTA project at school”: a pilot study on students’ perception about gender and mathematics
Ilenia Picardi: Transforming academic culture for gender equality in research and innovation: the UNINA’s case study
Stefanie Leinfellner: Dual career families searching for keys to balance life and academic work – A case study at German universities
Yuwei Lin, Manuela Schmidt: A Gender-Informed Curriculum for Teaching Volunteered Geographic Information
Room: Cristina Alonso
Chair: Katrin Lasthofer
Rapporteur: TBA
Marion Habersack: Gender Gap in Medical University Admission Test
Claudia von der Linden: Change Management - From Affirmative Action to Cultural Change
Anne Pépin: GENDER-NET: Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research
Katerina Cidlinska: Mentoring program for secondary school female students with an interest in technical and natural sciences
Jörg Müller: GenPORT – An Internet Portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborate action on gender and science
Margarethe Hochleitner: Women doctors at Innsbruck Medical University, Austria. Does affirmative action for women help to break the glass ceiling?
Marion Habersack: Situational Judgment Test as an additional tool in a medical admission test
Angelika Hoffer-Pober: Mentoring in Higher Education: Medical Career Development as part of a gender-equal human resources development International Conference Mentoring in the Medical Sciences – a working group of Forum Mentoring e.V.
Anne Pépin: Project INTEGER: Driving Research Excellence through Transformational Gender Action Plans
Inés Novella: Gender in Science, Technology, Environment
Link to the Book of Abstracts
Link to the Conference Program
Impressions from the 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education:

credit: office for gendercompetence/TU Wien