
Limit on the Fierz Interference Term b from a Measurement of the Beta Asymmetry in Neutron Decay

In the standard model of particle physics, the weak interaction is described by vector and axial-vector couplings only.

Limit on the Fierz Interference Term b from a Measurement of the Beta Asymmetry in Neutron Decay

© Atominstitut

In the standard model of particle physics, the weak interaction is described by vector and axial-vector couplings only. Nonzero scalar or tensor interactions would imply an additional contribution to the differential decay rate of the neutron, the Fierz interference term. We derive a limit on this hypothetical term from a measurement using spin-polarized neutrons. This method is statistically less sensitive than the determination from the spectral shape but features much cleaner systematics. We obtain a limit of b=0.017(21) at 68.27% C.L., improving the previous best limit from neutron decay by a factor of four.

H. Saul, C. Roick, H. Abele, H. Mest, M. Klopf, A. K. Petukhov, T. Soldner, X. Wang, D. Werder, and B. Märkisch

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