- Austrian Showcase: Dr. Stefan Müller - Thermochemical conversion of biomass residues to green fuels, electricity and heat – download presentation
- TU Wien Event: New technology and innovation for decarbonisation and sustainability – download presentations (all-in-one-pdf)
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Roadmap to make Paris goals a reality:
-50% reduction of fossil CO2-emissionen every 10 years,
+100% increase of CO2-free energy supply every 5 years,
active removal of carbon dioxide from atmosphere.
(Rockström J. in: Science, Nr. 6331, 2017)
New technology and innovation contributing to decarbonisation and sustainability
- Paris-Goals demand: -50% reduction of fossil CO2-emissionen every 10 years,
+100% increase of CO2-free energy supply every 5 years - efficient utilisation of waste biomass is needed – and possible
- conversion of various input material into energy form needed
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window
or contact Dr. Stefan MÜLLER (TU Wien), opens an external URL in a new window
- utilises CO2 from biogas and H2 (from electrolysis with excess electricity) for production of “green methane”
- doubling of biomethane production possible per biogas plant
- dual use of membrane separation system for biogas and gas from the methanation
- moderate investment and operating costs Compliance with strict EU standards for the production of bio-methane
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
- energy efficient and safe transportation of H2
- using well established natural gas grids
- simple, safe, economical, and flexible H2 supply to decentralized hydrogen fuel stations and industries of the future
- up to 99,97% H2
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Michael HARASEK, opens an external URL in a new window
- new separation technique – cost and energy efficient
- supplies pure CO2 for industrial and agricultural use
- based on solid particles in multi-stage fluidized bed columns
- compact design and high efficiency at moderate costs
- demonstration at pilot scale: 1 tCO2/ day
Get more information here: Deutsch, opens an external URL in a new window
or contact Dr. Gerhard SCHÖNY (TU Wien), opens an external URL in a new window
- 1/3 of world energy consumption is needed by industry
- significant reductions due to innovative modelling, appropriate selection of components, and operational optimisation
- interdependence of technical systems – infrastructure – markets – technologies has to be considered
For more information contact Prof. Dr. René HOFMANN, opens an external URL in a new window
- utilising waste heat from 150°C to 400°C
- cost-effective materials – also for long-term storage over several months
- to prevent cold starts of combustion engines and avoid their emissions – for cars, lorries, ships, construction machinery, traction engines
- to utilise waste heat in heat-intensive manufacturing and processing industries and in the energy sector
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Andreas WERNER, opens an external URL in a new window
- flexible storage for volatile electrical energy from 0.5 to 15 MW
- system efficiency of 70–80%
- stabilisation of medium-voltage grids highly efficient and cost-effective
- stabilisation of medium-voltage grids highly efficient and cost-effective
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Eduard DOUJAK, opens an external URL in a new window
- large scale integration of decentralized generation and storage options
- secure, reliable and sustainable operation in normal as well as in emergency cases
- drastic reduction of the exchanged data - i.e. thus bypassing today’s ICT challenges
- smooth and modular implementation in existing power grids
- strong support to decarbonisation of the power industry
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Albana ILO, opens an external URL in a new window
- reliable process to remove H2S from gases containing methane and hydrogen
- highly efficient, dynamic, compact – for fluctuating sulphur content
- simple integration into existing systems, small construction volume
- use of simple and common chemicals
- moderate investment and operating costs
Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Michael HARASEK, opens an external URL in a new window
Austrian Showcase – Presentation: 4 Dec, 12.30
- Thermochemical conversion of biomass residues to green fuels,electricity and heat
Dr. Stefan Müller (TU Wien)
download presentation
TU Wien Event: 6 Dec, 10.00-12.00
- Innovations for energy systems in industry
Prof. Dr. René HOFMANN (TU Wien) - Innovations in green energy supply:
- Doubling the production of biogas plants by using surplus electricity
- Decentralized delivery of green hydrogen via gas networks
Simone Maria Spitzer (TU Wien) - Thermochemical conversion of biomass residues to green fuels, electricityand heat
Dr. Stefan Müller (TU Wien) (presented by Peter Heimerl) - More technologies and Know-how from TU Wien to reduce CO2-Emissions
Peter Heimerl (TU Wien) - Activities of companies towards sustainability and experience with systems for renewable energy supply
Moritz Bühner (Fritz Egger GmbH)
Carl W. Seitz (Kohlbach Energy Systems GmbH)
Abdullah Farag (M-U-T GmbH)
download presentations, opens a file in a new window (all-in-one-pdf)
Contribution to CCCA-Event: 6 Dec, 13.30-15.00
- Circular economy climate change migration
Lorenzo Rieg (Resources Innovation Center Leoben) - Achieving the Paris cllimate goals and thus growing the economy
Ina Meyer (Austrian Institute of Economic Research) - Sustainable buildings, construction products and technologies
Alexander Passer (Graz University of Technology) - Innovations for energy systems in industry
Prof. Dr. René Hofmann (TU Wien)
Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heimerl
Head of Research Marketing
TU Wien – Karlsplatz 13/E058-04, 1040 Wien, Austria
M: +43-664-605883320
T: +43-1-58801-406110
Weniger Kohlendioxid: Pilotanlage eröffnet Pilotanlage „ViennaGreenCO2“ zur Abscheidung von Kohlendioxid geht in Simmering in Betrieb, opens an external URL in a new window
(TU Wien News)
Pictures from COP24
Peter Heimerl
TU Wien – Research Marketing
Favoritenstr. 16/ DG/ E085-04, 1040 Vienna, Austria
M +43 664 605883320
T +43 1 58801 406110