All science comes from lab

The ICBlab is an integrated chemical, biological laboratory. As part of the Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering at the TU Wien, we offer tests, measurements, analyzes and model development in various fields.

ICBlab mission

Through our offer, we support the development of sustainable technologies. Building on processes and cycles occuring in nature, we want to provide clean air, clean water, renewable resources, renewable energy and affordable medicine for the future, without affecting the natural processes of our environment negatively.

ICBlab offer

Through its comprehensive measurement and analysis capacity, the ICBlab provides a deep insight into fundamental scientific contexts. As an integrated chemical, biological laboratory, we deal with issues in the fields of mechanical engineering, process engineering, chemistry and biotechnology. We understand it as our core task to research sustainable technologies and to support their development. Our measuring and analysis devices enable an application-oriented Imagineering Nature in the following areas:

  • Akkreditiertes Prüflabor für Feuerungsanlagen
  • Partikelcharakterisierung
  • Charakterisierung von Nukleinsäuren
  • Mikrobielle Phänotypisierung und Proteinmessung
  • Prozesskontrolle Fermentation
  • Datenbank für industrielle Mikroorganismen
  • Naturstoffcharakterisierung
  • Strömungsanalyse und Charakterisierung