Logo COP24 mit Standadresse


Roadmap to make Paris goals a reality:
-50% reduction of fossil CO2-emissionen every 10 years,
+100% increase of CO2-free energy supply every 5 years,
active removal of carbon dioxide from atmosphere.
(Rockström J. in: Science, Nr. 6331, 2017)

New technology and innovation contributing to decarbonisation and sustainability

COP24 - all inventions

picture of all exponates presented at COP24 by TU Wien

  • Paris-Goals demand: -50% reduction of fossil CO2-emissionen every 10 years,
    +100% increase of CO2-free energy supply every 5 years
  • efficient utilisation of waste biomass is needed – and possible
  • conversion of various input material into energy form needed

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window
or contact Dr. Stefan MÜLLER (TU Wien), opens an external URL in a new window

  • utilises CO2 from biogas and H2 (from electrolysis with excess electricity) for production of “green methane”
  • doubling of biomethane production possible per biogas plant
  • dual use of membrane separation system for biogas and gas from the methanation
  • moderate investment and operating costs Compliance with strict EU standards for the production of bio-methane

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window

  • energy efficient and safe transportation of H2
  • using well established natural gas grids
  • simple, safe, economical, and flexible H2 supply to decentralized hydrogen fuel stations and industries of the future
  • up to 99,97% H2

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Michael HARASEK, opens an external URL in a new window

  • new separation technique – cost and energy efficient
  • supplies pure CO2 for industrial and agricultural use
  • based on solid particles in multi-stage fluidized bed columns
  • compact design and high efficiency at moderate costs
  • demonstration at pilot scale: 1 tCO2/ day

Get more information here: Deutsch, opens an external URL in a new window
or contact Dr. Gerhard SCHÖNY (TU Wien), opens an external URL in a new window

  • 1/3 of world energy consumption is needed by industry
  • significant reductions due to innovative modelling, appropriate selection of components, and operational optimisation
  • interdependence of technical systems – infrastructure – markets – technologies has to be considered

For more information contact Prof. Dr. René HOFMANN, opens an external URL in a new window

  • utilising waste heat from 150°C to 400°C
  • cost-effective materials – also for long-term storage over several months
  • to prevent cold starts of combustion engines and avoid their emissions – for cars, lorries, ships, construction machinery, traction engines
  • to utilise waste heat in heat-intensive manufacturing and processing industries and in the energy sector

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Andreas WERNER, opens an external URL in a new window

  • flexible storage for volatile electrical energy from 0.5 to 15 MW
  • system efficiency of 70–80%
  • stabilisation of medium-voltage grids highly efficient and cost-effective
  • stabilisation of medium-voltage grids highly efficient and cost-effective

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Eduard DOUJAK, opens an external URL in a new window

  • large scale integration of decentralized generation and storage options
  • secure, reliable and sustainable operation in normal as well as in emergency cases
  • drastic reduction of the exchanged data - i.e. thus bypassing today’s ICT challenges
  • smooth and modular implementation in existing power grids
  • strong support to decarbonisation of the power industry

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Albana ILO, opens an external URL in a new window

  • reliable process to remove H2S from gases containing methane and hydrogen
  • highly efficient, dynamic, compact – for fluctuating sulphur content
  • simple integration into existing systems, small construction volume
  • use of simple and common chemicals
  • moderate investment and operating costs

Get more information here: English, opens a file in a new window || Deutsch, opens a file in a new window
or contact Prof. Dr. Michael HARASEK, opens an external URL in a new window


Austrian Showcase – Presentation: 4 Dec, 12.30

TU Wien Event: 6 Dec, 10.00-12.00

download presentations, opens a file in a new window (all-in-one-pdf)

Contribution to CCCA-Event: 6 Dec, 13.30-15.00


Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heimerl
Head of Research Marketing
TU Wien – Karlsplatz 13/E058-04, 1040 Wien, Austria
M: +43-664-605883320
T: +43-1-58801-406110

Pictures from COP24

The Austrian President Dr. Van der Bellen, two accompanists and some visitors at the Advantage Austria Stand
The Austrian President Dr. Van der Bellen (middle), two accompanists and some visitors at the Advantage Austria Stand
(from left to right) an exhibior, Julia Hofbauer laughing and taking a photo and Dr. Stefan Müller watching her smiling
Dr. Stefan Müller (left) talking to an exhibitor
Dr. Stefan Müller (TU Wien) infront of Flatscreen presenting "Biomass enabling green fuels, electricity and heat"
Dr. Stefan Müller (TU Wien) infront of Flatscreen presenting "Biomass enabling green fuels, electricity and heat", some people watching, listening to himlistening
an auditorium following a presentation at the Advantage Austria Stand
(from left to right) Dipl.-Ing. Peter Heimerl moderating, standing. four presenters sitting, watching him: Carl W. Seitz (Kohlbach Energy Systems GmbH), Moritz Bühner (Fritz Egger GmbH), Dr. Simone Spitzer (TU Wien), Prof. Dr. René Hofmann (TU Wien) - all in front of a big flat screen
(from left to right) Moritz Bühner (Fritz Egger GmbH) presenting, standing. two more presenters sitting, watching him: Dr. Simone Spitzer (TU Wien), Prof. Dr. René Hofmann (TU Wien) - all in front of a big flat screen


Peter Heimerl
TU Wien – Research Marketing
Favoritenstr. 16/ DG/ E085-04, 1040 Vienna, Austria
M +43 664 605883320
T +43 1 58801 406110