Stellenausschreibung - Project Assistant (Post-Doc)

At the Institute of Management Science, the Research Group of Human-Machine-Interaction is offering a position as project assistant (post-doc), limited to 2 years for 40 hours/week. Expected start: July-September 2023

The mission of HMI is to design, develop and implement human-centred and assistive technologies for workers, increase their well-being, and address the negative impacts of the phenomenon of the aging workforce. HMI strives to achieve a better symbiosis between humans and automation and develops technology that helps workers rather than replaces them – our promise to society. As a unit focused on human-centred research, we use digital transformation in society to engage all stakeholders within the labour market and thus aim contribute to social sustainability.

You can find more information in the following document: Project Assistant (Post-Doc), öffnet eine Datei in einem neuen Fenster